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DJ Ashba gave free food and money in LV for homeless people... what is your opinion about this?

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Fuck Dj for ruining people's prejudicies against him by doing really nice things to other people! He's such an asshole.

I dont mind DJ but this thing is silly IMO. People give all the time and don't film it for self promotion.

Yes, I agree, he totally ruined it and the food defintiely turned to ashes in the mouths of the homeless.

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Gotta love the self righteous preaching how charity should be done. Who gives a flying fuck if he filmed. My god people are such assclowns. A good deed was done, people's days were brightened and by filming it we got to be a part of it as well. DJ doesn't need this type of thing for promotion so to those who think this is all about self promotion I honestly think you're just cynical, miserable pricks.

Merry Christmas

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Gotta love the self righteous preaching how charity should be done. Who gives a flying fuck if he filmed. My god people are such assclowns. A good deed was done, people's days were brightened and by filming it we got to be a part of it as well. DJ doesn't need this type of thing for promotion so to those who think this is all about self promotion I honestly think you're just cynical, miserable pricks.

A good deed? He was ABUSING the hunger of poor people by malicously manipulating their craving for sustenance for cheap PR jippos! They probably felt violated and disgusted!

I don't think I am a cynical prick, but I might not be very adept at getting sarcasm across.

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I've always looked at it like this: Preachers and other religious leaders are inherently lying con artists. When they give to the needy, that's a good thing, but they're still lying con artists.

Anyone who gives to the needy and then brags about it did a good thing but they're still a douchebag.

So, DJ is a douchebag.

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As someone else mentioned, a lot of people in Vegas are really, really destitute, so anything that helps even a few of them is appreciated. Good for DJ for helping.

I guess he was trying to send a message with the video but I do think it was unnecessary. There are actually lots of celebs who help out at events, soup kitchens and feeding centers very quietly and without any fanfare at all.

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Great thing to do !

Imagine Axl doing that...

I haven't watched the video yet but I'm sure Axl does do a lot of giving behind the scenes that he doesn't make public. I've read about him helping children from violent families & homeless with food etc.

Don't just 'imagine Axl doing this' when he chooses to do his charity work without publicity. It's surprising when something is said publicly by some one & who it came from. Makes a difference as to what you think of the person who helped others out quietly.

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I've heard the same, that Axl very quiety gives a lot to charity. The fact that someone isn't making a show of their volunteerism and charitable works doesn't mean they're not happening. I actually have a lot more respect for those who help out quietly, without expecting any sort of applause or publicity from it.

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Gotta love the self righteous preaching how charity should be done. Who gives a flying fuck if he filmed. My god people are such assclowns. A good deed was done, people's days were brightened and by filming it we got to be a part of it as well. DJ doesn't need this type of thing for promotion so to those who think this is all about self promotion I honestly think you're just cynical, miserable pricks.

A good deed? He was ABUSING the hunger of poor people by malicously manipulating their craving for sustenance for cheap PR jippos! They probably felt violated and disgusted!

I don't think I am a cynical prick, but I might not be very adept at getting sarcasm across.

What are you talking about? There's clearly people in this thread who think what he did sucks because they\re so righteous to think it's only for self promo. Like DJ has no better way to promote himself if need be. Did I call you a cynical prick? No I didn't. My post wasn't even slightly directed at you because I fully got your sarcasm. Hence why I didn't quote you. My comment was made in general to the actual cynical, miserable pricks in this thread criticizing this while probably not doing anything themselves to help or make a difference

I've heard the same, that Axl very quiety gives a lot to charity. The fact that someone isn't making a show of their volunteerism and charitable works doesn't mean they're not happening. I actually have a lot more respect for those who help out quietly, without expecting any sort of applause or publicity from it.

Why do you respect someone more? Because they don't want anyone to know? Maybe if Axl filmed some of his stuff it would inspire others to help. Why the fuck do some of you make charitable actions into a competetion? It's like the ice bucet challenge. It rasied millions all because people did so pubicly. If nobody made a video not even a fraction of the money woudl've been raised. There's no right or wrong way to contribute but it's just fucking asinine to respect Axl's contributions more because he does it in secret. Who the hell cares how it's done, as long as it's getting done.

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Look anytime you give away a grand and food to poor hungry people you can't call it anything but great. Ok, the shmaltzy song was a little too much and showed how it wasn't what I hoped it was at the start, (his bro just filming it on his phone impromptu) instead being a produced piece, but it was still a great thing to do. As he's a celebrity I'm going with the ''maybe it will inspire other celebrities'' theory, that helps explain the video and production values.

Also yeah I could see Axl doing it from a generosity pov, but imagine the flack he'd get if he did!? "self promo, what a douche, trying to get more spotlight, etc" Ya know... the sort of things you'd hear outside, say, a GnR fan message board. (cough cough)

Edited by axlskAmpf
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I've heard the same, that Axl very quiety gives a lot to charity. The fact that someone isn't making a show of their volunteerism and charitable works doesn't mean they're not happening. I actually have a lot more respect for those who help out quietly, without expecting any sort of applause or publicity from it.

Why do you respect someone more? Because they don't want anyone to know? Maybe if Axl filmed some of his stuff it would inspire others to help. Why the fuck do some of you make charitable actions into a competetion? It's like the ice bucet challenge. It rasied millions all because people did so pubicly. If nobody made a video not even a fraction of the money woudl've been raised. There's no right or wrong way to contribute but it's just fucking asinine to respect Axl's contributions more because he does it in secret. Who the hell cares how it's done, as long as it's getting done.

Oh, stop. There's nothing asinine about what I said. There is, however, something asinine about jumping on someone who has a different opinion, so chill out.

Yes, videos and other public charitable actions can raise awareness, and yes, every little bit helps, and yes, the ends justify the means in some respect. And if you'd actually read my first post you'd have seen that I wrote that. A lot of people in Vegas are in a bad way, and if some of them had a better day because of Ashba, it's all good.

But the reason I respect the "quiet donors" and volunteers more, overall, is because they're truly not getting anything for themselves out of it. They're not expecting a pat on the back or anything else. I have to respect that.

As for the ice bucket challenge, let's remember that while it raised a lot of money, and it did make a difference...there were also a lot of people who simply posted videos of themselves getting soaked without donating a cent to ALS, or knowing what the fuck ALS even was, because they thought it was a fun meme and they wanted attention from friends. And then their Facebook friends all liked it and patted them on the back, and thought they were wonderful - and yet not a dime was raised, and there wasn't any information provided that would help anyone have true awareness of what ALS was.

Edited by stella
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Didn't bother watching it. I don't want to see someone manage to make helping the homeless a self serving act.

EDIT: Couldn't resist. Holy jumping shit. It would be one thing if someone saw him do it and posted it on twitter or instagram. Nope. It feels like seriously nit picking to say giving food to the homeless makes him a jack ass, but the way he did it, the filming of it, the slow motion sad music montages, holy fucking shit. He managed to look like a dick helping the homeless.

But hey, it is improvement. Better to be a dick while feeding and funding the homeless rather than being a dick beating up fans and verbally assaulting the elderly like he used to.

Edited by TeeJay410
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What's the point in doing something good if no one sees you doing it?

Also, fast food? He couldn't have bought then a hamper of canned etc food that would last more than one meal?

Good on him for doing what he did but it seriously seems like he did the least he could just to make a video of him being Mr Nice Guy.

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FGS....He was trying to send some kind of message, a kind of Christmas card for us to think.

It just doesn't seem like pure promotion and I'm sure he does it more or less regularly.

And my appreciation of his gesture doesn't mean I like that guy. I (still) don't but also I have nothing against him.

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I think it's great and to anyone who complains here's a newsflash for ya. Charity isn't a competetion and doing it annonymously is of no greater value than doing it publicly. In fact doing it publicly and making a video like this reminds each and everyone of us how easy it is to make the slightest difference and put a smile on someone's face even if just for a moment. So what if DJ made a video. He did something good and if that's something to complain about then here's a big ol' F-U for the complainers out there.

yeah, nice PR text BONO :lol:

(no wonder that you feel this way, because your avatar do the same on an even more cringeworthy way)

I think NOBODY here bash him for what he did

But some of us feel that making a video and doing it mainly because of self PR (and not because of reminds each and everyone of us how easy it is to make the slightest difference and put a smile on someone's face even if just for a moment.)

Fuck Dj for ruining people's prejudicies against him by doing really nice things to other people! He's such an asshole.

I dont mind DJ but this thing is silly IMO. People give all the time and don't film it for self promotion.

Yes, I agree, he totally ruined it and the food defintiely turned to ashes in the mouths of the homeless.

you missed the point, imo

I do the same as DJ for about 8 years now on and didn't make a video of it

Do you know why? not beacuse i'm not a famous person

because i want to help, not because i want to make a PR video about it ( i can easily make videos like this and post it on social media and watch people to kiss my ass for it, but i don't)

Gotta love the self righteous preaching how charity should be done. Who gives a flying fuck if he filmed. My god people are such assclowns. A good deed was done, people's days were brightened and by filming it we got to be a part of it as well. DJ doesn't need this type of thing for promotion so to those who think this is all about self promotion I honestly think you're just cynical, miserable pricks.

Merry Christmas

In fact he NEEDS this promotion because he is a media whore, without doing anything major musically so...

Merry Chrismas to you and your hypocritical assclown idol too (Bono)

If Slash made a video like this you'd all be eating it up like he was the second Mother Theresa. :rofl-lol:

He brightened a few people's days and all he got out of it was some attention. Good for him.


i would make the same thread the reaction would be the same mostly and you would post abpout what if DJ do this etc.

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As someone else mentioned, a lot of people in Vegas are really, really destitute, so anything that helps even a few of them is appreciated. Good for DJ for helping.

I guess he was trying to send a message with the video but I do think it was unnecessary. There are actually lots of celebs who help out at events, soup kitchens and feeding centers very quietly and without any fanfare at all.

My thoughts exactly and this is debunked all of the arguments that "ZOMG he do this because he wanted to send a message" thing

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