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To quote Dawkins: Alternative medicine is a "...set of practices which cannot be tested, refuse to be tested, or consistently fail tests. If a healing technique is demonstrated to have curative properties in properly controlled double-blind trials, it ceases to be alternative. It simply...becomes medicine."

The same goes for "oriental medicine". If it turns out to have efficacy it will be adopted by "medicine" and used outside of "the Orient", too.

See they have to call it "alternative medicine" because if it worked it would just be "medicine". :lol:


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To quote Dawkins: Alternative medicine is a "...set of practices which cannot be tested, refuse to be tested, or consistently fail tests. If a healing technique is demonstrated to have curative properties in properly controlled double-blind trials, it ceases to be alternative. It simply...becomes medicine."

The same goes for "oriental medicine". If it turns out to have efficacy it will be adopted by "medicine" and used outside of "the Orient", too.

See they have to call it "alternative medicine" because if it worked it would just be "medicine". :lol:


I should have just quoted you ;)


Short disclaimer since I see Lenny is in this thread: The figure above, and although I knew the gist of it in terms of the effect of vaccination on measles, was in fact not drawn up by myself when posting, as one might be misled to think, but unscrupously copied from Wikipedia on an ad hoc basis when needed :shrugs: .

Edited by SoulMonster
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Short disclaimer since I see Lenny is in this thread: The figure above, and although I knew the gist of it in terms of the effect of vaccination on measles, was in fact not drawn up by myself when posting, as one might be misled to think, but unscrupously copied from Wikipedia on an ad hoc basis when needed :shrugs: .

You disappoint me.

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I'd also like to point out that I caught Whooping Cough which then turned into Pneumonia at around 6 weeks old from an unvaccinated older child. My mother was told to prepare for the worst at one point so thanks for that anti vaxxers. <_<

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Short disclaimer since I see Lenny is in this thread: The figure above, and although I knew the gist of it in terms of the effect of vaccination on measles, was in fact not drawn up by myself when posting, as one might be misled to think, but unscrupously copied from Wikipedia on an ad hoc basis when needed :shrugs: .

You disappoint me.

Whats he talkin' about? :lol:

The same goes for "oriental medicine". If it turns out to have efficacy it will be adopted by "medicine" and used outside of "the Orient", too.

It ain't cricket til the white man says so yeah? :lol:

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Short disclaimer since I see Lenny is in this thread: The figure above, and although I knew the gist of it in terms of the effect of vaccination on measles, was in fact not drawn up by myself when posting, as one might be misled to think, but unscrupously copied from Wikipedia on an ad hoc basis when needed :shrugs: .

You disappoint me.

Whats he talkin' about? :lol:

The same goes for "oriental medicine". If it turns out to have efficacy it will be adopted by "medicine" and used outside of "the Orient", too.

It ain't cricket til the white man says so yeah? :lol:

Just a joke going back to you criticising me for posting examples of what Muhammed is called in various countries and not saying the numbers were taken from Wikipedia and something I went around remembering.

As for your last sentenc:. Like so many other things, testing efficacy of medicine has also not anything to do with race. But I guess if all you have is a hammer every problem will look like a nail.

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Short disclaimer since I see Lenny is in this thread: The figure above, and although I knew the gist of it in terms of the effect of vaccination on measles, was in fact not drawn up by myself when posting, as one might be misled to think, but unscrupously copied from Wikipedia on an ad hoc basis when needed :shrugs: .

You disappoint me.

Whats he talkin' about? :lol:

I think about the time you called him out for using Wikipedia instead of only relying on his own knowledge, don't recall which thread. :lol:

EDIT: Yes, the Muhammad thing.

Edited by Lio
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Short disclaimer since I see Lenny is in this thread: The figure above, and although I knew the gist of it in terms of the effect of vaccination on measles, was in fact not drawn up by myself when posting, as one might be misled to think, but unscrupously copied from Wikipedia on an ad hoc basis when needed :shrugs: .

You disappoint me.

Whats he talkin' about? :lol:

The same goes for "oriental medicine". If it turns out to have efficacy it will be adopted by "medicine" and used outside of "the Orient", too.

It ain't cricket til the white man says so yeah? :lol:
Just a joke going back to you criticising me for posting examples of what Muhammed is called in various countries and not saying the numbers were taken from Wikipedia and something I went around remembering.

As for your last sentenc:. Like so many other things, testing efficacy of medicine has also not anything to do with race. But I guess if all you have is a hammer every problem will look like a nail.

To be fair to you the last sentence was just me being silly :lol:

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I'd also like to point out that I caught Whooping Cough which then turned into Pneumonia at around 6 weeks old from an unvaccinated older child. My mother was told to prepare for the worst at one point so thanks for that anti vaxxers. <_<

Aah now I posted a video of a little baby with whooping cough saying to get your children vaccinated or this is the result. Right?

She asked me if that child had been around a child who had recently been vaccinated - I guess thinking that if a child has been vaccinated with the whooping cough virus they have passed it on to the little baby - so it's their fault for being vaccinated.

Also did the mother have a healthy diet when pregnant - well I wouldn't know as I don't know these people, it was a video showing whooping cough so I couldn't answer that.

Her grandson had the whooping cough vaccine and got whooping cough and ended up in hospital so that proved to her that the vaccine didn't give immunity but gave the illness.

Her = 10/10

Me = WTF :shrugs:

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She asked me if that child had been around a child who had recently been vaccinated - I guess thinking that if a child has been vaccinated with the whooping cough virus they have passed it on to the little baby - so it's their fault for being vaccinated.

Well as SM pointed out earlier in the thread the vaccine is not the same as the virus so that's not medically possible. :shrugs:

I'd also like to point out that I caught Whooping Cough which then turned into Pneumonia at around 6 weeks old from an unvaccinated older child. My mother was told to prepare for the worst at one point so thanks for that anti vaxxers. <_<

Prepare for the worst? Fuckin' hell..

Oh aye. I was not long for this world for a time so I'm told.

Edited by Dazey
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To be honest, the decision to not vaccinate children it's a symptom of autism itself.

Worse than autism, is a symptom of egoism that reigns in modern society.

It reminds me of the typical work colleague who spends most part of his time kissing the boss's ass, trying to fuck all the others colleagues life. The kind of person which, no matter what, go to the workplace even if he has a flu and 40ºC fever, just to prove how a good ass kisser he is. But, by doing that, just trying to look like a good employee to his boss, he doesn't care if he will infect the rest of his colleagues ... the following week half of the company will be sick because of that bastard.

Same shit with this (non)vaccination stuff.

Edited by GUNNER PT
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She asked me if that child had been around a child who had recently been vaccinated - I guess thinking that if a child has been vaccinated with the whooping cough virus they have passed it on to the little baby - so it's their fault for being vaccinated.

Well as SM pointed out earlier in the thread the vaccine is not the same as the virus so that's not medically possible. :shrugs:

I'd also like to point out that I caught Whooping Cough which then turned into Pneumonia at around 6 weeks old from an unvaccinated older child. My mother was told to prepare for the worst at one point so thanks for that anti vaxxers. <_<

Prepare for the worst? Fuckin' hell..

Oh aye. I was not long for this world for a time so I'm told.

I'm out of likes so thanks for your answer.

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She asked me if that child had been around a child who had recently been vaccinated - I guess thinking that if a child has been vaccinated with the whooping cough virus they have passed it on to the little baby - so it's their fault for being vaccinated.

Well as SM pointed out earlier in the thread the vaccine is not the same as the virus so that's not medically possible. :shrugs:

I'd also like to point out that I caught Whooping Cough which then turned into Pneumonia at around 6 weeks old from an unvaccinated older child. My mother was told to prepare for the worst at one point so thanks for that anti vaxxers. <_<

Prepare for the worst? Fuckin' hell..

Oh aye. I was not long for this world for a time so I'm told.

Well I'm glad you made it fat arse ;) Thats fuckin' scary though man. Whats whooping cough entail? And don't say a fuckin' cough :lol:

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She asked me if that child had been around a child who had recently been vaccinated - I guess thinking that if a child has been vaccinated with the whooping cough virus they have passed it on to the little baby - so it's their fault for being vaccinated.

Well as SM pointed out earlier in the thread the vaccine is not the same as the virus so that's not medically possible. :shrugs:

I'm out of likes so thanks for your answer.

Do you see what I mean though? That isn't something that is vague or that there's any ambiguity about. She says that people who get vaccinated develop the illness because they're injected with the virus. The entire medical profession says that's not physically possible and that should be the end of the argument yet these people persist in spreading these lies because they're either too stubborn to admit defeat or simply not intelligent enough to understand the facts being presented.

Recently there were a number climate change denying politicians in the US who when interviewed would always start with "well I'm not a scientist but .......... " and then go on to denounce the findings of something like 99% of the scientific community. :lol: It's just imbecilic! "I'm not a scientist but .......... " Well guess what sunshine these people who are scientists say you don't have a fucking clue what you're on about so shut the fuck up! :lol:

It's the same with anti-vaxxers, evolution deniers and all the other short bus passengers out there. "I'm not a scientist/evolutionary biologist/epidemiologist but here's what I reckon anyway and bollocks to anybody who actually bothered to get properly educated on the subject cuz I'm with Jenny McCarthy!!!!!!" :lol:

Fucking hell I need to lie down, my head hurts. :lol:

Edited by Dazey
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OMG this is hard to watch, how long is this baby unable to breathe after coughing and then the whoop comes when they gain their breath again.

I do understand what you say, I did think the virus was injected into us and in a way it is but it's not the full virus but a killed virus so that our bodies can be infected slightly to build up the immunity against the disease.

I'm tired of the arguments I see against vaccinations, ok some babies do end up with brain injury or die after vaccinating but it's a small proportion who, if they caught measles, chicken pox etc would have likely had a bad reaction to the disease itself and had the same effect. Either way they sadly lose.

Lenny it's pertussis, respiratory infection with high fever and small babies need to be in hospital if they contract it. Here's a video of what Dazey must have gone through if a small baby when he got it.

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I'm tired of the arguments I see against vaccinations, ok some babies do end up with brain injury or die after vaccinating

Thing is, there isn't any evidence some babies actually did had brain injury or have died cause of vaccinating. There just isn't. I think the cases who are blaming vaccination are coincidences. I only go by hard solid evidence to even make a conclusion like that.

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Frankly, with some of the shit you people believe in, I find it odd that you'd ditch a friend or be unable to talk to someone just because they have some fucked up ideas about vaccines.

They used to talk at me about metaphysics Mags. The OTHER metaphysics.

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Frankly, with some of the shit you people believe in, I find it odd that you'd ditch a friend or be unable to talk to someone just because they have some fucked up ideas about vaccines.

They used to talk at me about metaphysics Mags. The OTHER metaphysics.

You mean McCoy's metaphysics? :lol:

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Frankly, with some of the shit you people believe in, I find it odd that you'd ditch a friend or be unable to talk to someone just because they have some fucked up ideas about vaccines.

They used to talk at me about metaphysics Mags. The OTHER metaphysics.
You mean McCoy's metaphysics? :lol:
The very same. <_<

Now tell me I'm overreacting! :lol:

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Frankly, with some of the shit you people believe in, I find it odd that you'd ditch a friend or be unable to talk to someone just because they have some fucked up ideas about vaccines.

They used to talk at me about metaphysics Mags. The OTHER metaphysics.

You mean McCoy's metaphysics? :lol:

Hobbit magic?

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going off on a slight tangent here, but all this idiocy just reminds me of a case in oklahoma(IIRC) where a 9 year old boy with diabetes died because his mother wouldnt bring him to the doctor because she "thought god would heal him" there are a bunch of idiots in this world.

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