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Some thoughts after reading through Canter's posts.

Jordan Rose

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Well, Slash should apologize.

I think its time for a mygnr open letter to slash man

I'm seriously with this, this could be a great move.

Imagine we got slash to give axl an empty apology which got the old band back together? lol

Like cmon slash we know youre innocent here but just give axl what he wants so u can make some serious dough dude lol cmonnnmnmm :D

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I know, sounds like a stupid question, but what did Slash lie about? I know I've read Canter say he's not blameless, but its relatively clear that Axl is so much more to blame than Slash right? Or do I have that totally wrong. What did Slash do wrong that really pisses off, aside from leave the band which made Axl upset?

Axl held the cards and Slash decided not to play his silly little game. Axl had it in mind to demote everybody in the legacy band to errand boys at his beck and call and make them write and record with people that they didnt want to ..and at that time..they were no longer members they were employees of the new GNR that Axl had set in motion. We often get confused thinking the two are the same entity but in reality they were not/are not. Axl suckerpunched his bandmates into giving him the name, he "quit" GNR and took the name with him and then started to form another GNR with Slash and Duff being the sole remaining from the AFD UYI MEMBERS of THAT band but were going to be in THIS band.

Slash said nope.. "get your shit together Axl..Shut up and sing. Play some rock and roll and fucking stop writing Stephanie Seymour ballads and rock operettas and get back to the meat and potatoes of what GNR is all about."

Axls thong bunched up around his bunghole over that and we didnt hear or see much of him for many many years.

But don't forget that he also tried to come crawling back at one point after he gave Axl this apparent ultimatum.
true he did that and was met with disdain and mockery. That much is true..when it was heading into court and there was perhaps a possibility that things could be discussed between them and not a shield of managers and lawyers. I think in my opinion, that it wasnt as much crawling back but Slash realizing that GNR as it was could be saved by a remote chance IF he and Axl could talk things through..and that the downward spiral of lawsuits and entanglements could have been avoided.

Each other have kept the pulse of what was going on in each others gig, at that time VR had evolved into more than just a part time club band, Axl hadnt done shit with GNr and the chatback was the other guys were open to talking about a reunion.

who knows... maybe it was to bust Axl nose and kick the shit out of him???

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I know, sounds like a stupid question, but what did Slash lie about? I know I've read Canter say he's not blameless, but its relatively clear that Axl is so much more to blame than Slash right? Or do I have that totally wrong. What did Slash do wrong that really pisses off, aside from leave the band which made Axl upset?

Axl held the cards and Slash decided not to play his silly little game. Axl had it in mind to demote everybody in the legacy band to errand boys at his beck and call and make them write and record with people that they didnt want to ..and at that time..they were no longer members they were employees of the new GNR that Axl had set in motion. We often get confused thinking the two are the same entity but in reality they were not/are not. Axl suckerpunched his bandmates into giving him the name, he "quit" GNR and took the name with him and then started to form another GNR with Slash and Duff being the sole remaining from the AFD UYI MEMBERS of THAT band but were going to be in THIS band.

Slash said nope.. "get your shit together Axl..Shut up and sing. Play some rock and roll and fucking stop writing Stephanie Seymour ballads and rock operettas and get back to the meat and potatoes of what GNR is all about."

Axls thong bunched up around his bunghole over that and we didnt hear or see much of him for many many years.

See, thats what I've always thought was what happened, and thats why I always agree with Slash. Because Axl didn't want to compromise, GNR fell apart. But apparently, and I thought Marc said, Axl has his side to the story and its valid. Which would make sense with people around here talking about Slash's lies. I guess I'm wondering are the people calling Slash a liar just upset and have no real reason to hate him, or is there stuff Slash actually lied about stuff. What is the reason to side with Axl and what are Slash's lies in his book? I appreciate you explaining the first part though.

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I am uncertain as to how much we can trust Marc's analysis. Hasn't he been off Axl's Christmas card list for quite a few years now?

What bugs me is that he always manages to slag Axl off in his posts. It's discreet, not too frequent but it's there.

Mainly over the book thing.

I appreciate what he offers to the forum, but that bugs me.

Anyway, on topic, I'm not sure that it's hatred towards Slash that holds Axl down - to me it's like he said what he wanted with CD ( what was released and what's still hidden) and that now he just enjoys his life. Which is good. I prefer a few good albums than a 15 discs discography going downhill release after release.

Do I want a new album? Hell yes! But I'm not holding my breath for it.

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I am uncertain as to how much we can trust Marc's analysis. Hasn't he been off Axl's Christmas card list for quite a few years now?

What bugs me is that he always manages to slag Axl off in his posts. It's discreet, not too frequent but it's there.

Mainly over the book thing.

I appreciate what he offers to the forum, but that bugs me.

Actually, I don't think thats true at all. In fact I'm usually annoyed by how much he DOES stick up for Axl, because I don't think he deserves it. But in nearly all of his posts, he calls Axl a genius and a kind hearted person. Which is why he's the best person on this forum. He's close to these guys and manages not to trash either of them unless they deserve it, and sometimes not even then.

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No he wouldn't be, even If Slash apologized that wouldn't mean reunion, Axl could just accept it maybe apologize back and move on with his life/career. I won't behave like it's all Slash fault (it isn't ) but Slash is the one responsible for majority of things :

- he signed off rights to Guns N' Roses ( I don't care how but I doubt he was forced to because if he would any COURT in the world would make that document invalid) and then sued Axl over it. I don't believe he was forced to do so, so he did it willingly or being on drugs. Then whole VR marketing was build around this lie, essentially all those interviews about how it's solely Axl's fault,, how he was that black sheep etc, etc (Weiland admitted afterwards how Slash was lying about Axl)

- Slash and Duff stated many times how they hated "Patience" but when they wanted to earn some $$$ they made it setlist essential.

- Slash was hating on SCOM for years why he plays it live ?

- there were obvious lies in Slash book etc etc

- also I think that whole RHOF thing was a dirty set up ( and I don't think that Slash has to do anything with that but it's possible that Slash and co would not show up if whole new band was inducted as well) becuse they didn;t want to iduct new guys but they willingly iducted new RHCP guitarist. So why let's say Tommy, Tobias etc werent't inducted he had more to do with GN'R music then Sorum

The fuck are you talking about?

Exactly. The weird thing is that this guy wasn't joking when he wrote this. There are seriously people that think this way.


Soul, so does that mean people on here should STOP with the "Slash is a liar, Canter said so" as well? If we aren't supposed to take his remarks seriously, that means ALL his remarks, right? Not just ones that don't portray Axl in a positive light.


Axl was at fault for breaking up the old band.

Slash contributed to the breakup of the old band.

Duff contributed to the braekup of the old band.

Izzy was the first to quit, even though he and Axl were best buddies.

None of us know what went on behind closed doors. So for any of us to say that any band member is more at fault than others, or that any one guy needs to apologize is just ridiculous.

Duff and Izzy have played with Axl.

Duff has been in another band with Slash.

Slash went to Axl's house to apologize.

A reunion isn't as simply as one guy apologizing to the other. It's a matter of Slash and Axl sitting down in a room together, without Beta/Fernando/Del/lawyers, and seeing if they can work out their differences enough to do a few shows together or maybe even record an album together and tour.

Just because these guys were in a band together 20 years ago doesn't mean they have to record music or be buddies with each other for the rest of their lives.

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If Slash were any smarter, he'd apologize in a way that, if Axl doesn't do the same, or doesn't agree to a reunion, Axl would be publicly crucified. It's not that hard.

It's not about being smart ...

Truth is Slash have a huge ego ... the same ego that make him quit GN'R, because he was so full of himself ... he was so high ... and he still feels the same...

Anyway, Axl is the only one who keeps the "huge ego" label on his forehead...

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If Slash were any smarter, he'd apologize in a way that, if Axl doesn't do the same, or doesn't agree to a reunion, Axl would be publicly crucified. It's not that hard.

It's not about being smart ...

Truth is Slash have a huge ego ... the same ego that make him quit GN'R, because he was so full of himself ... he was so high ... and he still feels the same...

Anyway, Axl is the only one who keeps the "huge ego" label on his forehead...

The ego that made him quit? Slash was tired of Axl's shit, nothing to do with ego.

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None of us know what went on behind closed doors.

We don't know the reasons of each one of them, but one thing is true, the only way to keep GN'R alive was not to quit from the band ... and as far as I know, only one of them didn't ...

If Slash were any smarter, he'd apologize in a way that, if Axl doesn't do the same, or doesn't agree to a reunion, Axl would be publicly crucified. It's not that hard.

It's not about being smart ...

Truth is Slash have a huge ego ... the same ego that make him quit GN'R, because he was so full of himself ... he was so high ... and he still feels the same...

Anyway, Axl is the only one who keeps the "huge ego" label on his forehead...

The ego that made him quit? Slash was tired of Axl's shit, nothing to do with ego.

Yeah, yeah .... "Slash the humble dude" :rofl-lol:

Isn't diffcult to have a big ego when you are a junkie ...

Slash's book is full of notes about how high he was ...

In your opinion, which old line-up member is able to write the most loyal biography to the facts?

Axl will give you the truth

/ Marc Canter, Sept. 2010

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None of us know what went on behind closed doors.

We don't know the reasons of each one of them, but one thing is true, the only way to keep GN'R alive was not to quit from the band ... and as far as I know, only one of them didn't ...

If Slash were any smarter, he'd apologize in a way that, if Axl doesn't do the same, or doesn't agree to a reunion, Axl would be publicly crucified. It's not that hard.

It's not about being smart ...

Truth is Slash have a huge ego ... the same ego that make him quit GN'R, because he was so full of himself ... he was so high ... and he still feels the same...

Anyway, Axl is the only one who keeps the "huge ego" label on his forehead...

The ego that made him quit? Slash was tired of Axl's shit, nothing to do with ego.

Yeah, yeah .... "Slash the humble dude" :rofl-lol:

Isn't diffcult to have a big ego when you are a junkie ...

Slash's book is full of notes about how high he was ...

I could name a few hundreds rock musicians that were high at some point in their career, I don't get your point sorry.

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Slash should have apologized long ago, no matter what his stupid obsessed fans think. But that's beside the point. You should grateful to Marc for coming on the absolute worse GNR board that ever existed and answering questions.

Slash's always think he's the victim. It's all Axl's fault or Scott's fault or Perla's fault or someone's fault. He's a scumbag liar that should have ODed years ago. Instead of Todd Crew, the guy he killed and got away with it. Yup lied about that in his book too. But he shouldn't apologize as he owes nothing to anyone.

See that post right there is suicide around here lol

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I thought Axl said that the truth is out there and you can find it but people want there to be something more regarding the break up.

From everything Axl said it was a disagreement between him and slash over the direction of the music and band. (Not uncommon for the two to see things differently) then slash felt he could be successful without guns when he failed to gain power of the band. Slash leaves which upset Axl because regardless of the differences he knew slash's sound was important and hard to find a replacement. Axl begins building a new band with the gnr name and as rumors start going around that the band is about to appear and a new album is coming slash and duff sue Axl over the rights of the name. (Axl's rants at rio 2001 reflect this) apparently this is where many of the lies about Axl come out. He is framed as a dictator that forced the other members to give him the name. This pisses Axl off obviously. These guys leave the band and now want to sue him for the name. Neither slash or duff have admitted to lying so this could be one of the many lies axl talks about.

Anyways they lose the lawsuit or settle because Axl still owns the name. A few years later velvet revolver happens and slash goes on a media tear of axl which brought on more lies and which likely brought the most anger towards Slash.

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I thought Axl said that the truth is out there and you can find it but people want there to be something more regarding the break up.

From everything Axl said it was a disagreement between him and slash over the direction of the music and band. (Not uncommon for the two to see things differently) then slash felt he could be successful without guns when he failed to gain power of the band. Slash leaves which upset Axl because regardless of the differences he knew slash's sound was important and hard to find a replacement. Axl begins building a new band with the gnr name and as rumors start going around that the band is about to appear and a new album is coming slash and duff sue Axl over the rights of the name. (Axl's rants at rio 2001 reflect this) apparently this is where many of the lies about Axl come out. He is framed as a dictator that forced the other members to give him the name. This pisses Axl off obviously. These guys leave the band and now want to sue him for the name. Neither slash or duff have admitted to lying so this could be one of the many lies axl talks about.

Anyways they lose the lawsuit or settle because Axl still owns the name. A few years later velvet revolver happens and slash goes on a media tear of axl which brought on more lies and which likely brought the most anger towards Slash.

What about Izzy's comments about Axl wanting to control everything and the contract that Axl wanted him to sign, a contract that demoted Izzy? Is Izzy a liar?

What's with the Slash nonsense today?

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He is framed as a dictator that forced the other members to give him the name ... These guys leave the band and now want to sue him for the name. Neither slash or duff have admitted to lying so this could be one of the many lies axl talks about.

The original Guns N' Roses was a partnership between Axl, Slash and Duff. To this day, they still collectively control the original band's music catalogue. Slash, in particular, owns much of the original band's artwork (he created the famous bullet logo, for example). When Axl acquired the name, he initiated legal proceedings to create a new Guns N' Roses ('96-present). Slash and Duff were offered contracts to join the new Guns N' Roses. Not as partners, but as hired guns.

They signed and quit shortly thereafter.

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Sorry not trying to give my perspective just kind of what Axl has said in interviews over time. I'm really not sure how their contracts work I know Axl said the name went to him because during negotiating a new contract with the record company they had to sign a new contract and everyone would initial next to the changes and one of them was where the name would go if the band broke up. Axl says everyone initialed that it would be Axl that gets to use the name because they didn't care about it. Axl says it was put in there to protect the band and so the name would survive regardless of who was In the band.

I really don't know much about izzy; I don't think anyone does but who knows he seems like a straight shooter so yea or maybe he was just pissed at Axl. Idk.

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Axl says it was put in there to protect the band and so the name would survive regardless of who was In the band.

Judging by the state of affairs today I think Axl didn't "protect" the name well enough...

Yeah maybe Izzy was pissed... because maybe his best friend tried to screw him up.

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Marc is great. I'm always surprised (and grateful) at how quick he responds whenever I post a question in his section.

Some of people's comments about Marc are disgusting. If a thread ever needed to be cleaned up it's this one.

I think the mods are a little busy deleting all those racist posts for Team Brazil.

Edited by Randy Lahey
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I wonder what would happen if Slash were to one day come out and apologize for some of the things he said or did. If that would lead to them squashing the hatred. Or I should say, lead to Axl "forgiving" this long held grudge.

If he were to say he likely painted Axl as the bad guy in the entire classic lineup breakup when things weren't so cut and dry, to say he said a lot of things that gave people negative opinions on Axl and many of them weren't deserved, to say that he spoke in anger at times, and maybe dramatized some events.

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Axl should apologize to Slash.

Every member that left citied Axl's antics as a major/THE reason for their departures. Hes the common thread of consistency. And while I don't think ALL the blame should go to Axl, I think he holds more fault than any other individual member.

That being said, just let it go, and see things for what they are now. They should just both apologize to each other and see what happens from there.

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