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So what video games do you think Mr Rose plays?


What video games do you think Mr Rose plays?  

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Most people these days have at least sat down and given video games a shot, so what are your thoughts on what video games he might play?

Id say given his vast intellect, he'd be a Battlefield 3 player. Maybe some Command and Conquer.

your thoughts? :)

Edited by happyguy35
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I can see Axl getting owned at MMORPGs like this...

Dexter used lie detector

Splash dodged Dexter's attack

Splash used badmouth

Splash landed a critical hit! Dexter is now dead

"What do you know? That's right! You know shit you misguided, retarded ...sense of entitlement... life doesnt owe you your own happy ending... this game is a big garbage can! Thanks to the lameass GMs, I'm going home!"

Edited by Bruno P.
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