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@nonok If it's any consolation, I get the impression that at least most of the people in this thread here know much more/better than the clueless people you've met :lol:  I kinda feel ya, most people either think Austria is a part of Germany or they don't even know it exists and think I'm from Australia :rolleyes:

5 hours ago, tiutso said:

It's really confusing to me how people can name their children with basically any noun in English-speaking countries. Doesn't it sound awkward? You couldn't do that with Russian names without coming off as a weirdo.

I'm not in an English-speaking country and you can't really name your kid just any noun or adjective here (there are some rules), but there are quite a few names that are also every-day words here. I don't think it's that weird, you're just used to it and seems normal.

And technically that's how most names started out anyway. All Germanic names for examples are basically just some nouns and adjectives smushed together although most people don't realize it anymore nowadays.

Btw, what's the other non-Russian half of your heritage that you said no one has ever heard of? Try me, I'm good with shit like that and I'm curious :lol:

4 hours ago, killuridols said:

So are you all like blond people with blue/green eyes?


No. Brown hair and brown eyes here lol. Other people in my family are blond and blue-eyed though.

5 hours ago, Frey said:

Slash said so somewhere. In his book probably. He said something about Axl's grandma being just like Axl and that he liked her, but he didn't like the rest of Axl's family. Been a while since I read that. Maybe the people here who always magically have quotes at hand can tell you more about it :lol:

Maybe that guy being only 18 or 19 years old himself when confronted with toddler Axl was one of the reasons for him being such a failure as a parent. Teenage boys rarely make for great fathers.

Willow Amelia is better than I would have expected from Axl. It's no Apple or North West at least (and Axl could easily have come up with a ridiculous pun name a la Kanye as well with the surnam he's got.)

Especially a toddler who had already been through a lot in his short life and was probably already showing some behavioral issues. Not a good combination with a young inexperienced teenage boy step father.

It doesn't surprise me that Axl would not have given his kid a joke name. Because he kind of had a joke name himself and I remember Axl saying that he already knew he was going to change his name when he was only in first grade. He probably was sick of all the Bill Bailey jokes and people singing that song at him. Axl also said that his step father begged his mother to change his first name when she married him, but Axl's mother refused to change his name so he became Bill Bailey.




Edited by Lumikki
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1 hour ago, Andy14 said:

I'd rather do it as a private conversation (if there is the option), you never know who's watching :ph34r:

I've nothing to hide..

If I say my name and where I'm from, I don't mind Who's watching. Surely my boss doesn't know that I Spend sometime on this forum :) .

By the way, I know that some people prefer to hide behind a keybord, so no problem, I'll survive without knowing details :)

Love and peace

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2 hours ago, SerenityScorp said:

@giuls I like Moon's too but what We're talking about is Slaxl19' s 

I love Her fics, She is so talented

Yes, it was simply a reccomandation


42 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

And then there's the possible recent Slaxl clothes sharing incident with the "Every Zoo is a petting zoo" shirt of course :P

Do you think Slash waltzed in Axl's room and simply took it? :lol:

"Slash, is that my t-shirt?"


"Oh, okay" 




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23 minutes ago, Slash787 said:

Whos Slaxl19?

A fan fiction author that a lot of the girls in this thread like from what I understand.


7 minutes ago, Rock Hopper said:


It sure is weird seeing Angus on stage in normal clothes.

LOL yeah it really is :lol:

42 minutes ago, Lumikki said:


Especially a toddler who had already been through a lot in his short life and was probably already showing some behavioral issues. Not a good combination with a young inexperienced teenage boy step father.

It doesn't surprise me that Axl would not have given his kid a joke name. Because he kind of had a joke name himself and I remember Axl saying that he already knew he was going to change his name when he was only in first grade. He probably was sick of all the Bill Bailey jokes and people singing that song at him. Axl also said that his step father begged his mother to change his first name when she married him, but Axl's mother refused to change his name so he became Bill Bailey.



Oh yeah, good point.


Edited by Frey
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1 hour ago, Rock Hopper said:

Hope you didn't need the Mountain rescue to get down.  A lot of people die up in the mountains of exposure or falling off a cliff, even in summer.  They might not be the Alps, or the Rockies, but they are still very dangerous if you aren't properly prepared.

Nah, I didn't get too far before I was hyperventilating :lol:

28 minutes ago, Rock Hopper said:


It sure is weird seeing Angus on stage in normal clothes.

I kept thinking is it him or is it Stevie, they look virtually the same lol. If Axl didn't wear the stupid hat, he would fit in a lot better. I saw on the AC/DC forum someone going tonight had a word with the crew, he told him the band have been rehearsing new songs and that this isn't their last tour. Do the crew normally give people that kind of info? 

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1 hour ago, Lumikki said:

Because he kind of had a joke name himself and I remember Axl saying that he already knew he was going to change his name when he was only in first grade. He probably was sick of all the Bill Bailey jokes and people singing that song at him. Axl also said that his step father begged his mother to change his first name when she married him, but Axl's mother refused to change his name so he became Bill Bailey.

I grew up with a kid named Bill Hill. Who would do that to their child? He eventually changed his name. It's surprising how much trauma can be caused by one's name. Words are more powerful than we realize sometimes.

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4 hours ago, nonok said:

I...I just fell in love with you. :wub:

why, what did I do? :smiley-confused2:

4 hours ago, Andy14 said:

Almost. I have blue-green eyes (similar to Axl's colour) and dark brown-reddish hair (but naturally boring dark blond/light brown)


will you marry me princess??

4 hours ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

Same colour hair as me lol it goes really streaky blond in the summer though, so that's for about two days in UK :lol: 

hum.. another princess?? :lol:


:rofl-lol: sorry girls :jerkoff:

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33 minutes ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

Nah, I didn't get too far before I was hyperventilating :lol:

I kept thinking is it him or is it Stevie, they look virtually the same lol. If Axl didn't wear the stupid hat, he would fit in a lot better. I saw on the AC/DC forum someone going tonight had a word with the crew, he told him the band have been rehearsing new songs and that this isn't their last tour. Do the crew normally give people that kind of info? 

I think the crew can be pretty friendly, as well as the band members.  You often hear of fans meeting them in the street and having a chat.  There is a video on Youtube of some fans ringing Angus's doorbell,:facepalm: and him standing there talking to them.  Would not like to try that with Axl, he would probably set the wolves on you.:lol:

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30 minutes ago, killuridols said:

why, what did I do? :smiley-confused2:


will you marry me princess??

hum.. another princess?? :lol:


:rofl-lol: sorry girls :jerkoff:

Lol :rofl-lol:. What's so :jerkoff:? I don't want you to be disappointed if you ever see me :max:

1 hour ago, Italian girl said:

I've nothing to hide..

If I say my name and where I'm from, I don't mind Who's watching. Surely my boss doesn't know that I Spend sometime on this forum :) .

By the way, I know that some people prefer to hide behind a keybord, so no problem, I'll survive without knowing details :)

Love and peace

I'm also curious but would like to keep it private at the same time :nervous:

I basically go under a variation of my real name here, which is btw. one of the most popular boys' name in Italy :rofl-lol: (as if Andy would make a big difference lol :facepalm:) so that's not the problem.

I'd like to know whether you all look how I imagine you to look :ph34r::popcorn:

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7 hours ago, Asia said:

Yup, we're pretty much in the centre. Also culture-wise and religion-wise we're not eastern. We were never part of the Eastern Church, either. So calling Poland or Hungary Eastern Europe is pretty funny. But then again, Steven Tyler said we have the best bannanas here, so what do I know :rofl-lol:

As someone else here said, it's a lot about politics more than geography - anything east of Germany and/or anything that was under the Iron Curtain is basically considered Eastern Europe here. Over here, we'd consider Germany, Austria, etc. to be Central Europe.

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6 hours ago, killuridols said:

lol I love when this thread gets intellectual (what the hell happened to the book reading emoticon? :question: )

People are clueless because their education system is terrible, they don't care about the rest of the world and because media perpetrates wrong images of countries/cultures because of some political agenda.

That right there.

I was in school in the 80s and 90s. I absolutely remember teachers who pushed the idea that the USSR and other Communist countries were emotionally cold, angry, warlike places with absolutely nothing to offer. For many years to be a teacher in the USA you had to sign a form that certified you had never been a Communist. I actually was taught differently at home - that the stereotypes were bullshit and that every country had pluses and minuses - but I was also cautioned not to repeat that at school.

These are the sorts of stereotypes about Russia we were taught:


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I see you noticed the magic of Slavic languages, ''kurva/kurwa'' means the same in all of them. In my language it would be ''kurva'' or ''курва'' cause we use both latin and cyrilic alphabet. And, yeah, I'm joining European clan over here, I'm from SOUTHEAST of Europe :lol: Serbia here

Though, I'm not blond and don't have blue eyes (unfortunately) , I'm dark haired, dark brown hair and hazelnut eyes.

Speaking of geography, it's intersting that Americans have no clue about European countries, but on the other hand, if someone asked me ''Where's Orlando?'' for example, I'd have no clue either. If you just compare the size of whole Europe and US, it's totally understandable. 

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15 minutes ago, nn18 said:

I see you noticed the magic of Slavic languages, ''kurva/kurwa'' means the same in all of them. In my language it would be ''kurva'' or ''курва'' cause we use both latin and cyrilic alphabet. And, yeah, I'm joining European clan over here, I'm from SOUTHEAST of Europe :lol: Serbia here

Though, I'm not blond and don't have blue eyes (unfortunately) , I'm dark haired, dark brown hair and hazelnut eyes.

Speaking of geography, it's intersting that Americans have no clue about European countries, but on the other hand, if someone asked me ''Where's Orlando?'' for example, I'd have no clue either. If you just compare the size of whole Europe and US, it's totally understandable. 

I think a lot of it depends on one's own experiences, too. I'm from a big city in the USA. A lot of my friends and classmates were from other places and spoke other languages at home. We absolutely DID know where other countries were - even if we had nasty stereotypes taught to us about them - because we were constantly around people from other countries. By the time I was in middle school I think I knew how to swear in Korean, Italian, Spanish and Hindi, LOL. A lot of slang from different languages were part of normal speech for everyone - like everyone knew what mangia or schmuck meant. We ate a lot of food from other countries. When I was in school we had to know every country in every continent and be able to fill them in on maps - we were tested on that. As well as all the USA states and capitals, and all the Canadian provinces. I remember hating those maps, LOL.

And if you're in a place like Southern California, Chicago or New York there are huge pockets of different ethnic groups and that adds to the diversity everyone experiences. Like in LA a lot of signs are in English and Spanish.

Someone from Middle America where everyone's white and has been there for a long time might not exactly have the same sort of exposure to other cultures and people. America IS a big place, and we don't get the opportunity to travel to other countries as much as one does in Europe.


But for learning world history or politics? Um. Yeah. Not so much. Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, the Black Death, the Renaissance, the 1789 French Revolution, Napoleon, WWI and WWII. With lots of "USA is the best place EVER" and "Communism is EEEVIILLLLLL" thrown in, and the end of WWII being "and the evil Commies took over Eastern Europe!" We kind of skipped over some stuff. :D  And meanwhile we had like five damn years of USA history.

Edited by stella
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10 minutes ago, stella said:

I think a lot of it depends on one's own experiences, too. I'm from a big city in the USA. A lot of my friends and classmates were from other places and spoke other languages at home. We absolutely DID know where other countries were - even if we had nasty stereotypes taught to us about them - because we were constantly around people from other countries. By the time I was in middle school I think I knew how to swear in Korean, Italian, Spanish and Hindi, LOL. When I was in school we had to know every country in every continent and be able to fill them in on maps - we were tested on that. As well as all the USA states and capitals, and all the Canadian provinces. I remember hating those maps, LOL.

But for learning world history or politics? Um. Yeah. Not so much. Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, the Black Death, the Renaissance, the 1789 French Revolution, Napoleon, WWI and WWII. With lots of "USA is the best place EVER" and "Communism is EEEVIILLLLLL" thrown in, and the end of WWII being "and the evil Commies took over Eastern Europe!" We kind of skipped over some stuff. :D  And meanwhile we had like five damn years of USA history.

Of course! There are well educated Americans like you who know at least to find those countries on map and name their capital city and probably say something more about them, it was just poor generalization. 

And about the second part of your post; it's always that way. We had to learn who was prime minister of our country in 1867 (I pulled that out of my ass), but to say for example how didSouth American countries became independent.....that's gonna be tough. And I'm saying this as someone who was among the best students in my generation (not that I'm bragging, lol) , just imagine what would average Joe say. It just shows how poor educating systems are nowadays. And I blame it on the government :lol:

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1 hour ago, Andy14 said:

Lol :rofl-lol:. What's so :jerkoff:? I don't want you to be disappointed if you ever see me :max:

I don't know what's so :jerkoff: .... I'm just tripping :rofl-lol: because I have nothing interesting to say. My country is awful and we suck :unsure:

And I'm not invited to the All European party @dgnr  is organizing because I'm a paria here in the Women's thread :max:. You people must think we get our food with arch and arrow :rofl-lol:

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7 minutes ago, nn18 said:

Of course! There are well educated Americans like you who know at least to find those countries on map and name their capital city and probably say something more about them, it was just poor generalization. 

And about the second part of your post; it's always that way. We had to learn who was prime minister of our country in 1867 (I pulled that out of my ass), but to say for example how didSouth American countries became independent.....that's gonna be tough. And I'm saying this as someone who was among the best students in my generation (not that I'm bragging, lol) , just imagine what would average Joe say. It just shows how poor educating systems are nowadays. And I blame it on the government :lol:

Totally. For all the supposedly educated people that design school curricula, they end up with a lot of BS in schools, don't they? :D

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40 minutes ago, stella said:

But for learning world history or politics? Um. Yeah. Not so much. Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, the Black Death, the Renaissance, the 1789 French Revolution, Napoleon, WWI and WWII. With lots of "USA is the best place EVER" and "Communism is EEEVIILLLLLL" thrown in, and the end of WWII being "and the evil Commies took over Eastern Europe!" We kind of skipped over some stuff. :D  And meanwhile we had like five damn years of USA history.

The highlighted part sounds super weird to me, i know no-one who would say seriously we're the best ever, the only time i hear it it's during sport events :lol: Also i never understood why you recitate the national anthem every morning in school, another thing i find weird, ah, cultural differences! :lol:

On a GNR topic, i'm envying Izzy's coolness, i would have died with Keith at my side



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I was in school in the 80s and 90s. I absolutely remember teachers who pushed the idea that the USSR and other Communist countries were emotionally cold, angry, warlike places with absolutely nothing to offer. For many years to be a teacher in the USA you had to sign a form that certified you had never been a Communist.

I actually find this pretty funny cause it's as if the people in the communist countries had chosen to live within that system while it wasn't the case in any single one of them. The Russians themselves had abolutely nothing to say, not to mention the other countries that were simply traded to Stalin by the American president himself in the first place. So lots of hipocrisy there but then again, that's politics.

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