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The Self-Entitlement Era

Randy Jesus

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This is the era where internet fans of Guns N' Roses are becoming extremely self-entitled. They think that it is their right to know every little thing about the business surrounding the Band and every little personal thing about each member. There is a growing number of fans that believe they are entitled to a new album and are not being rational about it. They want it all and they want it now. They don't appreciate the work that goes into the art and tend to complain about the final result because it doesn't fit the picture they painted in their own heads. Axl and the rest of Guns N' Roses owe us nothing. We don't need to know about their personal life, who we to criticize? Take a look in the mirror people. Guns N' Roses play great music on tour and gives us a way to escape our crappy little lives seeing the concert or listening to a previous released album People here are just being highly unreasonable.

As a fan base, we have been lucky to have had the contact with people surrounding the band and band members. We thank them all. But do we really need to tear them down, probe into their personal lives, and make hurtful comments?

I personal stopped making serious post years ago, because the antics on these online communities became nothing but a joke. When I do post, it is usually tongue and cheek. However this crap needs to end.

During the years leading up to Chinese Democracy, fans had the right to be frustrated because their was an album promised and never came. There has been no album promised by anyone, including management. We have heard about them possibly working on one which could possible be out next year. Nothing is set in stone, nothing. We are not entitled to a new album.

It is your decision whether you want to go to a show and have a good time or sit on a message board and complain about a set list to a show that you didn't even see. I personally would love to go, but financially I couldn't at the moment, I make best with what I have. When they stream live, I always try to buy it because it is enjoyable and the next best thing to being there. I have no complaints. I like to read peoples opinions who actually attend, I don't feel entitled to a new song or set list every night. I enjoy each person's point of view when it comes to constructive conversation.

The nomination for the Sycophant Of The Year Award goes to you Randy Jesus for your self-seeking servile flattery and fawning parasitism that know no limits. There is nothing irrational that fans want to hear more than one album from Axl in over twenty years when we are the ones who have provided him the opportunity of a luxurious lifestyle he takes for granted, forgetting to show us gratitude in the meantime. There is a difference between a legal obligation and a moral one based on ethical principles. Playing a setlist comprising primarily of songs of a band that these guys have nothing to do with is nothing to boast about. It doesn't sound right and it doesn't feel right. Many people who have attended the shows have reached the end of their money's worth and are beginning to question the value in purchasing a ticket to see a rehash of what has already been done before, only in an ever-declining vocal performance and lack of conviction on Axl's part. Your definition of constructive is narrow-minded because it entails that anything outside of praising Axl for whatever he does, including constructive criticism and the request for new music, is somehow unreasonable and ungrateful. We are here on this board to express our views, our opinions and our wishes regarding this band so if you can't accept the fact that the majority of us want new music and a greater effort on Axl's part regarding live performances, then this message board is not for you.

Edited by Screamin' Demon
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The thing is that the label doesn't even seem interested in actually having another Axl Rose Cd out...after the flop that was Chinese Democracy.

But let me get this right... self entitlement is feeling that GNR should act like a normal band?! I don't get where's the self entitled thought here.

Edited by AndreCC
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Again, this is the insanity of it all: Axl treats his hardcore fans as meaningless. He doesn't put two and two together that the hardcore fans (the ones on the message boards) ARE the ones who would be most likely to spend money on new music, shows, and merch.

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Bottom line, I don't feel entitled, I feel let down.

This should be the takeaway from the thread.

Don't confuse entitlement with wanting something to actually happen. People around here are part of a rapidly shrinking number of people that actually care what happens next with the band, and for that they get chastised by the housekeeper/manager.

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This is the era where internet fans of Guns N' Roses are becoming extremely self-entitled. They think that it is their right to know every little thing about the business surrounding the Band and every little personal thing about each member. There is a growing number of fans that believe they are entitled to a new album and are not being rational about it. They want it all and they want it now. They don't appreciate the work that goes into the art and tend to complain about the final result because it doesn't fit the picture they painted in their own heads. Axl and the rest of Guns N' Roses owe us nothing. We don't need to know about their personal life, who we to criticize? Take a look in the mirror people. Guns N' Roses play great music on tour and gives us a way to escape our crappy little lives seeing the concert or listening to a previous released album People here are just being highly unreasonable.

As a fan base, we have been lucky to have had the contact with people surrounding the band and band members. We thank them all. But do we really need to tear them down, probe into their personal lives, and make hurtful comments?

I personal stopped making serious post years ago, because the antics on these online communities became nothing but a joke. When I do post, it is usually tongue and cheek. However this crap needs to end.

During the years leading up to Chinese Democracy, fans had the right to be frustrated because their was an album promised and never came. There has been no album promised by anyone, including management. We have heard about them possibly working on one which could possible be out next year. Nothing is set in stone, nothing. We are not entitled to a new album.

It is your decision whether you want to go to a show and have a good time or sit on a message board and complain about a set list to a show that you didn't even see. I personally would love to go, but financially I couldn't at the moment, I make best with what I have. When they stream live, I always try to buy it because it is enjoyable and the next best thing to being there. I have no complaints. I like to read peoples opinions who actually attend, I don't feel entitled to a new song or set list every night. I enjoy each person's point of view when it comes to constructive conversation.

Honestly dude, you can take these sentiments and blow them right out your ass. I've been here too long, and seen too much bullshit rain down on GNR fans over the years to take literally one word you've said here seriously. Just go away.

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I think the only way an Axl record will actually be desired is if he waits 10 years between albums and gets advertisers like Dr. Pepper and Best Buy to actually challenge him to release it, and even paying good money for it.

That's probably what he wants anyway...

And after the flop that CD was that's the only way he's gonna have people interested again...

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This is the era where internet fans of Guns N' Roses are becoming extremely self-entitled. They think that it is their right to know every little thing about the business surrounding the Band and every little personal thing about each member. There is a growing number of fans that believe they are entitled to a new album and are not being rational about it. They want it all and they want it now. They don't appreciate the work that goes into the art and tend to complain about the final result because it doesn't fit the picture they painted in their own heads. Axl and the rest of Guns N' Roses owe us nothing. We don't need to know about their personal life, who we to criticize? Take a look in the mirror people. Guns N' Roses play great music on tour and gives us a way to escape our crappy little lives seeing the concert or listening to a previous released album People here are just being highly unreasonable.

As a fan base, we have been lucky to have had the contact with people surrounding the band and band members. We thank them all. But do we really need to tear them down, probe into their personal lives, and make hurtful comments?

I personal stopped making serious post years ago, because the antics on these online communities became nothing but a joke. When I do post, it is usually tongue and cheek. However this crap needs to end.

During the years leading up to Chinese Democracy, fans had the right to be frustrated because their was an album promised and never came. There has been no album promised by anyone, including management. We have heard about them possibly working on one which could possible be out next year. Nothing is set in stone, nothing. We are not entitled to a new album.

It is your decision whether you want to go to a show and have a good time or sit on a message board and complain about a set list to a show that you didn't even see. I personally would love to go, but financially I couldn't at the moment, I make best with what I have. When they stream live, I always try to buy it because it is enjoyable and the next best thing to being there. I have no complaints. I like to read peoples opinions who actually attend, I don't feel entitled to a new song or set list every night. I enjoy each person's point of view when it comes to constructive conversation.

What a joke of a post.

Almost everything you say in your post is wrong and ridiculous.

I almost feel sorry for you as a human.

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4 years since CD and we have mass hysteria and it's not even the 23rd of November.

Wow, almost 5 years already!

well, I'm not real good with dates. I would say it came out late 09. So let's count 10, 11, 12, and we are closing in on 13. Thats' 1,2,3,4 years. 4.

So we're not really at crisis point yet. bands like Metallica, ACDC, U2 I can see them putting out new music before GNR.

It would be a cool if it happened this year though. CD II. But 2014 has always looked good to me.

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This November it will be 5 years. Five fucking years to release songs that were basically done back then.

Your rights 5 years.

I think Axl sounded like he would have put out a double cd but the label didnt want it.

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This November it will be 5 years. Five fucking years to release songs that were basically done back then.

Your rights 5 years.

I think Axl sounded like he would have put out a double cd but the label didnt want it.

A record label will always want to publish a Guns N' Roses album. I forget the exact number, but something like 80-85 percent of all albums released today fail to make money. It's bands like Guns N' Roses who make money for labels. Now, they may not want to agree with Axl's terms, but you're dreaming if you think it's the label who has no interest in releasing a product that actually makes them money. If it were truly the label blocking the next album Axl would be in his right to file litigation claiming breach of contract and thus have it scrapped (granted, for all we know, this may very well be happening, but you would think such a situation would have leaked to the press).

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This November it will be 5 years. Five fucking years to release songs that were basically done back then.

Your rights 5 years.

I think Axl sounded like he would have put out a double cd but the label didnt want it.

A record label will always want to publish a Guns N' Roses album. I forget the exact number, but something like 80-85 percent of all albums released today fail to make money. It's bands like Guns N' Roses who make money for labels. Now, they may not want to agree with Axl's terms, but you're dreaming if you think it's the label who has no interest in releasing a product that actually makes them money. If it were truly the label blocking the next album Axl would be in his right to file litigation claiming breach of contract and thus have it scrapped (granted, for all we know, this may very well be happening, but you would think such a situation would have leaked to the press).

I think the label may have said don't give Best buy the 2 cds (they only want 14 songs), keep one back for us. they may even want to be clear of CD before they put it out. Or Axl is holding back because he's not ready or he's not that excited about making money for the label, touring is where Axl and TB make money. So maybe so far going into the studio to try and make another album or go out on tour, have fun, make money. Tour was more attractive, considering all the time that went into CD. But eventually the time will come. And maybe they already have material very close to being ready. Maybe Axl thinks he can hold out for more promo budget. the label will make 30 mil off CD II, Axl might want some some money to finish it off or make a video.

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@ Wasted

The common denominator I'm seeing in your post is Axl causing the hold up. Axl at some point may have wanted to release a double album, but it really isn't up to him. If he turned in 28 songs that would make up a double album, the label could just as easily cut it down to 14 and release one album. If Axl isn't happy with that and is holding up the release until he gets what he wants, then it's not really the label holding up another album. I have a hard time believing that Universal is contractually obligated to distribute a double album.

Edited by downzy
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@ Wasted

The common denominator I'm seeing in your post is Axl causing the hold up. Axl at some point may have wanted to release a double album, but it really isn't up to him. If he turned in 28 songs that would make up a double album, the label could just as easily cut it down to 14 and release one album. If Axl isn't happy with that and is holding up the release until he gets what he wants, then it's not really the label holding up another album. I have a hard time believing that Universal is contractually obligated to distribute a double album.

I think it's more likely that the label said only give them 14 songs or that's all Best Buy wanted. There seems to have been a counter part to CD, whether it's CD II, which Ron alluded to, or called something else. But at the time the label/best buy didn't want to put it out. That's entirely up to them. After that Axl seemed to give up "don't know, don't care". I'm not sure about the 2010 album that was rejected, whether that is true, or what it was. The only thing we've heard about it is the deal with the label thing. I think we might be closer than we think.

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