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What famous guitar player would fit in GnR and play lead, nailing every solo?


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I don't hate slash at all, he's one of my ten favorite guitarists for sure. And you are right he was essential to the classic sound. My point was if you put axl in his prime with any of the guitarists that I mentioned I bet they would have made some brilliant music.

Just try to imagine axl singing stariway to heaven or runnin' with the devil. It could of been better than the original. Or imagine david gilmour playing the solo to this I love, that would of been fucking epic. Robin finck who?

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No disrespect to the current band. That's not where I'm coming from. Honest to God. But maybe Zakk Wylde?

nobody. DJ Ashba already does this

Dj Ashaba is a clown. Not now not ever is Dj ever gonna achieve anything more or anything less than being a guitar player playing someone elses material in GNR. Hes good at what he does..its adequate for the role hes emmulating and that is playing some of Slashes material. In time, like BH and Fink- the realization will hit him that hes a tour guitarist in a cover band and that folks is as good as it will get for him in GNR.

DJ Ashba is more than a touring guitarist in GNR. and hopefully you'll see DJ is more on the next Guns record release.


Ashba will be all over the next albums.

I stated in 2009 when he joined the band he is the future of GNR.


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I don't dislike him at all, I think he is amazing. But he isn't one of the true guitar gods, he's one step below. Which isn't a bad thing, it just is what it is. The biggest difference in my mind is that slash needs help. Slash has never been in a band as the only guitarist (except maybe snake pit). Evh and jimmy page didn't need help writing great riffs, songs, solos, etc. Slash does. Even in his current band he has a rythm guitarist. Why? Page did it on his own, van halen did it on his own, and so on. Imo all the guys that play in 1 guitar bands are better guitarists than those that play in two.

Again I love slash's playing, he's absolutly one of my all time favs. But if you ask me who I would rather have as a lead guitarist in my dream band slash or the guys I mentioned, ill take the other guys. I just think they are overall better and more complete musicians than slash is.

But slash is my fav two guitar, guitar player. Better than angus or perry imo.

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Steve Stevens or Dave Navarro could've replaced Slash or Izzy 20 years ago, but it would've been along the lines of temporary "if Slash broke his hand" and had to sit part of the tour out. I think Slash getting fired on the verge of the UYI tour would've had huge backlash at the time.

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No disrespect to the current band. That's not where I'm coming from. Honest to God. But maybe Zakk Wylde?

nobody. DJ Ashba already does this

Dj Ashaba is a clown. Not now not ever is Dj ever gonna achieve anything more or anything less than being a guitar player playing someone elses material in GNR. Hes good at what he does..its adequate for the role hes emmulating and that is playing some of Slashes material. In time, like BH and Fink- the realization will hit him that hes a tour guitarist in a cover band and that folks is as good as it will get for him in GNR.

DJ Ashba is more than a touring guitarist in GNR. and hopefully you'll see DJ is more on the next Guns record release.


Ashba will be all over the next albums.

I stated in 2009 when he joined the band he is the future of GNR.


It's inevitable

Now that you bring that up, I think it'd have been as difficult to me to accept a GnR lineup without Axl as it was difficult for me to accept this lineup as GnR. While I do like Slash's solo stuff with Myles, I think he does no justice to Axl's material. His voice is good, but when I listen to the live version of SCOM or Civil War, I can't help shuddering.

I cringe and get a kink in my neck for a couple days when I her Myles signing GNR songs.

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No disrespect to the current band. That's not where I'm coming from. Honest to God. But maybe Zakk Wylde?

nobody. DJ Ashba already does this

Dj Ashaba is a clown. Not now not ever is Dj ever gonna achieve anything more or anything less than being a guitar player playing someone elses material in GNR. Hes good at what he does..its adequate for the role hes emmulating and that is playing some of Slashes material. In time, like BH and Fink- the realization will hit him that hes a tour guitarist in a cover band and that folks is as good as it will get for him in GNR.

DJ Ashba is more than a touring guitarist in GNR. and hopefully you'll see DJ is more on the next Guns record release.


Ashba will be all over the next albums.

I stated in 2009 when he joined the band he is the future of GNR.


It's inevitable

>Now that you bring that up, I think it'd have been as difficult to me to accept a GnR lineup without Axl as it was difficult for me to accept this lineup as GnR. While I do like Slash's solo stuff with Myles, I think he does no justice to Axl's material. His voice is good, but when I listen to the live version of SCOM or Civil War, I can't help shuddering.

I cringe and get a kink in my neck for a couple days when I her Myles signing GNR songs.

Axl's rasp is irreplaceable.

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Hey why all the hate to slash? He is imo a guitar god and please remember axl's the asshole not slash.

Every member (except steven) of the original band deserves blame. If they cared enough they would have either tried to make it work or tried to get the band back together. That sounds like a great job for either duff or izzy, but has never happened.

And let's remember slash fucking quit. You slash boys always seem to "over look" that fact. If your girlfriend breaks up with you is it your job to give the relationship another chance? No! The relationship can not begin again unless the girlfriend wants it to. Slash broke up with axl. If slash really wanted to get guns back together he could. If he talked with axl and actually tried, it would be possable. He only gave it a piss poor effort one night drunk off his ass. Slash has let me down as a gnr fan more than axl has, end of story.

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Hey why all the hate to slash? He is imo a guitar god and please remember axl's the asshole not slash.

Every member (except steven) of the original band deserves blame. If they cared enough they would have either tried to make it work or tried to get the band back together. That sounds like a great job for either duff or izzy, but has never happened.

And let's remember slash fucking quit. You slash boys always seem to "over look" that fact. If your girlfriend breaks up with you is it your job to give the relationship another chance? No! The relationship can not begin again unless the girlfriend wants it to. Slash broke up with axl. If slash really wanted to get guns back together he could. If he talked with axl and actually tried, it would be possable. He only gave it a piss poor effort one night drunk off his ass. Slash has let me down as a gnr fan more than axl has, end of story.

Yep. Slash turned his back on his friends, fans and bandmates.

Nobody likes quitters.

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Hey why all the hate to slash? He is imo a guitar god and please remember axl's the asshole not slash.

Every member (except steven) of the original band deserves blame. If they cared enough they would have either tried to make it work or tried to get the band back together. That sounds like a great job for either duff or izzy, but has never happened.

And let's remember slash fucking quit. You slash boys always seem to "over look" that fact. If your girlfriend breaks up with you is it your job to give the relationship another chance? No! The relationship can not begin again unless the girlfriend wants it to. Slash broke up with axl. If slash really wanted to get guns back together he could. If he talked with axl and actually tried, it would be possable. He only gave it a piss poor effort one night drunk off his ass. Slash has let me down as a gnr fan more than axl has, end of story.

Yep. Slash turned his back on his friends, fans and bandmates.

Nobody likes quitters.

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Hey why all the hate to slash? He is imo a guitar god and please remember axl's the asshole not slash.

Every member (except steven) of the original band deserves blame. If they cared enough they would have either tried to make it work or tried to get the band back together. That sounds like a great job for either duff or izzy, but has never happened.

And let's remember slash fucking quit. You slash boys always seem to "over look" that fact. If your girlfriend breaks up with you is it your job to give the relationship another chance? No! The relationship can not begin again unless the girlfriend wants it to. Slash broke up with axl. If slash really wanted to get guns back together he could. If he talked with axl and actually tried, it would be possable. He only gave it a piss poor effort one night drunk off his ass. Slash has let me down as a gnr fan more than axl has, end of story.

Yep. Slash turned his back on his friends, fans and bandmates.

Nobody likes quitters.

I think that 99% of this forum would like it if you quit.

You say GnR is better off without Slash.

You say that the current players are better than Slash.

So why would you be mad that he quit? Why would you bash him for that? Him quitting as given YOU your dream GnR line-up.

Sure, that line-up hasn't released ANY music. And without Slash, Axl has released one album in the last 20 years - as compared to four legendary albums in five years with Slash, including the music that your heroes make a living COVERING now every show.

Your illogical hatred towards Slash just continues to make you look foolish. Hating Slash does not make you a bigger Axl fan......it just makes you look like Warchild or Brainsaber.

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Hey why all the hate to slash? He is imo a guitar god and please remember axl's the asshole not slash.

Every member (except steven) of the original band deserves blame. If they cared enough they would have either tried to make it work or tried to get the band back together. That sounds like a great job for either duff or izzy, but has never happened.

And let's remember slash fucking quit. You slash boys always seem to "over look" that fact. If your girlfriend breaks up with you is it your job to give the relationship another chance? No! The relationship can not begin again unless the girlfriend wants it to. Slash broke up with axl. If slash really wanted to get guns back together he could. If he talked with axl and actually tried, it would be possable. He only gave it a piss poor effort one night drunk off his ass. Slash has let me down as a gnr fan more than axl has, end of story.

Yep. Slash turned his back on his friends, fans and bandmates.

Nobody likes quitters.

I think that 99% of this forum would like it if you quit.

You say GnR is better off without Slash.

You say that the current players are better than Slash.

So why would you be mad that he quit? Why would you bash him for that? Him quitting as given YOU your dream GnR line-up.

Sure, that line-up hasn't released ANY music. And without Slash, Axl has released one album in the last 20 years - as compared to four legendary albums in five years with Slash, including the music that your heroes make a living COVERING now every show.

Your illogical hatred towards Slash just continues to make you look foolish. Hating Slash does not make you a bigger Axl fan......it just makes you look like Warchild or Brainsaber.

Groghan stop getting upset over my opinions. It's not healthy.

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What a load of shit, so it's slash's fault? So he has to apologise to axl for what quitting which was his choice to make? It seems to me that the relationship had become untenable after years of axl seperating himself from the band, turning up late for gigs, stopping gigs halfway through and making them sign over the name of a band they all had equally created. Seems like general asshole behaviour to me but maybe im wrong. Before you think im an axl hater i am not nor pro slash, think those two are mixed in with other legendary lead singers and lead guitarists. I don't think i have to name others as i think u get who im referring to. I am simply just saying how i see it. To say slash has to go and make the first move to axl is wrong and just helping axl's crazy personality disorder.

Edited by Ryan95
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There are thousands and thousands of guitarists, both famous and amateur, who can play Slash's leads note for note. Bumby, Buckethead, DJ, Robin, they ALL played Slash's leads.

So yes, GNR can continue on as a cover band once the current crop of employees is fired or quits.

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that's why Ron, Richard and Darren could be fired today and no one would notice or give a crap. Axl would just come up after a year or two in vegas with three new guitar players. One Izzy look-a-like, one blues-y guitarist and one youtube shredder. Three guitar players, three good musicians, no one as good as Slash.

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Let me start by saying that Ilove slash, I wish he was still in the band. I wish duff and izzy were here also. I never said that I hate slash. I just see that he played a role in the classic line up undueing. I never said axl's innocent either. I blame both of those egotistical assholes. And let's not forget that slash has quite the massive ego as well. I also blame duff and izzy for not at least trying to fix this shit so us fans can at least get one reunion show or something? If you want to blame axl for "most" of this bullshit then that's fine, I don't give two shits. I'm just saying slash has a lot to do with this also. I am not a slash hater, I like everything he's done since he quit. But I do get more pissed off when I hear myles sing axl than I do when I see ashba and bumblefoot.

You can still like newgnr and not be a slash hater

You can still like slash's band and not be an axl hater

I have my own opinions and I don't conform to this idea you have to pick sides. How's this for an idea, I hate both of them equally for how it all ended, but I loved both of them when they were together.

Fuck the world!

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Hey why all the hate to slash? He is imo a guitar god and please remember axl's the asshole not slash.

Every member (except steven) of the original band deserves blame. If they cared enough they would have either tried to make it work or tried to get the band back together. That sounds like a great job for either duff or izzy, but has never happened.

And let's remember slash fucking quit. You slash boys always seem to "over look" that fact. If your girlfriend breaks up with you is it your job to give the relationship another chance? No! The relationship can not begin again unless the girlfriend wants it to. Slash broke up with axl. If slash really wanted to get guns back together he could. If he talked with axl and actually tried, it would be possable. He only gave it a piss poor effort one night drunk off his ass. Slash has let me down as a gnr fan more than axl has, end of story.

Yep. Slash turned his back on his friends, fans and bandmates.

Nobody likes quitters.

I think that 99% of this forum would like it if you quit.

You say GnR is better off without Slash.

You say that the current players are better than Slash.

So why would you be mad that he quit? Why would you bash him for that? Him quitting as given YOU your dream GnR line-up.

Sure, that line-up hasn't released ANY music. And without Slash, Axl has released one album in the last 20 years - as compared to four legendary albums in five years with Slash, including the music that your heroes make a living COVERING now every show.

Your illogical hatred towards Slash just continues to make you look foolish. Hating Slash does not make you a bigger Axl fan......it just makes you look like Warchild or Brainsaber.

Groghan stop getting upset over my opinions. It's not healthy.

Getting upset? This is a forum, kid. A forum is a place where people come to chat about a common interest. Responding to somebody on a forum doesn't mean you are upset, it means you are following the normal procedure that people do on forums.

Not only do you not know what the word cupcake means, but you clearly are confused about the purpose of a forum.

I do get a chuckle though from your responses to people. You never are able to address the points people make, or make any real points yourself. All your responses are "axl is God. DJ rules. Slash sucks" and then you insult the other people in the discussion.

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Hey why all the hate to slash? He is imo a guitar god and please remember axl's the asshole not slash.

Every member (except steven) of the original band deserves blame. If they cared enough they would have either tried to make it work or tried to get the band back together. That sounds like a great job for either duff or izzy, but has never happened.

And let's remember slash fucking quit. You slash boys always seem to "over look" that fact. If your girlfriend breaks up with you is it your job to give the relationship another chance? No! The relationship can not begin again unless the girlfriend wants it to. Slash broke up with axl. If slash really wanted to get guns back together he could. If he talked with axl and actually tried, it would be possable. He only gave it a piss poor effort one night drunk off his ass. Slash has let me down as a gnr fan more than axl has, end of story.

Yep. Slash turned his back on his friends, fans and bandmates.

Nobody likes quitters.

I think that 99% of this forum would like it if you quit.

You say GnR is better off without Slash.

You say that the current players are better than Slash.

So why would you be mad that he quit? Why would you bash him for that? Him quitting as given YOU your dream GnR line-up.

Sure, that line-up hasn't released ANY music. And without Slash, Axl has released one album in the last 20 years - as compared to four legendary albums in five years with Slash, including the music that your heroes make a living COVERING now every show.

Your illogical hatred towards Slash just continues to make you look foolish. Hating Slash does not make you a bigger Axl fan......it just makes you look like Warchild or Brainsaber.

Groghan stop getting upset over my opinions. It's not healthy.
To be fair what you posted was not really an opinion but more just faulty and one sided rhetoric
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