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What are you watching? a.k.a. Film Thread v 2.0

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Guest Len B'stard

Saw an unintentionally hilairious film last night, Cyber Seduction. It's done by an American channel called lifetime which i believe caters to puritanical middle aged middle class suburban American housewives and it's basically about this young boy who watches porn on the internet, a good christian boy with a good christian girlfriend who are holding out til 'the right time' before they have sex, he's also a high school swimming champion etc. Anyway, he gets addicted to internet porn (honestly, you got better on the playboy channel in the 90s than he was watching) and it ruins his life and he can't swim and can't take life seriously and he looks at tits and arse everywhere he goes and honestly, it was just a laugh riot, sort of like a 90s porn centred Reefer Maddness. Seriously, we take the piss out of people in the 50s for being that fuckin' clueless to take that film seriously, this was just as fuckin' bad, it even ended with like a public safety warning regarding the internet and ease of access to porn and 'WON'T SOMEBODY PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!'. Absolute belter of a film!

In the end he agrees to go to church and pray with his girlfriend and all is well :lol:


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Man of Steel sucked dick. It was really bad. I dont say it often but it was awful. Wolverine was good. These damn superhero movies. I cant not watch them.

I thought it was a laugh until the last half an hour or so which just put me to sleep.

Wilde - Stephen Fry, amazing

I'd happily watch Stephen Fry presenting a ten hour documentary on Victorian era lamp posts. Big old fat poofter that he is! :lol:

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Guest Len B'stard

Man of Steel sucked dick. It was really bad. I dont say it often but it was awful. Wolverine was good. These damn superhero movies. I cant not watch them.

I thought it was a laugh until the last half an hour or so which just put me to sleep.

Wilde - Stephen Fry, amazing

I'd happily watch Stephen Fry presenting a ten hour documentary on Victorian era lamp posts. Big old fat poofter that he is! :lol:

Love him to bits, he's one of those people whoose just enthralling even to just listen to. I could watch interviews by him endlessly, he's one of the last great characters/talkers of Britain, like those old chat show stalwarts who like...made an art of talking. And luckily for me he does documentaries by the barrel-load.

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Man of Steel sucked dick. It was really bad. I dont say it often but it was awful. Wolverine was good. These damn superhero movies. I cant not watch them.

I thought it was a laugh until the last half an hour or so which just put me to sleep.

Wilde - Stephen Fry, amazing

I'd happily watch Stephen Fry presenting a ten hour documentary on Victorian era lamp posts. Big old fat poofter that he is! :lol:
I stopped the movie bcos I thought i had the wrong one after 5 minutes. But it was ok but there was these long kypton parts of talking. I couldnt work out who the bad guy was or what mission was. It was just too complicated for my dumb ass. Just fly around in cape and save the day.
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I'll be watching Das Boot, Enemy at the Gates and Downfall tonight!

I watched Empire of the Sun and Saving Private Ryan last night. Both beautiful films, but the latter was really fuckin' great. Tom Hanks was absolutely great in it.

Das Boot and Downfall were great. Wasn't a fan of Enemy at the Gates

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Before Midnight. Julie Delphy gone beat anorexia. It was kind of weird when I saw the first one I identified with the Etham hawke, now I just wanted him dipped in steak sauce and attacked by rabid dogs.

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Bad Grandpa wasn't very good.

Before Midnight. Julie Delphy gone beat anorexia. It was kind of weird when I saw the first one I identified with the Etham hawke, now I just wanted him dipped in steak sauce and attacked by rabid dogs.

I gotta see that, the first two were great.

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Does anyone remember the name of a movie from the 50s or so, set in a Camelot kind of England where the fight at the end is between the good-guy and the villain in a church bell tower and they fight on the bell ropes with axes?

*sorry for the terrible sentence!

For anyone interested, the film that I was trying to name was "Quentin Durward" with Robert Taylor and Kay Kendall.


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Guest Len B'stard


A total love letter rather than a documentary, but she fucking deserves it. Super awesome.

Le Tigre were sick :)

On topic:

Saw a really naff film called Deadly Whispers or something, starring Tony Danza and Pamela Reed...about this couple of Virgnia whoose daughter goes missing. Watching Tony Danza trying to do a Virginia accent was worth it alone :lol:

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