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Axl Rose.. 33 years in 33 seconds

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8 hours ago, LyndaRose said:

that was the last in the video, posted here on the forum a while back

That pic was taken sometime in December 2015 if I recall...Axl hasn't been seen yet in 2016. But it's good enough. He looks good for a middle aged man. Much better then my old man did.

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13 hours ago, Original said:

Why does Bach  still look like Bach Slash too.  Tyler....Springsteen.  Axl looks so different.  

People age differently. Genes have a lot to do with it. 

Moles people live their lives differently. Some take pride in eating and drinking properly. While others get lazy and let Mother Nature take her course. 

I went to my 20 year high school reunion awhile back. Some of my classmates looked amazing and some looked 20 years older than the rest of us. I'm 45 and people often guess my age to be 35. 

Axl grew up poor, a loner and always in trouble with the law. And I'm a 4-5 year stretch went from basically being homeless to having millions of dollars and people fawning all over him. Maybe now he just  likes to chill and enjoy life instead of working out 3 hours a day and only eating vegetables and broiled skinless chicken breasts. Maybe he likes pizza and beer over water and celery sticks. 

It's just life. We all choose the route we want to take. 

It isn't our place to judge these people. 

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