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John Bonham

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I always find it funny when people act like Axl and Slash had some magical connection that no two artists will ever have again. I mean, yeah, they looked cool together in the music and tour videos, but come on. Enough with the insane "soulmates" shit.

I don't think there will ever be two artists that have the same connection that Axl and Slash had. I'm not afraid to say that.That type of chemistry is extremely rare.

They were the top frontman and top guitarist in the 80s/90s. They owned the rock scene until grunge. I wouldn't be so naïve to underestimate how well one complimented the other.

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They were musically the best for each other. Personally, I guess it's another story.

Everything they've done separate has been vastly inferior compared to what they did together. With Izzy.

I wouldn't go as far as saying no two musicians will ever have that kind of chemistry again, but Axl and Slash specifically won't. They complimented each other quite remarkably. The musical connection they had together was much, much more than just "looking cool together".

Edited by Bobbo
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My take is that is was more the chemistry between the whole group - that's where things converged to make great music. The Axl-slash partnership alone was no Lennon-McCartney.

And even the legendary duos are prone to alot of revisionist bullshit. John and Paul apparently wrote songs separately, then added the Lennon-McCartney tag. And elton's music has inspired alot of really naff lyrics out of taupin as well as the good stuff.

Personally, I think slash's major contribution to gnr stands alone as his guitar sound and soulful solos. This is what recent guns music misses the most.

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My take is that is was more the chemistry between the whole group - that's where things converged to make great music. The Axl-slash partnership alone was no Lennon-McCartney.

And even the legendary duos are prone to alot of revisionist bullshit. John and Paul apparently wrote songs separately, then added the Lennon-McCartney tag. And elton's music has inspired alot of really naff lyrics out of taupin as well as the good stuff.

Personally, I think slash's major contribution to gnr stands alone as his guitar sound and soulful solos. This is what recent guns music misses the most.

That's why I tried to clearly emphasize them. With izzy.

He was the best guitarist at complimenting Slash. And he was the best songwriting partner for Axl ever had. I don't care how cliche it comes off. He was the glue. Whether they realized it at the time or not.

To me, those three were the backbone for gnrs biggest time period.

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So it's ok for Slash to tap into his back catalogue, but it's not ok for Axl to do the same? How does it make sense that Slash can play old Guns songs but Guns N' Roses can't? You'd have to be a complete fucking moron to say that Guns N' Roses playing Guns N' Roses songs are covers. And yes, I am saying VR songs are cover songs, because that band isn't Velvet Revolver. Those Snakepit songs were covers because that band isn't Snakepit. Those GN'R songs were covers because that band isn't GN'R. Slash tours under the foundation that he was in GN'R, not under his solo stuff. He played two (2) songs he wrote with the Conspirators that night.

Your lack of intelligence is absolutely shocking! I specifically said Axl tours under the foundation and strength of the Guns N' Roses name and songs which Slash helped create. that is an absolute fact. I also specifically said Slash tours under the strength of his own material he's created since leaving Guns N' Roses and the set list you provided proves my point without a shadow of a doubt. It is unreal that you can't comprehend the difference between what Axl does and what Slash does. Again though I would expect nothing less from a blind Axl worshiper. I'm actually really embarrassed for you.

Edited by Bono
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His own fault he's playing 12 cover songs a night

I think it's more than that.

And why not? He is calling his band Guns N Roses.

Last time I checked, Slash is calling his bad the Conspirators. And they're covering GNR, VR and Snakepit.

If Slash toured as Velvet Revolver instead of Slash with Myles Kennedy and The Conspirators, would you honestly consider it VR, or would you think it was really just a cover band?

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His own fault he's playing 12 cover songs a night

I think it's more than that.

And why not? He is calling his band Guns N Roses.

Last time I checked, Slash is calling his bad the Conspirators. And they're covering GNR, VR and Snakepit.

If Slash toured as Velvet Revolver instead of Slash with Myles Kennedy and The Conspirators, would you honestly consider it VR, or would you think it was really just a cover band?

Wouldn't matter to me, it would still be shit.

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It's an objective question about a band name, not a subjective question on whether someone likes their music or not.

My opinion determines my answer. Slash can call whatever he wants VR because it's going to suck. Axl can call Guns Guns because I like what he released. If Slash got off his ass and released something decent, he could call it Guns. If Axl released Shit, he shouldn't be able to. Capiche?

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Fuck it by you guys' logic GNR never needed Axl.

They should have just hired Brett Michaels.

You think he'd take a paycheck like the rest of Axl's hired hands?

Or do you think Beta's diaper changing skills have gone to shit..pun intended lmaoooooo

Reminder that this "excellent proof" was layed out by a man who calls himslef Slash's Jarmo. The OP is flawed, YouTube doesn't mean jack shit. And neither do my posting skills. Ok, well screw you guys, I'm doing some more crystal meth.

Fixed. You're lucky someone like me is here to help you with posting something with LOGIC in it...

Otherwise, you'd be stuck looking as dumb as Bacardimayne.

Even Axl differentiates between the 2 bands and refers to this lineup as "new Guns". Ergo, he's admitting they are not the same band, and are covering the classic band's songs.

Axl does not call them "new guns". Why would you even make that up?

His own words: There is Guns N' Roses and old guns

Actually, he did refer to them as nuGuns when he was on online chats. I believe maybe in this forum?

You should try and do some research sometime instead of the continuation of your lack of sensicle points..

"In regard to nuGuns, I get that sometimes it helps to be able to clarify. Personally I call this Guns and the Illusions or previous lineups old Guns."


Suck on that....Now shut the fuck up already.

Thank you for proving my point, and proving I am a better poster and more superior than you. I mean, you literally just proved that I am right and you are wrong. Again. :lol::shades:

Also, do you kiss your mother with that mouth? :P

Want to hang out and listen to Apocalyptic Love together?

but seriously did you miss the part "in regard to" meaning others call them nuGuns.

I'll listen to apocalyptic love, sure. Not a bad solo record, like chinese.

But first, send me the pic of you kissing your mommy. Maybe we can send it to Axl and say "now this is how you kiss your mom!!" :lol:

Edited by ARBeast
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I'm the man.

Fixed. God I wish I was a good poster like you arbeast.

Already been done. Notice no one's laughing or thinks your opinion means jack shit. Notice no one respects you.

J/k, you're too young to understand. And clearly not mature enough.

Edited by ARBeast
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This thread is hilarious.

The Axl worshippers get so angry if anything positive is said about Slash. And for some reason, they feel that the best way to justify (make excuses) for Axl's failures is by bashing and insulting Slash - somebody who hasn't been in the band for 16 years.

The Ribfest that people keep making fun of, do you actually know what it is??? It's a CHARITY to raise money towards trying to end child abuse and domestic violence. So Axl plays a wedding strictly for cash and at a bowling alley - and that's awesome and killer and shows that he is still the number one rock star in the world. But Slash plays a charity event that benefits those afflicted by domestic violence and child abuse, and you people make fun of it???? Unbelievable.

And lol at the clowns who are now discounting overall album sales as a sign of popularity or relevance, but are instead breaking it down by albums sold by country? And discounting the US sales, even though both bands are American bands!!!!! Vel Revolver sold way more albums in America than GnR (Axl's version) did. OVERALL TOTAL SALES...........VR won that battle as well. Cut it up anyway you'd like. Who sold more overall albums? Slash.

So comparing Axl and Slash, post classic line-up.

Slash wins in pretty much every category that isn't based on who is YOUR personal favorite.

In a band setting: VR outsold GnR. Also received more critical success. Released more albums, sold more copies, had more hits, won a grammy.

In a solo setting: Slash wins. Slash released more albums, sold more albums, did better on tour numbers, had more hits.

Pretty dominating numbers. Axl is my favorite rock singer, but I can still admit that Slash has been immensely more popular, successful and respected than Axl has over the past 16 years. Which is almost unheard of in a guitar player -vs- singer competition. And sad, because Axl could have blown Slash away during the last 16 years. All he had to do is release a few albums and do the occasional interview. Instead, Beta and Axl chose to not go that route - and we, the fans, get ONE album.

Course, Axl worshippers will say all the things that Slash does are bad. Interviews, communicating with fans, putting out albums, playing with other artists, playing at charity events to help child abuse victims............ya, Slash really should follow Axl's lead instead. WE all would hate it if Axl did all those things.

Every day I thank the rock n roll Gods that Axl doesn't release music on a consistent basis, that he doesn't do interviews, that he doesn't communicate with fans and that he doesn't perform with lots of other musicians. Thank fully, Axl doesn't do any of those terrible things.

Edited by Groghan
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I'm a cunt.

Obviously. Glad you recognize it.

Already been done. Notice no one's laughing or thinks your opinion means jack shit. Notice no one respects you.

J/k, you're too young to understand. And clearly not mature enough.

No one respects me? So you speak for every single poster, all 42,000 of them? Age has nothing to do with anything whatsoever when it comes to posting on this forum. And I'm too immature....right. Says the web warrior/bitch boi picking an internet fight with a 19 year old :jerkoff:
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Does anyone even know who ARBeast is? He likes to claim that people he doesn't like here have no respect from any of the other members, but honestly, who is he? wfuckinga might not have many fans, but at least people know who he is and what he's about. ARBeast is just one of those anonymous voices in the background that no one gives enough of a shit about to respect or disrespect.

inb4 arbeast sends me another whiny pm calling me a bitch

Edited by bacardimayne
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Does anyone even know who ARBeast is? He likes to claim that people he doesn't like here have no respect from any of the other members, but honestly, who is he? wfuckinga might not have many fans, but at least people know who he is and what he's about. ARBeast is just one of those anonymous voices in the background that no one gives enough of a shit about to respect or disrespect.

inb4 arbeast sends me another whiny pm calling me a bitch

:lol: Spot on.

I don't know how he can say shit about maturity or childishness when he spews this kind of stuff at members here;

"Are you fucking blind? Or just that mentally challenged?"

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Does anyone even know who ARBeast is? He likes to claim that people he doesn't like here have no respect from any of the other members, but honestly, who is he? wfuckinga might not have many fans, but at least people know who he is and what he's about. ARBeast is just one of those anonymous voices in the background that no one gives enough of a shit about to respect or disrespect.

inb4 arbeast sends me another whiny pm calling me a bitch

:lol: Spot on.

I don't know how he can say shit about maturity or childishness when he spews this kind of stuff at members here;

"Are you fucking blind? Or just that mentally challenged?"

Out of likes but +1 and 5 stars to both of you
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Does anyone even know who ARBeast is? He likes to claim that people he doesn't like here have no respect from any of the other members, but honestly, who is he? wfuckinga might not have many fans, but at least people know who he is and what he's about. ARBeast is just one of those anonymous voices in the background that no one gives enough of a shit about to respect or disrespect.

inb4 arbeast sends me another whiny pm calling me a bitch

:lol: Spot on.

I don't know how he can say shit about maturity or childishness when he spews this kind of stuff at members here;

"Are you fucking blind? Or just that mentally challenged?"

Just said this recently, but I've never understood why people (certainly not just AR) resort to that. As soon as I see childish stuff like that, I usually don't even bother reading the rest. It just cheapens your entire conversation if you ask me.

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ARBeast has sent me some bizarre pm's. And after I respond, he never messages me back.

He sends me shit like "Why the dilly?" or "What's the hypotenuse?" and other nonsensical shit (for real). But he never responds when I message him back. The next time he pm's me, I will report him. I didn't realize he was doing it to other posters as well.

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  • 4 weeks later...


This thread is hilarious.

The Axl worshippers get so angry if anything positive is said about Slash. And for some reason, they feel that the best way to justify (make excuses) for Axl's failures is by bashing and insulting Slash - somebody who hasn't been in the band for 16 years.

The Ribfest that people keep making fun of, do you actually know what it is??? It's a CHARITY to raise money towards trying to end child abuse and domestic violence. So Axl plays a wedding strictly for cash and at a bowling alley - and that's awesome and killer and shows that he is still the number one rock star in the world. But Slash plays a charity event that benefits those afflicted by domestic violence and child abuse, and you people make fun of it???? Unbelievable.

And lol at the clowns who are now discounting overall album sales as a sign of popularity or relevance, but are instead breaking it down by albums sold by country? And discounting the US sales, even though both bands are American bands!!!!! Vel Revolver sold way more albums in America than GnR (Axl's version) did. OVERALL TOTAL SALES...........VR won that battle as well. Cut it up anyway you'd like. Who sold more overall albums? Slash.

So comparing Axl and Slash, post classic line-up.

Slash wins in pretty much every category that isn't based on who is YOUR personal favorite.

In a band setting: VR outsold GnR. Also received more critical success. Released more albums, sold more copies, had more hits, won a grammy.

In a solo setting: Slash wins. Slash released more albums, sold more albums, did better on tour numbers, had more hits.

Pretty dominating numbers. Axl is my favorite rock singer, but I can still admit that Slash has been immensely more popular, successful and respected than Axl has over the past 16 years. Which is almost unheard of in a guitar player -vs- singer competition. And sad, because Axl could have blown Slash away during the last 16 years. All he had to do is release a few albums and do the occasional interview. Instead, Beta and Axl chose to not go that route - and we, the fans, get ONE album.

Course, Axl worshippers will say all the things that Slash does are bad. Interviews, communicating with fans, putting out albums, playing with other artists, playing at charity events to help child abuse victims............ya, Slash really should follow Axl's lead instead. WE all would hate it if Axl did all those things.

Every day I thank the rock n roll Gods that Axl doesn't release music on a consistent basis, that he doesn't do interviews, that he doesn't communicate with fans and that he doesn't perform with lots of other musicians. Thank fully, Axl doesn't do any of those terrible things.

great post. unsurprisingly it's been ignored by axl's nutswingers.
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