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Yeah Idk about Ava? Like how long is her son and his GF gonna be in China for? Cause he didn't leave the show, right? But I also haven't heard that Ava is going to leave either? So who knows? :shrugs:

Hope you don't get too hard hit by the storms! Stay safe. 

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We were okay. Just some tree branches. Other places were a mess. Some people lost their homes and some lives were lost too. I hate spring/summer here. It's always bad storms and then all summer we get no rain and it's always hot. I'm sure this summer will be terrible.

Well, Harris/Jason is leaving soon. So is Nicole and Sloane. Not sure how this baby story will last. I also read that Clyde says Abby is alive. Who knows? Changing history again. I'm anxious to see the new Gabi. If there is another Abby, wonder who it'll be? I hope Leo stays on. I do like him. Wish they would give him a love interest. The poor guy is always alone.

As for GH, I can't believe Sonny went after Jason? WTF? Will Ava step up or someone figure out he's not righ? IDK. They change writers, I hope these writers go back to something better. Sick of the Pikeman storyline. boring. And if Valentin is bad, get rid of him too.

We had some storms again, but nothing major. 

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Yeah, this Pikeman storyline has been dragging but maybe we are one step closer to it ending now that Anna knows that Valentin is involved. I think she suspected all along, but now with him answering that phone call, she knows for sure. and did Sonny really order that hit on Sonny? I know they kept saying that but I truly hope it is not true and what on earth is Ava going to do with that recording of Blaze's mom and her homophobia? So interesting. Hmmm.

I guess yesterday was Sloane's last day, I mean she was ok but I would absolutely MUCH rather have Nicole stay than her. It will be weird if Holly stays behind. Like really weird. amd Yes I freakin LOVE Leo, The writers do a magnificent job of writing his funny lines which he delivers perfectly dead pan. He is a shining star on that soap, that is for sure!

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Yeah I love Leo too. Hope he stays on Days and maybe gets a love interest. I wonder when/if the truth about Eric being Jude's daddy will come out before Nicole leaves the show. I read that the actress AnnaLynne will be the new Abigal. She was married to Chad but was killed by Clyde. Guess they are changing that story now. Anyway, there's all kinds of ideas that she has lost her memory or whatever? lol Here we go again. I hate Clyde and want him gone.

I do hope Sarah and Xander find out that his mom slept with Victor and he's the son not Alex.  I like Xander and Sarah and want them happy.  Good to see Lucas. Hope he stays on too.

I don't think Sonny put the hit on Jason. Valentin wanted these guys to kill Jason and blame Sonny and get rid of both of them. Well, that didn't happen. Now Anna and Jason know it's Valentin, Anna wants to wait and get real proof. Here we go again.  And Ava probably wants to show Sonny how Natalia feels about Kristina and her daughter being together. I wonder if she will ever tell Sonny about his meds. I read that Valentin might make a deal with Ava to keep quiet about Sonny's meds. I hope this doesn't happen. I want this story to end too.

Also my mom has her parents ashes in urns, but Chase could have gotten a small urn to keep some of his dad's ashes. Why does he hav to let go of all the ashes. Anyway, I think it's over for Finn and Liz. Not feeling them anymore. Maybe they want her and Jason back together? Not sure?

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Chase does not have to let go of all the ashes. 

So for my dad, we divided him into 4 urns. A big one which we buried in this beautiful memorial garden in Mexico where we can send flowers and his family can visit to pay their respects, especially on "The Day of The Dead."  We then each picked a small urn which we took on the plane with us back to our homes. I have my little urn in a silver plated heart shape with birds on it, very pretty....next to a picture of him and us three children. and my brothers have done the same, a little shrine of course. 

Not traditional but what we all wanted, a small piece of him with us always. <3 

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Sounds beautiful what you did with your dad's ashes. My mom has both urns and pictures of them in front of their urns. I don't know why Chase didn't keep some of his ashes. Oh well, it was a beautiful ceremony for Gregory. Great character and actor. He will be missed. GH always does drama well. I really hate how Natalia talks to her daughter. Either accept her and Kristina or get the hell out of their way. lol

I'm so glad Bill is Luna's dad. Now Li should shut the hell up. lol And Brooke working with Steffy. Can't wait for this.

And now Abby isn't dead. Oh well, is anyone ever dead on the soaps? lol I just want Clyde gone. And Konstintine too. hate them both. I hope something happens at the wedding so Maggie doesn't really marry him. He has to go. And I'm hoping when Xander's mom comes to their wedding she will say how he is Victor's son and not Alex.

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I am SO hoping that Hope was just daydreaming because I can't believe Finn and her would do that! Oh wow. This will be very dramatic if it is real. And Thomas is set to come back too sometime I heard. Boy oh boy lol!

I am relieved that Konstantin was finally outed for the dirty scheming man that he is! And admitting that he played a part in Victor's death??! Does he have a death wish or something? Seriously stupid.

I dont ever watch the Emmy's but I catch the winners on Twitter and watch their speeches too. I was surprised by the winners but Courtney has done a great job and Michelle is always good too, was nice of her to give a shout-out to Finola. But what I absolutely don't get year after year is how Days is COMPLETELY ignored. I just don't get it. I have only been watching for 6 months but absolutely love that soap! They deserve some love and to be ignored year after year is.just downright cruel.

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Days is always ignore by the Emmys. They never win, but I knew Dick would win. I mean he's 98 years old and he was there so we all knew he would win.  I hope Konstintine goes to jail. Can't stand him anymore. Someone gets shot next week. I hope it's him.  And Abby is alive and being played by another actress. This is nuts. lol No one ever dies on a soap unless they are really dead. They will be honoring Doug soon since he died earlier this year.

And since the Emmy show is on CBS most of their people win. I was glad GH won best soap 4 years in a row and best writing and directing. That's pretty cool.

I know I was hoping the same thing about Hope daydreaming too. I would hate this if it was real. Come on already. Steffy would kill them both.  What is it with Hope? First Liam and now Finn. I hope Finn isn't this stupid. He's already on Steffy's shit list about his mother. lol

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Well, at least for now it is just a daydream for Hope but honestly, I hope that Finn does leave Steffy. I absolutely hate the way that she treats him! So demanding and strict, like a child...stay in your lane, don't see Sheila, don't you ever talk to Hope again. Like who talks so awful to their partner like that? Seriously here? It would serve Steffy right if he did leave her. Sorry not sorry.

I am glad that Xander didn't have to go to jail but that was kind f'd up of everyone to just throw him under the bus like that. Come on now! At least Sarah is still in his corner. 

And it's very very sad to see that they are turning Finn into a full fledged alcoholic. Alexis can maybe help him hopefully cause he is about to hit rock bottom any day now. And Violet can't be anywhere near that. OCS may need to be called to step in since he has full custody. About to get ugly. 

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Yesterday after the end of GH, they showed a picture of Johnny and his birth and death date. Still can't believe this has happened. So very sad.

I don't understand them on Bold, they make Hope go after every man Steffy is with? WTH? I mean I did like her with Thomas, but Steffy ruined that. I wonder what will happen when he comes back. Hope seems so needy sometimes. Finn is too good and doesn't see what't in front of him. I'm stll wondering if Sheila was lying about her ordeal. Most think so and so do I? Guess we'll find out. And what happened to Katie and that guy? Damn forgot his name. I thought they were an item now she's thinking about Bill again? Come on. There's not enough people on this show for each other. lol

I know poor Finn he's reeling from his dad's death. But he has plenty of family and friends to help him. I know he wants to avoid grieving but that doesn't work. I'm hoping Alexis can help him. And when is Ava or anyone else going to help Sonny.  I hate seeing him like this so out of control.  And GH is hinting another male character from the past is coming back. I would love for either Lucky or Morgan to come back, but they're not saying.


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Now they are hinting it's Morgan coming back. We never recovered the body and I always thought he really wasn't dead, so if he comes back that would be awesome. He would be the one to know about Sonny's emotions and his meds.

Have a great weekend.

It's super hot here. Summer has arrived.




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Yeah, IDK...they were saying Mac,  Morgan even Esme! They just like to tease us fans, it is cruel lol. And the only Lucky I liked was played by Greg Vaughn who is doing great on Days. 

So I know it seems that Hope is always after Steffy's man but for years it was the other way around. Liam loved Hope and Steffy always got in the way. Multiple times! So Karma bitch! It's an endless cycle, Bold has been doing it since it's inception. All they know lol!

Our weather finally feels like summer. Its been a very very slow start. Stay cool! 


Edited by marlingrl03
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I did't watch Bold back then. They need some new men on this show. lol

Well, the actor that plays Morgan was teasing he might be back. He supposedly died in an explosion meant for Julian, Ava's brother, but because Ava messed with Morgan's bi polar meds, he took the car and it blew up. Never found his body. Mac comes back on Wednesday. So not sure. I hope that Cody tells Mac he's his son.   And I hope someone figures out Sonny is not well.

Well, I always loved Jonathan Jackson as Lucky. He was the original Lucky, but I doubt he'd come back.

Also on Days, Jack will be back and also say Abigal is alive. I think that Anna Lynn is playing Abby now.

It's very hot here. Can't stay outside for too long.

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Yeah it looks like Anna Lynn will play Abby. Back from the dead! The not really dead! I never saw Abby when she was alive so all this will be new to me. I had forgotten about Tate. I am sorry but I still don't like the actor who plays him. He tries to sound young and man, it ain't workin for ya! It's soooooo cringe. 

Ha! and yeah Bold has needed new man blood for like 30 years. RJ was the newest but was only single for what seemed like a week lol. He got with Luna quick! :lol: Poor Carter never can get a long term girlfriend. Wyatt is gone. It's just sad haha but I still love these soaps through thick and thin. 

So many people bitch about the soaps on Twitter and I'm like you don't like it, don't watch. No one is making you. 

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Well, the first Abby was the actress playing Kristina on GH now. then there was another one who supposedly died, but I guess not. The second Abby wanted out, so they killed her off. It will be interesting to see how this new Abby goes.  A lot of original characters are coming back for Doug's funeral. This will be sad since he's really dead. 

As for GH, who knows who's coming back. The actor that played Morgan is hinting to coming back since they never found his body, but who knows? I know Mac comes back tomorrow and I'm so happy John York has beaten cancer and will be back.

As for Bold, now Sheila knows that Hope has feelilngs for Finn and you know she's going to do something about that. lol 

Yeah, I complain about the soaps too, but I still watch them.  They are my and my mom's escape.

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So it does seem like it is Morgan aka Brian who is coming back. I'm kinda meh about that. I don't think it is for a long stint but who knows? It was nice seeing Mac back! And I loved the scene between Alexis and Diane, so happy for Alexis. 

I didn't watch when Doug was on so won't be affected by his funeral, although seeing people sad always makes me feel sad. 

And wow, why is Steffy so unhappy and judgemental all the time. She needs a long vacation lol. She is driving me crazy with how she acts with others. And good on Brooke for accepting the position!

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I agree about Steffy. She seems to be annoyed most of the time.  Now Sheila knows Hope has a thing for Finn. You know she'll play on this. She's the same bitch she always was. Still say she lied about her so called kidnapping.

I'm with you. I was so happy to see Mac and loved Alexis and Diane. I love those two so much. Can't wait until they work together.

Well, Morgan was messed up when he "died". Ava messed with his meds because she wanted him to stay away from Kiki. He wrote in a journal about how he didn't feel well and didn't know why. Anyway, Julian's car had a bomb in it and Morgan took his car and then it blew up.  Billy was Jason at the time and witnessed it. They never found his body. Maybe if he's okay he might figure out what's wrong with Sonny. I want this to end fast.  Also Anna better talk to John that's it Valentin or they will be arresting her. lol

Well, Doug has been on Days for a very long time. He's Hope's dad. Many characters are coming back for his funeral so I would think it might be either the summer or the fall. Days films 6 months ahead of time. And yeah, Annalynn is going to be Abigal.

Nice to see Eli and Lani again with their kids. I wish they would come back especially if Johnny and Chanel are moving to LA. I haven't heard anything about them leaving for good, so who knows?

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You have a great memory! Recalling all those details involving Morgan. I'm lucky if I remember a storyline a month ago lol. Especially now that  I'm watching 4 soaps a day and old soaps like Santa Barbara on YouTube. What an addiction I have lol! Oh well. :shrugs:

It will be weird if Nicole leaves and Holly stays. How will that work? Can't Nicole take both her and her 30 year old boyfriend Tate lol. Now his friend looked like a highschooler and Holly's friend but NOT Tate. I cant get over it lol.

And how does this old guy know Poppy? Rumors are he was her sugar daddy and knew her in the hospital, she got him fired and then he was on the streets or that he was her "mint supplier." And Paris is back from Paris. Ugh. Go back. :lol:

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That sounds good about Poppy and Tom. I'm curious as to how they know each other too. I think Luna would have known if they were homelss at one time, so we'll see. And I'm not surprised about Paris and Thomas. He was interrested in her at one time. Now Hope will realize how much she loves Thomas, but is it too late. I also read that Li fixed the DNA test to be Bill. So could it be her ex husband or even Finn? This is getting too complicated. lol

Well, I read that Craig ( Morgan) was seen in the GH studios. Not sure if he'll be a regular or just come back to help Sonny. Who knows? And why is Carly going to talk to Bennet. I would think she would have gone to Jason. These story lines are weird.

Well, soaps are a good outlet for us, so go for it. lol

As for Days, yeah, why would NIcole leave her daughter behind. I read that Ari is not pleased with how Nicole will go? Oh well, I guess they are not happy with her, but if these allegations are true, Days better do something. The new Gabi comes on this week. I also read the original Gabi said something close to what Ari was saying too. I can't believe they would let abusers get away with anything in this time.

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So Morgan aka Brian is back for one day and Jonathan aka Lucky back for more? I am not excited about either of them. Sorry, just not. I would much rather have liked seeing Jerry Jacks back or Greg back as Lucky. 

So now they are thinking that the old man is Luna's father and somehow Li switched the paternity test although I don't know how because she opened the box right there. But I have this really bad feeling that this may be true and Bill is not Luna's father. :( He is going to be devastated. I hope, hope, hope that this is not the case. 

And even though I don't like things that Theresa has done, I do like her. She is such a spitfire haha! She definitely does not like Holly! :lol:

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Well, there is talk that Poppy was with Tom, but took all his money and he is now homeless. Anyway, maybe Li was right about her gold digger sister. Yeah, Bill would be devastated. Poppy is a real bitch if she has lied about this,but why would Li change the test? I was thinking Luna's dad was either her ex or Finn? Let's see how long it takes for this to come out. Will Tom tell Poppy or blackmail her? lol

AS for Lucky coming back. I'm excited. I loved the original Lucky. Just do't know why he is coming back? I don't know if he will be connected to a story or what? I wish Lulu would wake up and break up Sam and Dante. Sam is getting on everyone's nerves. She's being such a bitch to Carly and Jason. Her son is going to resent her soon.

Well, Theresa has always been out for herself. Even though they have replaced the original Theresa. I hope when Xander's mom comee to the wedding she tells everyone xander is victor's son and not Alex. Now that Chanel's baby is gone what will this mean for her and Johnny and her mother? Very complicated.

As for Morgan, I hope he appears to Sonny and tells him you're meds are wrong. lol Maybe he'll appear to Ava and she will do the right thing for Sonny. I'm not feeling Natalia and Sonny and Maurice usually has chemistry with all the women on the show. lol

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So I have heard maybe a car crash after he is "let go" after 3 months of rehab or that he decided to move but that seems more unlikely cause he loves his daughter. He has played I guess 9 characters over the past 10 years so he could just do another one? Either way I do like the actor and the last scene between him and his daughter Violet was sad.  :( Well acted on both parts! 

So, what do you think of the new Gabby?

And oh! What do you think about Tom supposedly being Luna's real father?! Wtf? I knew this was going to happen and Bill is doing all this stuff for them, they living in his big ass house,  etc. etc. Oh man, when the truth comes out, if it is true will be BRUTAL. Oy vey!

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well, I read that there will be a murder on Bold. Will Poppy kill Tom?  I guess Li was right about her. Oh man this will kill Luna and Bill. I think Poppy is just a god digger.  Can't wait to see how this goes? And Hope is still in love with Thomas. this is another mess. I honestly don't see anything between Thomas and Paris. Guess we'll see.

Well, the original Gabi was on for a long time and I loved her. I think we'll have to see with this new Gabi, but honestly the other Gabi was prettier and sexier. lol I think Tate and Holly will go on the run this summer. How many times has this been done on a soap? I think GH has done is many times. I honestly don't like them at all. Ari (Nicole) will be leaving at the end of July. This sucks.

Wow, if they kill off Finn that would suck. I love Michael. Maybe he will come back as another character. I really would like Roger (Franco and Austin) to come back. They never solved Austin's murder. sometimes GH just drops the ball on stuff. I guess Lucky will come back by August. And who will see Morgan? Will it be Sonny or Ava? Ava had the chance to tell Sonny about his meds before he threw her out. I'm not feeling Natalia and Sonny and usually Sonny has chemistry with all the women. lol

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