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Your take on the new songs in general....


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The 4 demos are great, very catchy. They don't sound like NIN which is a relief !

I really would like Slash back in the band, but I have to admit that the demos are better than anything done by the former gunners.

I also think that a Slash's contribution would improve all these songs.

Edited by Alan Niveen
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Yea, I get that the word river is in the song and at the end of the video he's in some water. That ain't exactly deep to me. And you didn't do shit to explain the dolphin orgy. Why dolphins? Come on. Enlighten me because I'm an idiot.

The My Michelle lyric is evocative. It paints a pretty hardcore picture of alcoholism from the inside.

The "floating out here all alone" lyrics seem like the poetry and pissed off 15 year old would write. To me, it seems cliched faux-poetic imagery.

what my michelle lyrics, you mean nightrain??

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Yea, I get that the word river is in the song and at the end of the video he's in some water. That ain't exactly deep to me. And you didn't do shit to explain the dolphin orgy. Why dolphins? Come on. Enlighten me because I'm an idiot.

The My Michelle lyric is evocative. It paints a pretty hardcore picture of alcoholism from the inside.

The "floating out here all alone" lyrics seem like the poetry and pissed off 15 year old would write. To me, it seems cliched faux-poetic imagery.

what my michelle lyrics, you mean nightrain??

my michelle is about a friend of the bands.

nightrain is about drinking way too much

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I'm listening to Catcher In The Rye right now, and I've noticed that Axls voice is kinda in the "background", what do you think? He doesen't sing so powerful anymore, his voice isn't in the "front". Is that cause his voice is so much weaker now than the glory days?

Do you think it'll be like this at the tour?

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I hear ya on that one. Axls vocals don't seem to be "front and center" but remember these are supposed to be demos and not the master tapes so they sound like the vocals are lower in the mix. All of these leaks sound rough that way to me.

In concert Axl held his own but he definately has a different technique that the old days. I don't think he'll be shredding his voice like he used to.

Edited by rockerman
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Who the hell knows?

It depends what songs they play. I'm sure he could belt out songs like Better amazingly well, with a deep, aggressive and raspy voice.

I don't think he'll sing the old songs like his balls were being squeezed like he used to, but hopefully we've heard the last of a lot of those songs.

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I think its because its a demo version...im actually hoping its because its a demo version.... i don't think his voice has weakened that much... i think its changed a little bit but not drastically. ;):D

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CITR is the wrong song to listen to if your trying to listen for Axl's vocals. Try Better.

True, and that demo was very recent. All things point to the notion of it being recorded in 2004. I think that Axl's voice is probably at it's best in the past 13 years on that track.

Scary part is...


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CITR is the wrong song to listen to if your trying to listen for Axl's vocals. Try Better.


Setting yourself for a huge fall, my friend.

Edited by Ant
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I think we are pretty much stuck with the mickey mouse voice for a lot of the high stuff. I hope he can pull off the "Better" rasp live. What ever happened to his deep voice from the 80s and early 90s? His speaking voice (in the Kurt Loader Famous Last Words segment) used to be low and ridiculously deep. In interviews from 2001, and the 02 VMAs, as well as his rants on stage, his voice seems worn out, and higher in general.

In some of the AFD and UYI demos he expiraments with singing without rasp, just using his normal singing voice, and these songs sound excellent. I would greatly prefer this over Mickey, if he still has it in him. Still, there are some high moments where he has pulled it off pretty well (Boston - The Blues) but I'm sure everyone would prefer his old deep rasp over his normal singing or the new mouse voice.

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I think we are pretty much stuck with the mickey mouse voice for a lot of the high stuff. I hope he can pull off the "Better" rasp live. What ever happened to his deep voice from the 80s and early 90s? His speaking voice (in the Kurt Loader Famous Last Words segment) used to be low and ridiculously deep. In interviews from 2001, and the 02 VMAs, as well as his rants on stage, his voice seems worn out, and higher in general.

In some of the AFD and UYI demos he expiraments with singing without rasp, just using his normal singing voice, and these songs sound excellent. I would greatly prefer this over Mickey, if he still has it in him. Still, there are some high moments where he has pulled it off pretty well (Boston - The Blues) but I'm sure everyone would prefer his old deep rasp over his normal singing or the new mouse voice.

Very well said. You have proven your point to me in the least.

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I'm listening to Catcher In The Rye right now, and I've noticed that Axls voice is kinda in the "background", what do you think? He doesen't sing so powerful anymore, his voice isn't in the "front". Is that cause his voice is so much weaker now than the glory days?

Do you think it'll be like this at the tour?

When I first heard 'Catcher in the Rye' my initial thoughts were - Axl sounds weak and strained (like butter scraped over too much bread :laugh: ). However now I think he sounds better than ever. His voice is clear and has a real beauty to it. It's like for the first time he is singing songs like he means it rather than spitting them out with a right 'urgh' in his voice. You may say that 'Better' goes back to the old raspy Axl but I disagree. If you listen to the high notes in that song he has that new found clearness in his voice. I think that will go down much better.

As for the tour, it is hard to judge. If he has been practising then he should have a certain strength in it but if he hasn't he'll find himself struggling. However I can't say for definite. Give it a couple of months and we'll find out.

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His new voice is total shit. It is very nasally; the kind of voice you have when you are congested. I heard "It's So Easy" on the MSG bootleg, and most of the other songs, and he sounded like a total wannabe. But then he sung parts of Chinese Democracy and Paitence with that same exact rasp of the 28 year old Axl we used to know. And now, with Better, I am hoping his voice has recovered, because I do not think it has been the same since the end of the Illusions tour.

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He is wiser now. He used to blast away in the studio, blast away for the first half of the tour, then toward the back end of the tour pick and choose what notes to 'try' to hit. This was all according to how he felt that night. How many days he had off, how much sleep, how much partying all plays a factor in hitting what he wanted. In the studio there are 'stress tracks'. These are tracks that follow and earlier track in which the singer burned his voice trying to nail something hard. I used to hear it in many singers and a good example was Robert Plant. Axl is very intellegent and very talented. He knows his voice and knows what sounds rockin but at the same time he probably wants to protect the jewels. He will do what is best to pull off what ever he needs to pull off and what ever he decideds im with him.

Heck, as much as I enjoy his performances I would be happy with 2 albums per year and no touring if that preserved his voice. ...well, maybe a woodstock here and there or something :)

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I'm listening to Catcher In The Rye right now, and I've noticed that Axls voice is kinda in the "background", what do you think? He doesen't sing so powerful anymore, his voice isn't in the "front". Is that cause his voice is so much weaker now than the glory days?

Do you think it'll be like this at the tour?

When I first heard 'Catcher in the Rye' my initial thoughts were - Axl sounds weak and strained (like butter scraped over too much bread :laugh: ). However now I think he sounds better than ever. His voice is clear and has a real beauty to it. It's like for the first time he is singing songs like he means it rather than spitting them out with a right 'urgh' in his voice. You may say that 'Better' goes back to the old raspy Axl but I disagree. If you listen to the high notes in that song he has that new found clearness in his voice. I think that will go down much better.

As for the tour, it is hard to judge. If he has been practising then he should have a certain strength in it but if he hasn't he'll find himself struggling. However I can't say for definite. Give it a couple of months and we'll find out.

Well that's one nice way to put it.

Look, if I wanted to hear a "clear and beautiful" voice, I'd listen to Sheryl Crow's version of SCOM of pick up a Mariah Carrie CD....fuck that. Axl's old voice was rare, rough, edgy yet controled and totally convincing, imo.


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