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ISIS Members execute captured pilot by burning him alive


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ISIS are "Sunni" majority. Iran is funding Houthis instead.

From what I've heard from captured ISIS members, a lot of them said they didn't even read the Qur'an, no one had a copy, they didn't even pray. They were just there for the money and power.

ISIS has much to do with Islam as the Ku Klu Klan has to do with Christianity. Just for the money and power.

Lemme tell you something about muslim kids, especially here in the western world. A great many of em wouldn't know a Qu'ran from first base. I remember once in the school i went to there was this racial...attack...thing. After i got chucked out of my first school i got sent to one of the shit ones in town and it was populated very much by like, immigrants etc, people of my racial background. Anyway one day we come into school and someone with some spray paint and a lot of spare time had sprayed loads of anti-Islamic shit all over the fuckin' place, you know the kind of stuff, like porkpie in a Synagogue (or Mosque in this instance) type idea, the exact things you know that will offend the best.

Anyway a consequence of this was that all the lads basically came out of class, like a boycott type thing, they just went out and start making a massive row about the shit. Which is all well and good y'know, stand up for your rights and that but at the same time our Maths teacher Mr Elvin made a fair point, half of the lads that came out were like...the bad boys y'know, the wrong uns, they were just looking for an excuse to get the fuck out of a classroom basically. So we're all there and everyones making a racket and Mr Elvin went up to one of the more reknowned cunts among us, this guy apparently standing up for Islam and all this sort of stuff and Mr Elvin goes to him 'what do you actually know about Islam, how much do you actually follow it, when was the last time you were in a Mosque?'. And he just totally shut up. I mean like, basic stuff like the declaration of faith which most people know since being a 4 yr old he didn't know :lol: And you can't be a muslim without that declaration, it's literally the most fundamental aspect of being a muslim, knowing that one sentence...and he didn't.

And there's a lot of that among some of these lads, they either literally don't know shit one way or the other or it's like...new money y'know, wearing something they just learnt the other day on their sleeve and probably haven't even got their head around it properly yet but they think they're qualified to get all militant about it. Anyone with an ounce of nouse could shut em down at any debate table in town but they still give it as if they're the fuckin' defenders of...whatever.

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It occurs to me that there is almost a disrespect in immediate or swiftly realised zeal. If only because...something of such depth, something so profound as the truth and the meaning behind EVERYTHING can't possibly be so simply grasped. And anything taken up in that kind of rash manner can't be very...substantial in terms of its meaning. I don't agree with loud or zealous people in this kind of regard in general, which is odd, being a somewhat zealous and loud person myself at times.

I dunno, I just always thought that the day i heard the truth, as in THE truth, it won't be shouted or bellowed or barked but rather tempered with the serenity of enlightenment. I don't think Gods people would be forceful. It makes you wonder about the substance of the message when the messenger has to be forceful to get it across.

Edited by Len B'stard
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Obamas answer: Give them jobs.

For some reason Barack doesn't realise that these radicals are born and raised to hate the west. The radicals don't understand that their own governments are the oppressors. They don't want fucking jobs, they want to kill everyone who is opposed to their ideology. Anyone of em could drop their guns and get work but they don't want that because they are born and raised to kill.

I remember when I was a kid in the early 80's, seeing the kids in Iran and Palestine on tv chanting death to America. Now those same kids are all grown up and killing people, but lets stop all the hate and start building some more McDonalds in the the Middle East. Free Happy Meals for everyone..

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Lenny nailing it yet again.

A lot of the guys from Western Countries that are going over to fight with IS are freshly "converted"petty crooks and thugs, like the Australian guy who had his kids hold the severed heads for a photo opportunity...he was a petty criminal since adolescence-I'm more of a Muslim than that fucker.

They get tired of playing gangsta and head off to play Jihadist.

Edited by DR DOOM
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So ISIS is setting up camp in pretty much every country the US has destabilized recently via direct or indirect military intervention. Nice.

For one thing the Iraq War should have never happened. I remember pissing people off when I said the Iraqi people were better off under Saddam. I would have settled with killing his sons.

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