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Can someone please explain to me Black/Death Metal?!


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What the fuck is this shit about? Seriously. All I see are the most ridiculous band pictures I've ever seen in my whole life, the most pathetic videos etc...

I decided to give a "good Black Metal album" a listen, to, you know... Maybe see if I was wrong. I tried to listen to Mayhem's De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas and it's the worst shit I've ever heard in my whole life. Just a bunch of guttural indistinguishable roars accompanied by a machine-gun beat and a terrible guitar trying - and ridiculously failing - to make some interesting riffs.

Seriously, I understand that for all kind of music there are people to enjoy it, and even on the worst genres - in my opinion - there are things that you can identify as kind of good and as of the reason for people to like it. But Black Metal - or Death Metal, what's the difference anyway? - is just pure garabe, in every possible aspect. How can anyone like that shit?!

Edited by ManetsBR
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Guest Len B'stard

A load of fuckin' Sword and Sorcery fantasy nerds that realised that if you take the whole thing far enough into the darker aspects then you'll be too scary to bully :lol:

I'm just messing about, more power to em, whys it any less silly than black men is baseball caps waving their hands about whilst rhyming words or Mick Jagger preening and pouting like some sort of 70s stereotype of a homosexual or whiteboys with funny coloured hair playing two chords really fast like they're masturbating furiously, barking lyrics that no one can understand, its good to see the funny side in all of if really.

Its all pretty ridiculous through the right ( or wrong ) eyes.

You don't know the difference between the specific sub-sections cuz it ain't your thing, it's like whats the difference between blues rock and hard rock? Whats the difference between New Wave and Pop Rock? Whats the difference between hardcore punk and thrash metal? *restrains himself from writing an essay on that one* :lol:

You're sort of asking a question with your mind already made up.

Edited by sugaraylen
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Guest Len B'stard

Do you not think Guns n Roses are slightly ridiculous? Axl and his cycling shorts and kilts and string-vests and that...? And all the make up in the early days?

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Oh, camon... In what concerns music, Guns N' Roses, Rolling Stones or any other rock band among that same style is much more music than THIS:

This is the worst thing my ears ever heard. I mean, let's suppose a person that is not a Rolling Stones listens to Beast Of Burden. It may not be her favorite genre, but I just don't see it how that kind of music couldn't be, at least in a minimal level, pleasent.

Edited by ManetsBR
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i went to Napalm Death gig once (i used to like them when i was in high school), in 10 minutes i ended up running away in panic because some crazy fan bit me on the leg (i was wearing a mini skirt)

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Guest Len B'stard

Oh, camon... In what concerns music, Guns N' Roses, Rolling Stones or any other rock band among that same style is much more music than THIS:

This is the worst thing my ears ever heard. I mean, let's suppose a person that is not a Rolling Stones listens to Beast Of Burden. It may not be her favorite genre, but I just don't see it how that kind of music couldn't be, at least in a minimal level, pleasent.

I'm sure it much more musical but at the same time, the aspects of ridiculousness that you are zeroing in on in your assessment are present in other forms of music also is what i was trying to say. And is it a lot more musical? Depends on your standards really, doesn't it? Rock n Roll is not actually known necessarily for being highly musical or melodic, least of all good time Rock n Roll by The Stones, it's not exactly Segovia or classical, is it? Like i say, it depends on your standards or basis for assessment.

It's important i think to not get all high and mighty about this stuff is all i'm trying to say, especially when your area of preference is essentially a form of music that was lampooned on it's inception for being very un-musical and dense.

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Satyricon - Now, Diabolical is a great fucking album, maybe the only album in the genre that I've ever liked. Last song of the album features horn arrangements.

From Wikipedia:

AllMusic wrote of the album's style: "Satyricon still get a lot of flack every time a new album is released that doesn't conform to the outdated, rustic-necro-kvlt brand of Norwegian black metal they played in the early '90s (alongside Darkthrone, Ulver, Enslaved, etc.) Their sixth full album, Now, Diabolical is no exception, and it hardly out-shocks its similarly unconventional predecessor, 2002's Volcano; [it] just brings the band's present mentality of addition by subtraction to its next logical step",[1] describing, "[...] cuts like 'A New Enemy', 'That Darkness Shall Be Eternal' and the title track find the core duo of Satyr and Frost seeking simplicity above all else; consistently shunning complicated arrangements and overbearing displays of musicianship to exercise an almost industrial sense of discipline whilst executing their hypnotic riffs, sinister melodies and static tempos."[1]

Blabbermouth.net opined, "Songs like the title track and "K.I.N.G." are all about the aforementioned groove. The driving rhythms and Satyr's vocal patterns are downright catchy. This is not about virtuosity or esoteric displays to prove an underground credibility. It is about hard driving tempos and head banging with a snarl on your face."[3]

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I hate the voices in Black Metal, but I dig the evil riffs etc. Really like to listen to some Burzum too once in a while, but I can't stand the lead vocals for the most part.

Pretty much this. I love the guitar work, but the guttural vocals usually ruin it for me.

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Maybe ease yourself in with some Melodic Death/Black? I tried that a few years ago and found myself getting stuck in it... With these guys becoming my most-listened to artists of all time. This album was written and released as the singer was overcoming clinical depression so a lot of the lyrics on here focus on that rather than "swords and sorcery bullshit" or any of that Satanist rubbish... It kinda provides a reason for the guttural vocals as it's a human being going through a pretty dark experience and recording their feelings at the time, mainly fear, anger, regret, loneliness. It's kind of inspiring rather than depressing though, because it feels like he's shouting out against it rather than just wallowing in it. It's definitely an album I listen to when I feel down. Also, musically it's exquisitely beautiful in places.

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It's just horrible. It's ridiculous. What's cool about the HORRIBLE quality, ridiculous same-old-same riffs and the generic singer that could've been the same guy in 80% of black/death metal bands? It's horrible. Now tell me what's more badass? Bunch of dudes who play Dungeons and Dragons on their spare time and sing about Satan or Lemmy? :shrugs:

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Saying all death/black metal bands sing about sorcery and satanic worship is like saying every rock group sings about sex and drugs.

Someone comes up to you and says GNR only sings about sex and drugs. How do you react?

It's a ridiculous generalization based purely on the fact that you don't like the genre. I understand not liking it, but don't give me the retarded generalizations.

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Saying all death/black metal bands sing about sorcery and satanic worship is like saying every rock group sings about sex and drugs.

Someone comes up to you and says GNR only sings about sex and drugs. How do you react?

It's a ridiculous generalization based purely on the fact that you don't like the genre. I understand not liking it, but don't give me the retarded generalizations.

OK, introduce me to some good Black Metal then, please.

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Saying all death/black metal bands sing about sorcery and satanic worship is like saying every rock group sings about sex and drugs.

Someone comes up to you and says GNR only sings about sex and drugs. How do you react?

It's a ridiculous generalization based purely on the fact that you don't like the genre. I understand not liking it, but don't give me the retarded generalizations.

OK, introduce me to some good Black Metal then, please.

Have you listened to the suggestions posted here already? Fair play if you didn't enjoy either of them but it would be good if you could give a bit of feedback about what you didn't like specifically? I think people have gone out of their way to find examples of music in the genre which aren't guilty of the criticisms you're raising against it so far.

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It's an incredibly abrasive type of music. Most people aren't going to like it. Some do. There's nothing to "get" about music. You either like it or you don't. It's not like there's some kind of mathematical equation to figure out before it makes sense in your head.

Anyway, if you jumped straight into black metal without first getting your feet wet with some of the less abrasive forms of extreme metal, it'd be a miracle if you did like it. Black metal is as inaccessible as you can get.

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You know, I didn't start listening to black metal until a couple of years ago. I guess you need an album or a band that'll get you into the genre, since it is very different from the stuff you're probably used to.

Even though they are considered by many to be a joke now, Cradle of filth's Dusk and her embrace is a masterpiece. Some black metal purists, of which there are way too fucking many, will tell you that Cradle of Filth has never been black metal, but a lot of people consider that particular album to fit in that genre. It was the first black metal album I ever listened to and it is an acquired taste. It took me a couple of listens, 4 to be precise, to get what they were trying to do with their sound and music. Now, I consider it to be one of the best albums I've ever listened to.

Check it out. And give it a couple of listens. Try to understand where they're coming from.

And you know, I do not like that Mayhem album either. It's considered by many to be a classic, but I think it fucking sucks. So you're not alone. Listen to Dark Funeral's The Secret of the Black Arts and to Gorgoroth's Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam and to Immortal's Blizzard Beasts

I've been laughed at by so called black metal experts for saying I like Cradle of FIlth. Well, I cannot help it. It was the first extreme metal band I ever listened to. Upon first listen, their Dusk and her embrace will sound messy and random. It'll sound like people torturing cats and their instruments. But like I said, try to understand where they're coming from and their lyrical themes.

Listen to this, for instance. There's beauty in ugliness too. And like in any other genre out there, there are good bands and bad bands.


And as for death metal... man, if you're not into death metal, you are missing out big time. there are wonderful bands out there for you to listen to and enjoy. Dude, do yourself a favor and listen to these albums:

Kreator - Extreme Aggression and Enemy of God.

I mean, if you love metal, how can you not like this song?

Just listen to it. It fucking rules !!!


Obituary - Cause of Death and The End Complete

and this masterpiece: Death - Spiritual healing

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i went to Napalm Death gig once (i used to like them when i was in high school), in 10 minutes i ended up running away in panic because some crazy fan bit me on the leg (i was wearing a mini skirt)

Now that's funny. If you weren't hurt of course.

I was watching a Lamb of God video, it looked like it was from a DvD. I started watching cause of the intensity of the crowd, but as soon as the dude started singing, it just killed it for me. I do appreciate the skill of the musicians in those bands. Some of them are insanely talented. I think what kills it for me is the singing and the over the top outfits. Yes, I hate KISS.

I do see why people are drawn to it though, its very intense.

Edited by T.wa.T
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i went to Napalm Death gig once (i used to like them when i was in high school), in 10 minutes i ended up running away in panic because some crazy fan bit me on the leg (i was wearing a mini skirt)

Now that's funny. If you weren't hurt of course.

I was watching a Lamb of God video, it looked like it was from a DvD. I started watching cause of the intensity of the crowd, but as soon as the dude started singing, it just killed it for me. I do appreciate the skill of the musicians in those bands. Some of them are insanely talented. I think what kills it for me is the singing and the over the top outfits. Yes, I hate KISS.

I do see why people are drawn to it though, its very intense.

wasn't hurt just a bit scared. it was probably my mistake to wear a mini skirt to the place with so much testosteron :rofl-lol:

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