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6lake sa66ath

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6lake sa66ath last won the day on July 20

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  1. Damn! Would kill for that level of performance now! You don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s f’n gone…
  2. If nobody told you Axl guested on You May Be Right would you honestly even know it’s him… ?
  3. Yup, I am sure this is par for the course for the Post, not exactly known for their journalistic integrity or particularly accurate researching.
  4. https://nypost.com/2024/07/26/entertainment/billy-joel-says-goodbye-to-his-madison-square-garden-residency-going-down-as-a-one-man-franchise/ It would’ve been nice to hear Joel at least croon his great new tune “Turn the Lights Back On,” his first new single in what feels like 100 years, which was released five months ago But perhaps the biggest disappointment was the strange special guest Axl Rose, who wailed the Guns n’ Roses classic “Live and Let Die” (well) and the AC/DC one “Highway to Hell” (not so well), then returned for a “You May Be Right” encore with Joel. Where was Paul McCartney? Where was Elton John? Where was freaking Jon Bon Jovi?
  5. Quality or not of vocals aside that would’ve been fucking awesome to be in attendance for.
  6. Here’s the one so many on here have been waiting for… it’s grilling season!
  7. Dunno if just me but cannot get past the privacy pop up to read these People articles.
  8. Just get Andrew Watt and the lot of them in a studio ala Pearl Jam and bash it out already. Enough with this bs conjecture about the best way to release it or whatever the latest excuse is… unfortunately we all know the real reason for any continued delay of anything substantial and completely new. This is like Chinese Democracy all over again t this point… time went by and it became a joke etc.
  9. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-05-28/one-of-a-kind-wu-tang-album-to-be-played-at-mona-gallery/103900466 At this point Axl might as well do something like this as further torture for the long suffering fan base: The album was recorded in secret over six years, but upon its completion, the rap group limited the album to a single two-CD physical copy. They also deleted the digital master files, and bound the album in a legal agreement that stipulates the album cannot be commercially exploited until 2103.
  10. https://blabbermouth.net/news/slash-on-artificial-intelligence-in-music-im-not-super-excited-about-this-new-development Thought these comments from Slash were interesting considering the use of A.I. for The General music video, but not what he’s referencing here of course.
  11. Can’t recall it being discussed previously, always thought the errors revolved around the vinyl covers, but can you post pics?
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