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Izzy Q&A (Posted on Paradise City)

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Sued for WHAT?!

imitating izzy lol idk what the actual terminology would be... defamation of character maybe ? im sure theres a law against it though... you think if slashs team were to post a fake axl interview online, there wouldnt be any legal actions as a result ?

i dont think tb would stoop that low tbh... and even if they did... i dont think theyd include a part about "fat axl" - just dont see that happening

I read back in January that impersonating someone online would a criminal offense in several states, including New York, Texas and California. So, there are legal issues at play, just not civil ones.

While this interview may be fake, there is zero reason to believe that GN'R's management team is behind it.


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GN'R's facebook page linked it. It also sounds like them.

That doesn't mean they fabricated it. It could've been fabricated by any one of a number of cupcakes. Mistakenly taking it as true does not equate to complicity in fabricating it. I've seen other posters also post links to the Q&A on the various message boards. Does that necessarily mean these posters fabricated the Q&A as opposed to mistakenly thinking it was true?


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The suggestion that this was done by Team Brazil is completely absurd. It's either Izzy, or an impersonator. It sounds like "izzysarmy" is an approved online contact for the reclusive Mr. Stradlin though, which is why it's believed to be real.

For people saying it "doesn't sound" like Izzy, what the hell does that even mean? He does very few interviews, but the short answers do sound like his reply style to me. If it's real he's definitely very pro-Axl these days, pretty cool that they have gotten past their differences and talk on a regular basis.

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Reasons why this is fake:

- Izzy does not do social media. Said so on Chopaway. (This should really settle the issue but some people are ignoring this point.) Are we meant to believe that Izzy went from, zero net interaction (with the fans), to answering multiple questions about Axl and Slash's anal sex sessions? Izzy is, inherently, a man who retreats from this sort of stuff.

- Language. Izzy would not have said, ''Axl is my best friend''. He would have said, ''Me and Axe go back years''. Izzy does not talk like Jarmo, sorry. The Hall of Fame answer sounds like it was a stock answer from a Team Brazil training manual. It smells of Fermando.

- Taste: Izzy and rap. Come on?

- The 'four songs' thing sounds too good to be true. Like something an online impersonator of Izzy Stradlin would wish that the real Izzy would say. We only know of one song, 'Down by the Ocean', which Axl was interested in. This does not come from sessions between Axl and Izzy but from sessions between Izzy and Duff in April 1995.

- Izzy seems remarkably quick to agree to a reunion. From what we know of Izzy, he would run a mile from such an event.

- The page has been pulled.

Edited by DieselDaisy
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The "Izzy does not do social media" argument is pretty silly to me. It means he doesn't actively use Twitter and Facebook type of apps on a regular basis. Doesn't mean he can't sign in to use a site once in a blue moon, he is unpredictable like that.

However, it has now been pulled. While that could mean many things, it does lend support to the idea that it may have been faked.

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The page being pulled from Reverb Nation is a definitive answer for me as to the speculation on whether it was really Izzy or not. I thought all along it was not, and stated as much. But the Facebook posting and the whole Izzy's Army thing seeming legitimate, had me not 100% certain. I am know. And thank god. I had a hard time believing Izzy would sit there thru so many asinine questions, and refer to Axl as his "closest friend" with whom speaks with every week. I called bullshit on that alone!

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Man I keep going back and forth as to whether this was real or fake. But since it got pulled I am assuming it is really fake. Maybe the person running the GNR twitter either got a false tip off or just assumed it was real?

Edited by WhazUp
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The "Izzy does not do social media" argument is pretty silly to me. It means he doesn't actively use Twitter and Facebook type of apps on a regular basis. Doesn't mean he can't sign in to use a site once in a blue moon, he is unpredictable like that.

Haha. i sometimes have to hand it to the Axl hardcores. They can spin anything.

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Its still accessible via the gnr facebook page, so until thats taken down or a formal apology is made by someone somewhere idk...

Like axlsalinger said, just cuz he doesnt "do social media" doesnt mean he wont answer a few questions for someone who does

Izzy and rap? How do we know?

Ill agree that the 4 songs is too good to be true but thats why i wanna believe this shit... pretty sure hes said hes open to a reunion before too... too bad theres one person standing in the way

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The "Izzy does not do social media" argument is pretty silly to me. It means he doesn't actively use Twitter and Facebook type of apps on a regular basis. Doesn't mean he can't sign in to use a site once in a blue moon, he is unpredictable like that.

Haha. i sometimes have to hand it to the Axl hardcores. They can spin anything.

What the fuck are you talking about? You are talking about a reclusive guy who rarely does interviews, as if you know anything about him. Which you don't. Plus I am hardly an "Axl apologist', and this has nothing to do with Axl to begin with.

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Sued for WHAT?!

imitating izzy lol idk what the actual terminology would be... defamation of character maybe ? im sure theres a law against it though... you think if slashs team were to post a fake axl interview online, there wouldnt be any legal actions as a result ?

i dont think tb would stoop that low tbh... and even if they did... i dont think theyd include a part about "fat axl" - just dont see that happening

I read back in January that impersonating someone online would a criminal offense in several states, including New York, Texas and California. So, there are legal issues at play, just not civil ones.

Oh bullshit. While impersonation may be traceable to IP, there's no way to say WHO was the person on the computer impersonating. Even in everyday life, it's not a crime to impersonate someone unless they are police officers. Oh em gee, I met someone online that claims to be Elvis. I'm pressing charges.

Stop making shit up.

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Sued for WHAT?!

imitating izzy lol idk what the actual terminology would be... defamation of character maybe ? im sure theres a law against it though... you think if slashs team were to post a fake axl interview online, there wouldnt be any legal actions as a result ?

i dont think tb would stoop that low tbh... and even if they did... i dont think theyd include a part about "fat axl" - just dont see that happening

I read back in January that impersonating someone online would a criminal offense in several states, including New York, Texas and California. So, there are legal issues at play, just not civil ones.

Oh bullshit. While impersonation may be traceable to IP, there's no way to say WHO was the person on the computer impersonating. Even in everyday life, it's not a crime to impersonate someone unless they are police officers. Oh em gee, I met someone online that claims to be Elvis. I'm pressing charges.

Stop making shit up.

If that person had lotsa cash, you could probably sue him/her for some of it

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There wasn't any slander.

There's no defamation going on, just impersonation. You don't need a lawbook to know that there's jack shit at risk there. Public figures are not protected as easily as private citizens. Have you ever heard of the National Enquirer? Fake twitters? Fake facebooks? Death hoaxes? If so, are you really curious if THIS incident is something the law will be worried about pursuing? :rofl-lol:

If anything, the person behind needs a kick in the balls for posting it BUT then a handshake for making the fools believe it.

Sued for WHAT?!

imitating izzy lol idk what the actual terminology would be... defamation of character maybe ? im sure theres a law against it though... you think if slashs team were to post a fake axl interview online, there wouldnt be any legal actions as a result ?

i dont think tb would stoop that low tbh... and even if they did... i dont think theyd include a part about "fat axl" - just dont see that happening
I read back in January that impersonating someone online would a criminal offense in several states, including New York, Texas and California. So, there are legal issues at play, just not civil ones.

Oh bullshit. While impersonation may be traceable to IP, there's no way to say WHO was the person on the computer impersonating. Even in everyday life, it's not a crime to impersonate someone unless they are police officers. Oh em gee, I met someone online that claims to be Elvis. I'm pressing charges.

Stop making shit up.

If that person had lotsa cash, you could probably sue him/her for some of it

Nope. Public figures have a lot less protection in the terms of slander/libel. There's big business behind false stories all over the place and you think THIS situation is something anyone would pursue?

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There wasn't any slander.

There's no defamation going on, just impersonation. You don't need a lawbook to know that there's jack shit at risk there. Public figures are not protected as easily as private citizens. Have you ever heard of the National Enquirer? Fake twitters? Fake facebooks? Death hoaxes? If so, are you really curious if THIS incident is something the law will be worried about pursuing? :rofl-lol:

If anything, the person behind needs a kick in the balls for posting it BUT then a handshake for making the fools believe it.

Sued for WHAT?!

imitating izzy lol idk what the actual terminology would be... defamation of character maybe ? im sure theres a law against it though... you think if slashs team were to post a fake axl interview online, there wouldnt be any legal actions as a result ?

i dont think tb would stoop that low tbh... and even if they did... i dont think theyd include a part about "fat axl" - just dont see that happening

I read back in January that impersonating someone online would a criminal offense in several states, including New York, Texas and California. So, there are legal issues at play, just not civil ones.

Oh bullshit. While impersonation may be traceable to IP, there's no way to say WHO was the person on the computer impersonating. Even in everyday life, it's not a crime to impersonate someone unless they are police officers. Oh em gee, I met someone online that claims to be Elvis. I'm pressing charges.

Stop making shit up.

If that person had lotsa cash, you could probably sue him/her for some of it

Nope. Public figures have a lot less protection in the terms of slander/libel. There's big business behind false stories all over the place and you think THIS situation is something anyone would pursue?

if i were izzy and i saw an easy 200k out of it, yup
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There wasn't any slander.

There's no defamation going on, just impersonation. You don't need a lawbook to know that there's jack shit at risk there. Public figures are not protected as easily as private citizens. Have you ever heard of the National Enquirer? Fake twitters? Fake facebooks? Death hoaxes? If so, are you really curious if THIS incident is something the law will be worried about pursuing? :rofl-lol:

If anything, the person behind needs a kick in the balls for posting it BUT then a handshake for making the fools believe it.

Sued for WHAT?!

imitating izzy lol idk what the actual terminology would be... defamation of character maybe ? im sure theres a law against it though... you think if slashs team were to post a fake axl interview online, there wouldnt be any legal actions as a result ?

i dont think tb would stoop that low tbh... and even if they did... i dont think theyd include a part about "fat axl" - just dont see that happening

I read back in January that impersonating someone online would a criminal offense in several states, including New York, Texas and California. So, there are legal issues at play, just not civil ones.

Oh bullshit. While impersonation may be traceable to IP, there's no way to say WHO was the person on the computer impersonating. Even in everyday life, it's not a crime to impersonate someone unless they are police officers. Oh em gee, I met someone online that claims to be Elvis. I'm pressing charges.

Stop making shit up.

If that person had lotsa cash, you could probably sue him/her for some of it

Nope. Public figures have a lot less protection in the terms of slander/libel. There's big business behind false stories all over the place and you think THIS situation is something anyone would pursue?

if i were izzy and i saw an easy 200k out of it, yup

Then you'd be wasted your time and money. Guaranteed.

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this is clearly fake because i dont like what izzy said

Or because it contradicts what he's said before. Or because it doesn't add up to what he implied is his statement regarding the rnrhof last year. Or because it doesnt sound like the same Izzy weve seen in interviews before. Or, last but not the least, because it was removed altogether now.

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Sued for WHAT?!

imitating izzy lol idk what the actual terminology would be... defamation of character maybe ? im sure theres a law against it though... you think if slashs team were to post a fake axl interview online, there wouldnt be any legal actions as a result ?

i dont think tb would stoop that low tbh... and even if they did... i dont think theyd include a part about "fat axl" - just dont see that happening

I read back in January that impersonating someone online would a criminal offense in several states, including New York, Texas and California. So, there are legal issues at play, just not civil ones.

Oh bullshit. While impersonation may be traceable to IP, there's no way to say WHO was the person on the computer impersonating. Even in everyday life, it's not a crime to impersonate someone unless they are police officers. Oh em gee, I met someone online that claims to be Elvis. I'm pressing charges.

Stop making shit up.

I'm not making anything up. This came up earlier in the aftermath of the Manti Te'o story.


"In New York and California, online impersonation is a misdemeanor punishable by thousands of dollars in fines and up to a year in jail. In Texas, the crime is a third-degree felony that could land perpetrators up to ten years in prison. The Arizona legislature is currently considering a bill almost as severe as Texass law. In total at least nine states have an online impersonation law on the books or are currently considering one. Even if the impersonation involves a fake persona, the use of any real names, business or photography could cross the legal threshold."

I suggest you do your homework next time before you incorrectly accuse someone of making something up.


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LOL a MISDEMEANOR! Hardly what anyone would call a "criminal offense." Only in Texas.

Again, you're making shit up.

I read back in January that impersonating someone online would a criminal offense in several states, including New York, Texas and California. So, there are legal issues at play, just not civil ones.

The people that did it may not even be American. Also, good luck with your claim, you and I both know it's bullshit. Unless of course you know where those responsible reside.

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