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Franco & Rogen - "Bound 3" - Kanye's gonna be piiiissed

Estranged Reality

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That will be the only Kanye song I ever listen to. Jesus Christ that was horrible. It sounded like a 6 year old pasted together 3 different recordings that have no common flow whatsoever. Kanye is a moron and I'm glad to see anyone bust his balls.

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That will be the only Kanye song I ever listen to. Jesus Christ that was horrible. It sounded like a 6 year old pasted together 3 different recordings that have no common flow whatsoever. Kanye is a moron and I'm glad to see anyone bust his balls.


that's the point of the song, it's a subversive mockery of the "classic" kanye sound. it's his fuck-you to the people who complain that he doesn't sound like he used to. that's why the studio track has the "jerome's in the house" bit at the end (jerome was a character in 'martin' who was a parody of black stereotypes) - it's him saying, "oh, you want me to spit over a soul sample? alright, here you go." he's just trolling.

and a lot of people totally missed that when the album came out, and didn't get it, and took it at face value.

regardless, i still like it.

i'll say this, though -- if you know nothing of kanye and take this track out of the context of the 'yeezus' record (which is what's happening by promoting it as a single), it IS easy to take at face value and misconstrue. and that's why these parodies are going to be fun to see.

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i think that's coming from a great source of prideful ignorance.

if you're saying this is the only track you've ever listened to by kanye (and ever will listen to), then making sweeping generalizations about his IQ and quality of music, then you are defining ignorance.

if you don't like hip-hop, fine. if you don't like kanye after giving him a fair chance, that's fine too. but to just say someone "stills [sic] sucks balls" without even giving them a proper chance is childish.

kanye is so similar to axl in his prime - both in the scope of his fame and the way he courts it with his public persona, the themes he wrestles with in his music, his perceived ego complex (the way people hate on kanye today is how people hated on axl in '93), and interest in pushing beyond his comfort zone as an artist - that i could write an essay about it. i probably will when i have the free time.

plus, they both wore kilts. :awesomeface:

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Has anyone noticed you can't say anything bad about Kanye without his crazy Kanye fans calling you ignorant and getting defensive? It's like some fans can't imagine any fault with LORD KANYE. Do you guys think if you support and defend him enough you'll be given party passes from Kim? :rofl-lol:

If you worship Kanye's every move you need your head examining!!!!!!!

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The parody is awesome. Not as funny as the original, though.

Kanye is one of the most gifted and interesting artists around at the moment, I can just never be certain when he's being legitimately demented (see the original Bound video or the recent slavery comments) and when he's self-aware in his epic trolling (the Taylor Swift VMA thing, etc). I'm pretty sure the Kim thing is trolling. :lol:

Edited by Angelica
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Has anyone noticed you can't say anything bad about Kanye without his crazy Kanye fans calling you ignorant and getting defensive?

Part of what makes Kanye so compelling is that he is incredibly flawed. Anyone who says he is perfect probably isn't even a true fan. I think part of what made Axl interesting as a performer/musician was also an acknowledgement of his flaws, as they helped inform the music in some ways. This isn't at all about trying to claim that Kanye is perfect.

Anyway, back on topic of the Rogen/Franco vid. :wacko:

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