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Mom and kids beat homeless Vet to death.


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Apparently a 10 year old kid told his mom that a local homeless guy had pushed him. So the kid's mom got her friend and a couple teenagers and they went and beat the homeless guy to death.

The kid later admit that he lied.

No guns were used

Obama isn't having a press conference about it

I suppose since it wasn't a white dude with a gun and Christianity can't be tied to it then there are no reasons for democrats to be outraged.

The video is all over the news. Sick sick sick stuff.

Edited by Apollo
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Every news agency in the united states?

You probably didn't hear about it because it wasn't a mob of white rednecks.

Still, it is a common courtesy to post a credible source. Remember your strange tirades in the past? Anything coming from you should be taken with a grain of salt.

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Every news agency in the united states?

You probably didn't hear about it because it wasn't a mob of white rednecks.

Still, it is a common courtesy to post a credible source. Remember your strange tirades in the past? Anything coming from you should be taken with a grain of salt.

Coming from you I take that as a compliment.

I don't know how to post a link from my phone.

You people don't have google? I just typed in homeless vet beaten to death and hundreds of stories came up. It happened a couple days ago in Philadelphia.

Edit - happened in April. The victim was in a coma and just died a couple days ago.

Edited by Apollo
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I just typed "mom beats homeless man to death" into google and got a result from 2013.

Why are you posting this kind of trash here anyway? I come here to find out about THE REUNION and CHINESE DEMOCRACY 2!!! Not to read tabloid trash and race-bait topics like "how come it's OK to kill whitey but not blackie?"

A homeless vet beaten to death is tabloid and race baiting? Wow.

Maybe you should stick to D&N. Nobody forced you to read this topic.

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Why was a vet homeless? Normally quite a well-paid job isn't it?

Not when you are discharged. Once they get discharged they don't give a fuck about them. Mostly Republican senators and representatives vote against their benefits.

Why am I not surprised you would bring up Obama somehow. You really have an unhealthy obsession Apollo...... :facepalm:

Still not as weird as his incest post.

Edited by Georgy Zhukov
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Why was a vet homeless? Normally quite a well-paid job isn't it?

Not when you are discharged. Once they get discharged they don't give a fuck about them. Mostly Republican senators and representatives vote against their benefits.

Why am I not surprised you would bring up Obama somehow. You really have an unhealthy obsession Apollo...... :facepalm:

Still not as weird as his incest post.

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Apparently a 10 year old kid told his mom that a local homeless guy had pushed him. So the kid's mom got her friend and a couple teenagers and they went and beat the homeless guy to death.

The kid later admit that he lied.

No guns were used

Obama isn't having a press conference about it

I suppose since it wasn't a white dude with a gun and Christianity can't be tied to it then there are no reasons for democrats to be outraged.

The video is all over the news. Sick sick sick stuff.

Or maybe there WILL be press conferences about this when the number of fatalities due to beating up homeless veterans comes anywhere near the number of fatalities from gun homicides and terrorist attacks? If this was symptomatic of a wide-spread problem in culture, then maybe it would deserve special recognition? In other words, maybe there will be more about this when it becomes a regular thing and not just a freak murder that people like you would get all riled up about and hijack in your own personal agenda to smear democrats and the us president?

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The more I think about it the more engineered this story seems -- not that I think it is! -- it just plays so well into the politcal agenda of some right-wing republicans:

- An army veteran is murdered ("And why isn't more done for our heroes!!? They have fought for our rights, and FREEDOM!! 'Murica!!")

- He was homeless, too ("The economy is going to shit!")

- He was not shot ("See, that's what I have been saying! People will kill others even if they can't get their hands on guns! Right to bear arms! 'Murica!!")

- The US president did NOT hold a press conference about it (I guess only a few people of Apollo's caliber would think any murder regardless of frequency should require the president to say anything publicly, but still).

Edited by SoulMonster
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Why was a vet homeless? Normally quite a well-paid job isn't it?

Not when you are discharged. Once they get discharged they don't give a fuck about them. Mostly Republican senators and representatives vote against their benefits.

Because Obama's done so much for veterans, right?

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A lot is being done for disabled veterans, especially anyone who is just getting out, the opportunities are there. It's the ones who have been out for a while that had issues going on inside them that are having problems. They go from living as a group depending on each other and when they get out, left to fend for themselves, and a lot of enlisted veterans don't have degrees, or they dropped out for any number of reasons, especially if it was a for profit school.

The people dealing with mental issues need the help, especially if they've been out of the military for years. Should they bring asylums back? Maybe. I'm surprised Trump's not talking about building them to get the insane out of prisons and homeless off the streets.

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I know a lot of people that went into the military. Many of them are largely unemployable. Just because you served in the military doesn't mean you can just live off the government and never have to expect to work again. Many of these homeless vets are just bums who are unemployable

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