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Big guns on CD2?

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You forgot, being a lazy fuck.

I forgot lots of possible explanations but personally I don't consider Axl lazy, and according to people who have worked with him, when he is "on" he works really hard. He is too much of an perfectioning, though, and suffers from long periods of inactivity which is probably more a result of depression and being on the "down" rather than laziness as such. I could be wrong, though, I don't know him.

You forgot, being a lazy fuck.

It is odd how so many other artists are able to release music on a fairly consistent basis. I'm always amazed at the lengths that people will go to come up with excuses for Axl.

Do you know the difference between "an excuse" and "an explanation". It is a subtle one, I will give you that.

What is odd is that to be such a fan boy of Axl you still seem utterly confused and perplexed over the fact that he isn't prolific at releasing music.

Do you know the difference between fact and opinion? Or between having discussions with people and being an egotistical know-it-all douche all the time?

You aren't friends with Axl, nor do you know what is really going on in his head and with his life/career. So your "explanations" are really just you making excuses/guesses/etc.

"Utterly confused and perplexed"...........is this how you talk to people in real life? Are you capable of chatting with people without being so condescending all the time?

You must be a ton of fun at parties.

If you had seen the question mark at the end you would have realised that it was actually suggested explanations and never presented as facts. A bunch of them, actually. And Daisy added another one. Shouldn't you be more grateful now that you have finally found many possible explanations for why your favourite singer of all time can't release more music to his fans?

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You forgot, being a lazy fuck.

I forgot lots of possible explanations but personally I don't consider Axl lazy, and according to people who have worked with him, when he is "on" he works really hard. He is too much of an perfectioning, though, and suffers from long periods of inactivity which is probably more a result of depression and being on the "down" rather than laziness as such. I could be wrong, though, I don't know him.

You forgot, being a lazy fuck.

It is odd how so many other artists are able to release music on a fairly consistent basis. I'm always amazed at the lengths that people will go to come up with excuses for Axl.

Do you know the difference between "an excuse" and "an explanation". It is a subtle one, I will give you that.

What is odd is that to be such a fan boy of Axl you still seem utterly confused and perplexed over the fact that he isn't prolific at releasing music.

Do you know the difference between fact and opinion? Or between having discussions with people and being an egotistical know-it-all douche all the time?

You aren't friends with Axl, nor do you know what is really going on in his head and with his life/career. So your "explanations" are really just you making excuses/guesses/etc.

"Utterly confused and perplexed"...........is this how you talk to people in real life? Are you capable of chatting with people without being so condescending all the time?

You must be a ton of fun at parties.

If you had seen the question mark at the end you would have realised that it was actually suggested explanations and never presented as facts. A bunch of them, actually. And Daisy added another one. Shouldn't you be more grateful now that you have finally found many possible explanations for why your favourite singer of all time can't release more music to his fans?

Yes. Thank you for educating me on all things Axl Rose.

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Yes. Thank you for educating me on all things Axl Rose.

no, thank YOU. Because, you know, I couldn't be here to "ridicule, win and lecture" you, if you weren't so easily ridiculed, clueless and ignorant.

Nice one!!!

Clueless, ignorant and "easily ridiculed".........you got me there, buddy. :thumbsup:

You are on a roll today. Keep educating the clueless, ridiculing the ignorant, and "winning" the battles in here.

Now can people just chat about the actual topic instead of insulting each other?

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I used to think, c. 2002, that Axl was this Roger Waters like genius working on masterpieces which would transform music. What a bellend I was back then?

Same here. Gotta give the guy props, he fooled (and still fools) a lot of people into believing he's a genius working on masterpieces.

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I think Leave Me Alone is now Soul Monster?

I think Beltrami did those on CD. There's just 4 more tracks he worked on that we haven't heard.

Put them with Jackie Chan, Zodiac, Berlin, Atlas Shrugged and you almost have an album.

Ides of March is one Im interested to know more about. Another book I haven't read. I was surprised it was a confirmed title as there's no other intel on it.

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I think Leave Me Alone is now Soul Monster?

I think Beltrami did those on CD. There's just 4 more tracks he worked on that we haven't heard.

Put them with Jackie Chan, Zodiac, Berlin, Atlas Shrugged and you almost have an album.

Ides of March is one Im interested to know more about. Another book I haven't read. I was surprised it was a confirmed title as there's no other intel on it.

I wonder how many of the titles have changed though? Fortus said he knew a lot of the unreleased song by other titles than the fans. The Blues became Street of Dreams, Oklahoma became Berlin as examples of titles changing.

Edited by seagullview
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Axl had a vision of bringing some sort of futurized rock and industrial hybrid style and then the record company thought it was too distant from classic GNR and would go over people's heads, so they made him shelve it, and over time the music/vision got diluted.

Just listen to Oh My God. That was where he wanted to go, and I thought it was brilliant. But others hated it. I remember it being one of those songs that I had to listen to like 30 times in a row. It was amazing. But people I showed it too didn't like it.

When they released that song they were testing the waters and the reaction wasn't good. So they went back to the drawing board.

Axl should have followed his original vision. Instead he let others weaken his confidence and made him indecisive and in the end he diluted everything. It's a damn shame.

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I think Leave Me Alone is now Soul Monster?

I think Beltrami did those on CD. There's just 4 more tracks he worked on that we haven't heard.

Put them with Jackie Chan, Zodiac, Berlin, Atlas Shrugged and you almost have an album.

Ides of March is one Im interested to know more about. Another book I haven't read. I was surprised it was a confirmed title as there's no other intel on it.

I wonder how many of the titles have changed though? Fortus said he knew a lot of the unreleased song by other titles than the fans. The Blues became Street of Dreams, Oklahoma became Berlin as examples of titles changing.
I understand that they are working titles but just trying to follow the tracks as much as I can. Something like Jackie Chan.

I mean there's connections and over laps between songs that I've queried but been told no.

Zodiac - Chinese zodiac/chi dem etc.

Quick Song - described as having Nirvanatype riff.

Betas Barn - Better Pitman remix

Atlas Shrugged - Catcher - May plays on both at some point

There was a Time - Thyme?

Seven - there's a quote from Seven movie on Madagascar.

The General - Riad/SOD

Ides of March - Prostitute?

So I think there is wiggle room and definitely hard to confirm anything.

But in the past not that many tracks changed names unless it was a different version.

To me The Blues sounds too much like an Elton title and SOD sort of became more of a GNR song than just a campy piano tune.

Would a new version of TIL be called Ghost of Pride. New album title suggestion.

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Axl had a vision of bringing some sort of futurized rock and industrial hybrid style and then the record company thought it was too distant from classic GNR and would go over people's heads, so they made him shelve it, and over time the music/vision got diluted.

Just listen to Oh My God. That was where he wanted to go, and I thought it was brilliant. But others hated it. I remember it being one of those songs that I had to listen to like 30 times in a row. It was amazing. But people I showed it too didn't like it.

When they released that song they were testing the waters and the reaction wasn't good. So they went back to the drawing board.

Axl should have followed his original vision. Instead he let others weaken his confidence and made him indecisive and in the end he diluted everything. It's a damn shame.

The 99 Beavan record could have come out but according to Zutaut they felt there was no real single and that point they wanted to sell 20 mil records. I guess by Jommy Iovine bringing in RTB the Queen producer to capitalise on the more Nov Rain material/potential singles you can see what they were thinking.

In the end though they didn't even like the RTB album and even dusted off TIL. Costanzo seemed to get more contemporary relevant material from the sessions with Bucket in 2004? Shacklers, Scraped, Sorry. In the end the BB deal made accessible material pointless anyway.

But just before the record if any promo was done it was Shacklers on Rock Band and If the World on Body of Lies movie. On release they seemed to be more choices of GNR sound stuff like Chi dem, Better, SOD which they kind of had Chi dem and SoD in 99? Fortus did the chorus riff of Better in 2004ish. Around this time withBetter getting good reception the label finally had a single. But again the whole release scenario was messed up by BB deal and Azzof not getting that video out there.

The good thing though is you get Axls original vision, plus the grander side of UYI era GNR and then on some tracks more of a modern direction.

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