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If the label and band are so upset about leaks, why don't they just release a new album?

Randy Lahey

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Maybe Axl feels that releasing one album a decade makes it more of an event.

This is what I've been trying to say for a decade.

I really think that once a record is released, then they tour for the best part of 5 years, then start thinking about it and then before know it it's almost 3 years and ready, kind of.

Axl said on release of UYI, the next one will probably be in 10 years time. Around 2000 he was done.

I think he's really waiting for something to say and to make it matter.

maybe the label also want there to be anticipation too.

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Axl said on release of UYI, the next one will probably be in 10 years time. Around 2000 he was done.

I think that was a joke that just ended up actually happening

Stones do a record every 4-5 years, it's GNR it's got to be 10 years.

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GNR only puts out one new original studio album per decade. It's funny how it has worked out that way.

you got 2 in the 90's

Technically the Illusion album was a double

by 70s standards it's was 2 double albums. 4 records in the 90s.

CD was a double a record.

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GNR are likely to be powerless in this situation. Axl used the label to secure a deal they shouldn't have got with Best Buy, and then boycotted promotion of the album.

Interscope likely want nothing to do with another Chinese Democracy album.

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I think it comes down to Axl having a bad experience getting this album out with a record company he can't stand (but excluding Zach Horowitz and Jimmy Iovine by name).

What I got out of it was "it took 14 years to get the damn album out, and I'm in no rush to go back for more".

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GNR only puts out one new original studio album per decade. It's funny how it has worked out that way.

you got 2 in the 90's

Technically the Illusion album was a double

GNR only puts out one new original studio album per decade. It's funny how it has worked out that way.

you got 2 in the 90's

Technically the Illusion album was a double
how's that when you were able to buy just one of them?
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Because it would make too much sense.

A GnR album would sell a couple million copies worldwide

Axl fans would LOVE a new album

From the sounds of it, most of the current members of GnR would LOVE to write/release new music

But for some reason, Axl and Beta/her children dont' want to.

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Now now Groghan, Axl said in that December interview that he was starting to think about new music. Like a tortoise turning his head, maybe Axl will start thinking about it by the end of this year, write a song or two next year, start thinking about possibly renting a studio the year after that .....

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Because it would make too much sense.

A GnR album would sell a couple million copies worldwide

Axl fans would LOVE a new album

From the sounds of it, most of the current members of GnR would LOVE to write/release new music

But for some reason, Axl and Beta/her children dont' want to.

I guess you missed the interview when Axl said they were working it out with the label.
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Because it would make too much sense.

A GnR album would sell a couple million copies worldwide

Axl fans would LOVE a new album

From the sounds of it, most of the current members of GnR would LOVE to write/release new music

But for some reason, Axl and Beta/her children dont' want to.

I guess you missed the interview when Axl said they were working it out with the label.

Naw, I saw it. I also saw the interviews with Axl at various times throughout the late 90s and 00s where Axl mentioned working on a new album.

OK. Let's just put this in a little perspective.

Interviewer "How's the new album coming?"

Normal band "Going great. We've recorded 8 tracks so far, and we've got about 15 more that we are working on. In the end we'll pick the best 15 songs to go on the next album, which we hope to release before the end of the year. I'm really digging this song called (insert song name) that I think are gonna blow our fans away. It's got out classic sound, but our new guitar player has really added a punk twist to it. I can't wait for fans to hear it. I've also been working on a love song that I am really proud of. It's about the birth of my daughter and I think anybody who has children is really gonna dig it. Our fans have been really great over the years, and the entire band cannot wait to share some new music with them. We are shooting for a Christmas time release, coupled with a live DVD from the last tour, a music video for the first single tentatively the first week of Decemember and then a United States tour starting in January. lastly - a BIG SHOUT OUT to our fans, we love and appreciate your support!!!!"

Axl ..........." definitely maybe we are working on a new album. But don't hold your breath, go live your life and remember that we don't owe you anything. Trying to hammer out a deal with the label."

Beta............"complaints, complaints, complaints."

Normal band - album every three years.

Axl - album every 20 years.

YOU don't see the difference????????????????

Edited by Groghan
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If the label and band are so upset about leaks, why don't they just release a new album?

They will release it when and if they want to. Your disapproval of their schedule doesn't justify the leaks and it doesn't mean they shouldn't be pissed off.
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If the label and band are so upset about leaks, why don't they just release a new album?

They will release it when and if they want to. Your disapproval of their schedule doesn't justify the leaks and it doesn't mean they shouldn't be pissed off.

My thoughts exactly.

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If the label and band are so upset about leaks, why don't they just release a new album?

Can you quote 'the band' being upset about the leaks. Thanks.

I think the assumption is that Del's very upset statement plus Manets fb convo with Beta covers the official take on the leaks. In reality I expect the band will all hold individual views. I can't see Ron or Dj being bothered, more the opposite to be honest and Tommy has come rather well out of it all too.

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I didn't read through this entire thread, so sorry if someone else has already posted this theory... BUT I think that GnR are the one's that leaked it. Just my initial reaction to the leak.

My reasoning? Any press is good press, especially if it shifts the focus from the criticism that was being focused towards Beta and her Droids for that terse Twitter post.

It wasn't just people on this forum criticising those comments- other people online picked up on it, and nobody had anything positive to say regarding Guns in response to it... so, that's my theory. It's just a little Wag the Dog. :jerkoff:

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The reason they dont release an album is because the casual fans of the band dont care about buying new music from Axl so ultimately the label will never make the kind of money they would do if they had released an album with the original line up. So they need to wait until finally someone from a big chain brand like best buy remembers that Axl still exists and eventually shows interest to make a profitable deal for an album release. Thats also the reason why they're always pushing for a reunion of the original band.

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