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"Dadrock" movies


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Everyone knows about the concept of dadrock when it comes to music, but does anyone else feel like it exists in movies too?

Some movies I consider dadrock:

Indiana Jones

The Warriors

The Goonies

Top Gun

Rocky IV

Basically, 60s-80s movies that dads tell you are the shit but they're really just bad-ok.

This thread has the same vibe of "filmsnobbery" that you accused someone of having in the top 5 directors thread haha.

But what do I know, I honestly enjoy most movies, and even when I despise a film, I can usually see why others may love it. Film is subjective after all.

The thread is very amusing though haha.

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Everyone knows about the concept of dadrock when it comes to music, but does anyone else feel like it exists in movies too?

Some movies I consider dadrock:

Indiana Jones

The Warriors

The Goonies

Top Gun

Rocky IV

Basically, 60s-80s movies that dads tell you are the shit but they're really just bad-ok.

Those movies are all fucking awesome!

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You're all :crazy: in this thread.

The Towering inferno. Amazing film but my dad has mentioned it too much.

Disaster movies in the early-mid 70s that had a lot of celebrities in it. I think they got that idea from "It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World" where all these old comedians were in a movie together, and "Airport" was probably the first disaster flick where they threw all the celebs into a movie. You also had "Poseidon Adventure". The young actors liked it because it would've been their only opportunity to be side by side with a Golden Age era legend and might be able to learn a few things from them.

They're any movie that your dad makes you insist on watching because he thinks they're great and you're going "this is really, really lame", or they've become really dated.

There's certain names that your dad would say was a great actor even though you watch the movies and can't act worth a damn, or the actress in her day was hot but you know her as someone's grandma on a TV show.

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I wouldn't really consider all those movies the equivalent of dadrock, because I feel like movies have more longevity in some ways than music (playing random songs on the radio years later and people hearing them, versus sitting down and watching repeats of movies on TV, is a little different as an experience). That's why a lot of movies like Shawshank, Forrest Gump, Indiana Jones, etc. that are constantly playing on TV are still really popular and respected by average younger people whereas you probably wouldn't encounter as many younger people aware of, like, Eric Clapton's albums or something. Maybe an individual tune here or there but as a whole, I think older ("older" in the sense of '80s and beyond) films still reach a huge audience of people from this generation.

Anything involving Jason Statham

The Expendables movies are like the cinematic equivalent of Rockstar Supernova. :lol:

Really though? If you go on YouTube and watch trailers for those movies or go to the IMDb board you'll mostly find teenagers who are, like, weirdly proud of '80s action movies and they inevitably compare them to "crap" like Twilight or something and brag about how much better they are. I think it makes them feel like they're mature and elitist in a weird way (especially since those original action flicks from the '80s were always trashed by critics), but I was kind of that way when I was 13 or 14 too. I was obsessed with Arnold Schwarzenegger and defended his acting. :lol:. It's really not usually dads who are into those movies.

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If you go on YouTube and watch trailers for those movies or go to the IMDb board you'll mostly find teenagers who are, like, weirdly proud of '80s action movies and they inevitably compare them to "crap" like Twilight or something and brag about how much better they are.

Sounds exactly like the kids on YouTube who brag about being Led Zeppelin and Rolling Stones fans.

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If you go on YouTube and watch trailers for those movies or go to the IMDb board you'll mostly find teenagers who are, like, weirdly proud of '80s action movies and they inevitably compare them to "crap" like Twilight or something and brag about how much better they are.

Sounds exactly like the kids on YouTube who brag about being Led Zeppelin and Rolling Stones fans.

Yeah, pretty much.

Twilight is the film equivalent of Bieber, just a lazy easy target for people who probably don't actually watch/listen to either of them enough to realize there's worse crap out there.

I still think younger people are more familiar/open to "old" movies just because of the exposure and regular rotation, versus music. It's harder for a young kid to randomly without any peer influence get into Zeppelin I'd wager than for a kid of the same age/upbringing to have seen movies like Back to the Future or Star Wars.

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If you go on YouTube and watch trailers for those movies or go to the IMDb board you'll mostly find teenagers who are, like, weirdly proud of '80s action movies and they inevitably compare them to "crap" like Twilight or something and brag about how much better they are.

Sounds exactly like the kids on YouTube who brag about being Led Zeppelin and Rolling Stones fans.

Yeah, pretty much.

Twilight is the film equivalent of Bieber, just a lazy easy target for people who probably don't actually watch/listen to either of them enough to realize there's worse crap out there.

I still think younger people are more familiar/open to "old" movies just because of the exposure and regular rotation, versus music. It's harder for a young kid to randomly without any peer influence get into Zeppelin I'd wager than for a kid of the same age/upbringing to have seen movies like Back to the Future or Star Wars.

Which is why I don't consider those movies dad rock. Just things like the Warriors that only one generation cares about and yet insists it's the greatest thing since Citizen Kane simply because it has 80s music and a few memorable quotes.

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