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Multiculturalism - your opinions

Dr. Who

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Why do I get the feeling SS is one of those dey tuk ur jebs types but doesn't have a job himself?

I don't think you can blame him really, bless him, he's not the brightest of sparks. There comes to a certain point of ignorance where it's like you come to the conclusion that you're dealing with someone who is extremely impaired mentally, kinda like retarded as the dictionary would define the term. I mean this is a bloke that thought afro-american was a reference to Max Juliens haircut, not someone whoose opinion or opinions on world politics should be taken that seriously really :lol: And oh yes, Floyd Mayweather, that awful rapper that lives in 'da ghetto' :lol: Do you get what I mean, it's like having a go at my 9 year old niece when she says something silly, you can't blame her, her brains just not completely developed yet. An acute lack of awareness of the world around her and how it works, same issue with Swedish Adolf over there, if he weren't on here he'd be staring at a goldfish bowl with a bib on, watching the little fishies go around...and around...and around...and around :lol:

Edited by Lennie Godber
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Iranians can't be that much of a problem SS. I actually have several Iranian friends, they integrated really well and fast. The most Iranian refugees are Bahai or in the past old friends of the sjah, they came here a long time ago and are often very well educated.

I do however think, some cultures mix better then others. And some cultures are more accepted then others.

Also the education they had before arriving plays a part on how well they do.

For instance in my country some moroccan young boys are giving more trouble then others. Most their parents come from a poor area in Morrocco. No education, not a clue how to raise their kids in another country, they often couldn't even write or read. It resulted in the kids having more difficulties. Now I had a friend, who was really smart, but his parents were not allowing him to study. He had to drop out really young to work. The parents were convinced they would go back, so he had to earn money asap. Now I have another Moroccan friend from Casablanca and that's a totally different story. From a more liberal part of that country, well educated before arriving and her family is totally integrated, they all studied and such and are doing very well. So education plays a big role in all of this.

But I do think, there needs to come a better plan to help those boys wanting more in life. They need to have and to see a future for themselves. It only is very difficult to reach them.

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Thing is today we kinda live in an age of labels, where society is becoming more and more fragmented as we take on proudly labels which separate us from others.

IE "I'm a WHITE American", "I'm an AFRICAN American", "I'm gay", "I'm bisexual", "I'm a bisexual, pantheist, polygamist".

At one time in the US we had what was termed the political consensus. The majority of people were simply Americans (of course, it was a horrible time to be black, or gay or brown of any shade). But the general idea is, like with gays, gays make the fact that they're gay, not all but at the very least a vocal minority of them, they make their homosexuality, the forefront of their identity, like "I'm Bob and I'm gay." Which just creates division. Why not like "I'm Bob the Builder. I happen to be gay." Same thing goes for a lot of minority groups, they tend to identify themselves as minorities more than as part of a whole culture. I guess that is in part because of the exclusion they were given at one time, but now this sense of labelling oneself has spread beyond minorities.

Why can't the mantra simply be "I'm so and so and I'm a human being"? Simple enough, right?

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I'm back in school studying now. I used to work before though. Whatever that has to do with anything.

I don't think we have a lot of Chinese immigrants at all. Most Asians we have are from Korea, Thailand or Vietnam.

Iranians can't be that much of a problem SS. I actually have several Iranian friends, they integrated really well and fast. The most Iranian refugees are Bahai or in the past old friends of the sjah, they came here a long time ago and are often very well educated.

I do however think, some cultures mix better then others. And some cultures are more accepted then others.

Also the education they had before arriving plays a part on how well they do.

For instance in my country some moroccan young boys are giving more trouble then others. Most their parents come from a poor area in Morrocco. No education, not a clue how to raise their kids in another country, they often couldn't even write or read. It resulted in the kids having more difficulties. Now I had a friend, who was really smart, but his parents were not allowing him to study. He had to drop out really young to work. The parents were convinced they would go back, so he had to earn money asap. Now I have another Moroccan friend from Casablanca and that's a totally different story. From a more liberal part of that country, well educated before arriving and her family is totally integrated, they all studied and such and are doing very well. So education plays a big role in all of this.

But I do think, there needs to come a better plan to help those boys wanting more in life. They need to have and to see a future for themselves. It only is very difficult to reach them.

Well, Nordic countries are historically, ethnically homogenous. At least more so than the U.S., Australia, the Philippines, etc. Typically it makes those countries easier to govern (similar religion, ethnicity, etc.) I can imagine the transition would be a bit more difficult than say... predominantly Catholic, Latin Americans immigrating to the U.S.

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He's still the only Catholic President to have been elected: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_affiliations_of_Presidents_of_the_United_States#List_of_Presidential_religious_affiliations_.28by_religion.29

Amazing how a Mormon got so many votes in 2012, guess that shows a lack of prejudice against more fringe religions (that or prejudice against black socialist secret Muslims :P ).

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Colonialism and imperialism worked perfectly, look, the countries that did it are still running tingz and the ones who they kept under manner are still fucked :lol:
why Brits are so ashamed of colonialism?
i mean, look at India for example. didn't they get all their current social institutions from the bloody colonialists? also it was the Brits who made them drop "social institutions" like women self-immolation after death of their husbands?
then there are countries like Zambia. i have read that after they got their independence, their GDP fell drastically, life expectancy declined to 45 years, 90% of the population live below the poverty line and so on
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Colonialism and imperialism worked perfectly, look, the countries that did it are still running tingz and the ones who they kept under manner are still fucked :lol:
why Brits are so ashamed of colonialism?
i mean, look at India for example. didn't they get all their current social institutions from the bloody colonialists? also it was the Brits who made them drop "social institutions" like women self-immolation after death of their husbands?
then there are countries like Zambia. i have read that after they got their independence, their GDP fell drastically, life expectancy declined to 45 years, 90% of the population live below the poverty line and so on

I suppose because in the modern age the immediate association is with subjugation and oppression. Really, relative to imperialism prior to that, The British Empire was quite soft, very much a sort of a co-operative set up. Or at least it was presented that way. The white mans burden has led us to this sort of semi-embarassment over a history of exploiting the dumb natives of 'x' country for mass profiteering. Also the idea of these things being part of a greater mechanism which also included the slave trade and such, doesn't really sit well with the contemporary conscience.

Probably a century from now mass immigration will be looked at with similar eyes, like a sort of sly exploitation dressed up as giving folks a better life, whether thats a fair assessment or not i suppose depends on the eyes looking at it.

Edited by Lennie Godber
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You cannot beat a bit of empire,


Men of Harlech, march to glory,
Victory is hov'ring o'er ye,
Bright-eyed freedom stands before ye,
Hear ye not her call?
At your sloth she seems to wonder;
Rend the sluggish bonds asunder,
Let the war-cry's deaf'ning thunder
Every foe appall.
Echoes loudly waking,
Hill and valley shaking;
'Till the sound spreads wide around,
The Saxon's courage breaking;
Your foes on every side assailing,
Forward press with heart unfailing,
'Till invaders learn with quailing,
Cambria ne'er can yield!

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Colonialism and imperialism worked perfectly, look, the countries that did it are still running tingz and the ones who they kept under manner are still fucked :lol:

why Brits are so ashamed of colonialism?

i mean, look at India for example. didn't they get all their current social institutions from the bloody colonialists? also it was the Brits who made them drop "social institutions" like women self-immolation after death of their husbands?

then there are countries like Zambia. i have read that after they got their independence, their GDP fell drastically, life expectancy declined to 45 years, 90% of the population live below the poverty line and so on

It's a mix of good and bad. While the Brits weren't quite as bad as the French and especially not the Belgians when it came to colonialism, there was a lot of "divide and rule", which often instigated conflicts amongst populations who previously had amiable relationships. They also created systems of dependency, so that peoples would have to rely on their overlords for their well being.


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Colonialism and imperialism worked perfectly, look, the countries that did it are still running tingz and the ones who they kept under manner are still fucked :lol:
why Brits are so ashamed of colonialism?
i mean, look at India for example. didn't they get all their current social institutions from the bloody colonialists? also it was the Brits who made them drop "social institutions" like women self-immolation after death of their husbands?
then there are countries like Zambia. i have read that after they got their independence, their GDP fell drastically, life expectancy declined to 45 years, 90% of the population live below the poverty line and so on

I suppose because in the modern age the immediate association is with subjugation and oppression. Really, relative to imperialism prior to that, The British Empire was quite soft, very much a sort of a co-operative set up. Or at least it was presented that way. The white mans burden has led us to this sort of semi-embarassment over a history of exploiting the dumb natives of 'x' country for mass profiteering. Also the idea of these things being part of a greater mechanism which also included the slave trade and such, doesn't really sit well with the contemporary conscience.

Probably a century from now mass immigration will be looked at with similar eyes, like a sort of sly exploitation dressed up as giving folks a better life, whether thats a fair assessment or not i suppose depends on the eyes looking at it.

i think that within couple of centuries the views on British colonialism might change as well. i mean come on, i read books on Mongol Empire and they go on about how Genghis Khan and his descendants were brilliant soldiers and created a wonderful empire. and then i read how the Brits were conscienceless bastards who enslaved peaceful autochthonous civilization with their amazing traditions and destroyed their freedom :lol:

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Colonialism and imperialism worked perfectly, look, the countries that did it are still running tingz and the ones who they kept under manner are still fucked :lol:

why Brits are so ashamed of colonialism?

i mean, look at India for example. didn't they get all their current social institutions from the bloody colonialists? also it was the Brits who made them drop "social institutions" like women self-immolation after death of their husbands?

then there are countries like Zambia. i have read that after they got their independence, their GDP fell drastically, life expectancy declined to 45 years, 90% of the population live below the poverty line and so on

I suppose because in the modern age the immediate association is with subjugation and oppression. Really, relative to imperialism prior to that, The British Empire was quite soft, very much a sort of a co-operative set up. Or at least it was presented that way. The white mans burden has led us to this sort of semi-embarassment over a history of exploiting the dumb natives of 'x' country for mass profiteering. Also the idea of these things being part of a greater mechanism which also included the slave trade and such, doesn't really sit well with the contemporary conscience.

Probably a century from now mass immigration will be looked at with similar eyes, like a sort of sly exploitation dressed up as giving folks a better life, whether thats a fair assessment or not i suppose depends on the eyes looking at it.

i think that within couple of centuries the views on British colonialism might change as well. i mean come on, i read books on Mongol Empire and they go on about how Genghis Khan and his descendants were brilliant soldiers and created a wonderful empire. and then i read how the Brits were conscienceless bastards who enslaved peaceful autochthonous civilization with their amazing traditions and destroyed their freedom :lol:

It happens even now really, i mean there is no doubting the genius of the way the British Empire was set up, it would simply be historically inaccurate to say they were purely smash and grab ventures cuz they weren't, its just the exploitative nature of it that doesnt sit well with each.

We live in an age of feigned sensitivity where so much is made of the exploitation of the weak, be it children or animals or, yknow, whatever, and this is how politically correct history sees the poor exploited people of 'x' country, like puppies or children that were taken advantage of.

In the specific case of India i think mutual exploitation would be a bit of a stretch but mutual benefit? Definitely.

Edited by Lennie Godber
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