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Status Updates posted by downzy

  1. System maintenance and upgrading tonight; don't worry if certain threads go missing in the next hour or two

  2. Happy St. Patty's Day!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Facekicker


      Hehe trust me man, nobody in Ireland calls it Patty's Day. It's simply incorrect.

    3. OmarBradley



      Stasi MyGNR Starts Now

    4. Len Cnut

      Len Cnut

      How many fuckin' Patricks do you know that are called Patty as a nickname?!?! LOL!!!!!

  3. For those off to a great Monday, watch this and suffer like the rest of us: http://digg.com/video/nickleback-finds-a-new-way-to-suck

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Apollo


      Not a better man at all. Just have a different perspective on music. I find a lot of Nickleback's music to be ridiculous, I think I even made a post once about how two of their songs were basically the same song but with different lyrics. But there have been 2-3 songs of theirs I like, and I don't just automatically assume that everything they do will suck and then jump on the "must hate Nickleback" hysteria that is out there. NOT a better man at all.....just perhaps a little...

    3. AxlisOld


      I didn't make it a minute.

    4. downzy


      I got as far as the chorus. I figured there's no way they're going to repeat the line of roller-coaster, coke a cola.

  4. Happy Pie Day!

  5. The forum got an upgrade today!

  6. RIP Kruger

    1. Silent Jay

      Silent Jay

      watching super troopers for the occasion.

    2. bran


      RIP chief grady :(

    3. drtydane


      Kruger... As in the industrial smoothing guy? Aren't they the ones who botched the statue of liberty job??

      Def my favorite boss from Seinfeld. Rip.

  7. T-Minus 109 and counting...

    1. GUNNER PT


      This can only mean one thing ...

  8. Something's a rumbling...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. bran


      TO THE RUMBLE!!!

    3. DR DOOM

      DR DOOM

      this can mean only one thing...

    4. classicrawker


      lol bran, you beat me to the punch with the taco bell comment. It was the first thing that came to mind when I read downzy's status update.

  9. Hosting server was down for a little bit, but we're back and running.

  10. Some men you just can't reach... So, you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it! Well, he gets it!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DR DOOM

      DR DOOM

      Look Capin, look what he done to Blue. He's dead, he's dead...he run himself plum to death.

    3. Padme


      Yeah I noticed WFA is gone again. He is about to break a record for the most banned person in the world or something.

    4. GUNNER PT


      Goodbye sweet prince ... until your return ...

  11. Meeting up with P5 soon to see H&B tonight.

    1. gunsguy


      Have a blast!!!

    2. Powerage5


      Great to meet you finally man :)

  12. Reminder that we're giving away free H&B tickets. Check GNR D&N section for details.

    1. magisme


      What's the opposite of hotcakes? LOL

  13. Merry Christmas to the MYGNRFORUM family. I hope everyone was good this year! All the best in 2015!

  14. Internet is back on. I'm back bitches!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Nulla Lex Ink.

      Nulla Lex Ink.

      Man, they must've been really happy to see you. You got a shiny new promotion and everything!

    3. Johnny Drama
    4. AxlisOld


      If you're back then align your fucking signature properly.

  15. MYGNRFORUM T-Shirts Still On Sale... Get 'em here: http://mygnrforum.bigcartel.com

  16. MYGNRFORUM T-Shirts Now On Sale... Supporters: please check Supporter sections for details!!!

  17. MyGNRFORUM T-shirts have now gone beta! (as in Beta testing). Announcement coming in the next 24 hours for MYGNRFORUM supporters!

    1. GabrieL_TiT


      Beta?? We now believe even more

    2. bacardimayne


      is there a less bloated size with jokes on it?

  18. MYGNRFORUM T-shirts coming soon! Yes, that's right, soon!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. AdriftatSea
    3. Powerage5


      I don't know if I'd say soon is the word.

    4. darknightfan


      I love my shirt! It so comfy! Can't wait for you guys to get one!

  19. Celebrating Thanksgiving - Canadian style!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. bran


      happy thanksgiving downzy and all of canada

    3. AdriftatSea


      Happy Thanksgiving!

    4. alfierose


      Happy Thanksgiving Downzy.

  20. Gone Baptizin'

    1. AxlisOld


      Our kids will be Flandereses!!

    2. downzy


      Thankfully, not my kids. My nephew. Never have I lied so much in Church. As the Godfather, had to say yes as to whether I believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and saviour...

  21. Book of Mormon was fantastic. Definitely the show for those who don't like broadway productions.

    1. Amir


      Dad took me to see it a few weeks ago in London. Yeah, I'm normally not a West End/Broadway guy but I really liked it.

    2. Patience 4 Axl

      Patience 4 Axl

      I've gotten mixed reviews from friends but I'm happy to hear you liked it. I have tickets for November and I'm looking forward to it.

  22. Seeing the Book of Mormon today. Pretty excited as I've heard good things.

    1. WFA


      when i was in high school, there were 2 people on the speech and debate team that did that as their duo interp piece. if the play is as funny as the skit, it'll be hilarious.

  23. Vince Vaughan confirmed for True Detective, second season...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Forsaken
    3. bran
    4. MEXzilla


      Awful casting, but here's hoping they can make something out if it.

  24. Been to over 50 airports. Newark: you win most boring thus far.

    1. Powerage5


      Yeah, Newark sucks. Now I wanna tally up all the airports I've been to.

    2. magisme


      That mod salary got you traveling?

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