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Multiculturalism - your opinions

Dr. Who

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SEA and its people is great, but, and this is not negative, really, but they aren't all buddhists, Malaysia is chock-a-block full of them muslims.

I've forgotten so many times that Indonesia is the largest Muslim country in the world.

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I disagree about that it's poverty. It's such a lame excuse to let people behave like shit. One of our first big wave of asylum seekers after WWII was from Chile when they fled Pinochete. The Chileans integrated however, they learned the language, they were grateful that we sheltered and fed them and wanted to give something back, so they worked and they didn't start criminal gangs and attacked the locals like we see today.

It's about culture. People from Iraq or wherever are not used to having any kind of freedom like they have here. If they steal something in their homelands they are whipped to the bone or they lose a hand, their nose, an eye or their tongue. So they're laughing at our prison punishments and take advantage of that we're too civilized to do to them what they'd face in their own countries.

Edited by Satanisk_Slakt
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Was weird growing up in Abu Dhabi, there I saw a lot more underlying racism than in the UK. Apart from the wealthy locals, the Western Europeans/Americans were at "the top", and South Asian guys who worked at these companies rarely got beyond middle management. At hotel restaurants and places my family used to be the only non-white people there, I remember I was shocked to see an Indian family at one of these restaurants once, they were nearly always English or American or German or French (and occasionally some wealthy French-speaking Lebanese families as well). All the labourers were South Asian or East Asian (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal is the big one), so they actually made up the ethnic majority of the population (the indigenous Arabs were something like <20%, Americans/Europeans were 30%, rest mostly South Asian). House maids were either South Asian or Filipino. Waiters, waitresses, and hookers were mostly Filipino. At the brothels men are presented with "menus", with black African being the cheapest option and white women (mostly Russian) being the most expensive.

I'm hopeful that Abu Dhabi will change for the better, though, I think it already is, I would say all the above is just teething pains for a new society. The West constantly rags on about the poor conditions workers receive in the UAE, and while I do agree they are inexcusable, the West has forgotten not only the price many paid during the Industrial Revolution, but how their own lifestyles are still supported by exploitation of cheap foreign labour.

Edited by Amir
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I disagree about that it's poverty. It's such a lame excuse to let people behave like shit. One of our first big wave of asylum seekers after WWII was from Chile when they fled Pinochete. The Chileans integrated however, they learned the language, they were grateful that we sheltered and fed them and wanted to give something back, so they worked and they didn't start criminal gangs and attacked the locals like we see today.

It's about culture. People from Iraq or wherever are not used to having any kind of freedom like they have here. If they steal something in their homelands they are whipped to the bone or they lose a hand, their nose, an eye or their tongue. So they're laughing at our prison punishments and take advantage of that we're too civilized to do to them what they'd face in their own countries.

'People from Iraq or wherever' :lol:

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All the same. Them, you, Amir, me. All same you Iranian, Yemeni Islam shit skinned lowlife. :lol:

Swedish Iranians have done quite well for themselves :P


"About 60% percent of them go on to higher education – far more than the Swedish average (45 percent) or the average for other minorities (37 percent).[3] Middle class Iranian culture – with its emphasis on education – may be part of the reason for their success. Becoming an engineer or a doctor is a mantra in many families."

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Was just thinking that if you're gonna hold opinions regarding such things it might be a good idea to be a little more precise. 'You know like them darkies wot kill each uvver!' 'Yes, i know exactly what you mean!' :lol:

All the same. Them, you, Amir, me. All same you Iranian, Yemeni Islam shit skinned lowlife. :lol:

Swedish Iranians have done quite well for themselves :P


"About 60% percent of them go on to higher education far more than the Swedish average (45 percent) or the average for other minorities (37 percent).[3] Middle class Iranian culture with its emphasis on education may be part of the reason for their success. Becoming an engineer or a doctor is a mantra in many families."

No they dont, they roam Sweden in Jeeps like Mad Max and burn cities and rape innocent little white girls, having forcibly converted them to Islam, you cant pull the wool over this kids eyes, i know where the Ayatollah and the Iron Sheik came from :lol:

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All the same. Them, you, Amir, me. All same you Iranian, Yemeni Islam shit skinned lowlife. :lol:

Swedish Iranians have done quite well for themselves :P


"About 60% percent of them go on to higher education far more than the Swedish average (45 percent) or the average for other minorities (37 percent).[3] Middle class Iranian culture with its emphasis on education may be part of the reason for their success. Becoming an engineer or a doctor is a mantra in many families."

Didn't you listen to SS? You're all scum. See this is exactly what he means! You're a liar! :lol:
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And the other 40% are the ones creating gangs and throwing rocks on firemen when they're trying to put out a fire that they (the immigrants) started.

By that logic, 55% of Swedes would be delinquents.

So what's the endgame? Kick everyone out who's brown?

Obviously it's a complicated issue, this article and the top comment are worth reading:


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Nah, that's not the logic. The logic is that a lot more people from Iran are committing crimes than Swedes. It doesn't matter what education they may have, the Iranians still commit more crimes than Swedes. Besides, many of them can't even use their education here. That's why we have engineers and doctors driving our cabs and buses.

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And the other 40% are the ones creating gangs and throwing rocks on firemen when they're trying to put out a fire that they (the immigrants) started.

So theres a precise divide in the Swedish Iranian community of 69/40, with doctors and high end professionals at 60...and the rest are just like the fuckin wild bunch, with no in between? :lol:

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i have no problem with immigration but at the same time you need to know who is coming into this country. i do wish they would learn a bit of the language to get by and the history a bit. i dont expect them to give up their customs or their way of life but i do expect them to blend their customs with ours, it is what has made america, america. i think 90% of immigrants coming to the US are good hard working people who just want a better life, it is weeding out those other 10% that is difficult to do.

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I don't care, I just don't want them here for many reasons. One of them being that a huge portion of them are leeches and criminals.

Of course I don't think all of them should be kicked out. I even have a friend from the region. Iran, Iraq... whatever it is she's from. Same shit different names really. Point is that not everyone should be sent back, because not all of them are shit, but if I got to choose between all or none going back I'd kick them all out without a seconds hesitation.

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