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Richard Fortus One On One With Mitch Lafon [Several GNR mentions]

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I The raincoat in Rio was my breaking point.

That's so true for me also. He looked like a small child whose Mommy dressed him up before letting him go out and play in the rain.

A fuck off leather coat should have been the only option considered.

It had his "Mom's" fingerprints all over it.

Like you, I just let the thing go from there...weird how something so inconsequential can be the straw that finally breaks the belief system.

Even if Beta dresses him sometimes when it's really cold, I don't give a shit. It was cold. Get over it. It was a Bucket homage. He tried to rock with a yellow coat in the rain. That's admirable.

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nugnr is over.

they can still tour as a cover band, but the project in itself is dead.


Absolutely. Axl has given up on establishing a new artistic legacy with his new band. Nugnr will probably continue touring as a nostalgia act, but it failed in becoming relevant in today's music world.

It's over. :shrugs:

Edited by Ferrari
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I can't understand why people are so mad over that raincoat yet rarely criticises him for his ludicrous way of dressing in just about every other decade. Was the raincoat really worse than how he looked in 2002 with the jerseys and the hair? Or the chaps and leather in the 80s? Or the tights and kevlar in the 90s? And what about the oversized clothes, moustache and constant hats of recent years? Axl has ALWAYS been a creative dresser who only very rarely gets it right, and the raincoat was to me one of the smallest fashion offenses of his career.

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I can't understand why people are so mad over that raincoat yet rarely criticises him for his ludicrous way of dressing in just about every other decade. Was the raincoat really worse than how he looked in 2002 with the jerseys and the hair? Or the chaps and leather in the 80s? Or the tights and kevlar in the 90s? And what about the oversized clothes, moustache and constant hats of recent years? Axl has ALWAYS been a creative dresser who only very rarely gets it right, and the raincoat was to me one of the smallest fashion offenses of his career.

I can't imagine how THAT dressing mistake was the turning point for people. If fashion means so much in how you enjoy a band, what on earth allowed you to get over the numerous fashion travesties of Axl's in earlier years?

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I The raincoat in Rio was my breaking point.

That's so true for me also. He looked like a small child whose Mommy dressed him up before letting him go out and play in the rain.

A fuck off leather coat should have been the only option considered.

It had his "Mom's" fingerprints all over it.

Like you, I just let the thing go from there...weird how something so inconsequential can be the straw that finally breaks the belief system.

Even if Beta dresses him sometimes when it's really cold, I don't give a shit. It was cold. Get over it. It was a Bucket homage. He tried to rock with a yellow coat in the rain. That's admirable.

I'm not justifying what happened to my opinion of him, I acknowledged it was inconsequential and I know it makes no sense.

So calm down defenders.

I'm just saying when I saw the raincoat I just gave up on the guy on some level.

I'm amazed that another poster had the same odd reaction as I did.

All the other stuff he wore down the years was so fucking "Whoa??WTF?" but he wore it with such ferocious style, it just added to his cult of personality.

Here he comes mincing out, all wrapped up against the lethal tropical rain..in a yellow mac my mother would buy....It just looked so fucking safe.

I just remember thinking, "this guy is too worried about himself"

Edited by Intercourse
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I The raincoat in Rio was my breaking point.

That's so true for me also. He looked like a small child whose Mommy dressed him up before letting him go out and play in the rain.

A fuck off leather coat should have been the only option considered.

It had his "Mom's" fingerprints all over it.

Like you, I just let the thing go from there...weird how something so inconsequential can be the straw that finally breaks the belief system.

Even if Beta dresses him sometimes when it's really cold, I don't give a shit. It was cold. Get over it. It was a Bucket homage. He tried to rock with a yellow coat in the rain. That's admirable.

in a yellow mac my mother would buy....It just looked so fucking safe.

I don't know much about your mom, does she enjoy unsafe activities? Anyway, Axl likes to wear goofy shit and was cold so those 2 facts resulted in a yellow raincoat. I think it's too silly to even discuss other then the fact that yes, it didn't look good, and yeah, old Axl sometimes looks funny. Personally, I have no problem with yellow raincoats. I think Bucket wore it best, but Axl looked funny in his doing all the moves in the songs and it looks like the start of a new yellow raincoat era.

Safe? dude he's 53 now. He bought a cane ffs. He's a pimp daddy now. You bet your fuckin' ass he's going to take care of himself. He was always like that, at least ever since he started making the big bucks. It's safer to rock with a yellow raincoat on if you're ever in rio.

Edited by Rovim
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I like to keep optimistic about this band. I haven't forgiven Slash for passive aggressively leaving the band way back in 1996, but I do admire Axl continuing on and carrying on the band name instead of just leaving it in limbo like the classic line-up decided to do because Axl wouldn't make an Appetite style record in the middle of a revolution of rock music "Alternative" in the mid 90's and that would have killed the band right there. Motley Crue tried it, Def Leppard tried it and they failed. U2 tried something different and remained relevant in the process (When they weren't trying to feed everybody there music via smartphones & tablets and turning themselves into clowns) Metallica tried something different and produced some of there weakest albums to date.

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Oh yes, as I'd hate to admit.. this was pretty shocking (5:47)


Wow, it's worse than I remembered :lol: Rio 2011 was a shambles but it was cool to hear Estranged. Just wonder what the hell happened, it's like Axl stopped caring about everything.

I saw the band at Hellfest in France in 2012 though and it was awesome.

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Oh yes, as I'd hate to admit.. this was pretty shocking (5:47)


Wow, it's worse than I remembered :lol: Rio 2011 was a shambles but it was cool to hear Estranged. Just wonder what the hell happened, it's like Axl stopped caring about everything.

I've always put it down to meds. My ex watched the Rio stream with me at the time and pointed out the way his face fell was the way she'd seen mine sometimes, like in the middle of a party or something. Just a theory.

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"I gave up on him because he wore a yellow raincoat"

Jesus guys.

At 53, should he be running around stage in spandex biker shorts?

I can't even show any UYI short outside of Indiana '91 and Rio '91 because of those damn shorts. They're way more embarassing than a raincoat.

I mean these are some of the things the guy has worn on stage over the years





But a raincoat, that's the breaking point?

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Axl was AMAZING in those shorts, leggings and weird crap. Only homophobic and chauvinists cringe at it; we females loved it. And no one complained back then because he was young, slim and beautiful. He could have worn just a bag and he still would look fantastic. He was full of charisma, energy and sensuality.

However, I can't understand why people get fixated and obsessed with something that was a one time thing, probably that was the only raincoat around. I don't think he even knew he would have to wear that stuff until the moment of wearing it.

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"I gave up on him because he wore a yellow raincoat"

Jesus guys.

At 53, should he be running around stage in spandex biker shorts?

No, but a fucking yellow rain mac? Its a rock show for 65,000 paying customers for fuck's sake...you're the infamous Axl Rose, image is important when putting on a visual performance...wear a leather coat. Play the role.

Stop the extreme examples in defence.

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