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Everything posted by PatrickS77

  1. I love that here, people are sure it is a cash grab, wheras with Fernando you're the devil if you think that.
  2. Yeah. And at a damn F1 race of all places... one of the dullest things around.
  3. Obsession?? Who's obsessed? You're the one beating the dead horse since years. So stop projecting.
  4. Yeah, we will see how much of what he supposedly said or did she really can back up. Her wanting sole ownership of photos GNR paid to produce and the fact she's suing after they fired her/let her go, is a red flag to me. Period. Don't care what you all think.
  5. Just wow. Yeah, fuck any guy, who has his life ruined by some scorned woman with false allegations. It's not like that never happened before. No error should be made, period.
  6. Yeah. Just as easy as to blindly believe what she says, because you don't like the guy she says things about. See, that goes both ways.
  7. Yeah. And I asked you what the point of your post was, as your post really offered nothing in regards to the rather rethorical question of the poster before. The defensiveness and aggressiveness in here really is getting ridiculous.
  8. And your point is? Have you met and dealt with him before?? If not, you're a stranger to him. What did you expect? That he rolls out the red carpet for you, because you're staying at the same hotel? At least he assumed he would see you at the party. Your fault you didn't ask what party.
  9. Not really. Sexual harassment is a crime, no? She could report him to the police, no? So? Again. That's your problem. There is no lie in any of it. I had a professional photographer, who was shooting Janet Jackson and Michael Jackson amongst others, tell me that his work as a tourphotographer wasn't artisticly fullfilling to him and that he felt like a paparazzi doing it. So don't get mad at me, if I feel the same.
  10. Credit is one thing. Them having to pay her and ask her for permission everytime they want to use a photo they paid her and granted the right and flown in to make, is another.
  11. Yeah. Most likely part of it is true. To what extent or how much is twisted remains to be seen.
  12. Oh, I know fuck all? Really?? Why so aggressive? I know what the GNR suit claims is stated in the contract. I doubt they were lying. They will be able to produce that contract that was signed by Kat. Never ever have I claimed to be an expert. It's your problem if you have personal animosity against what I'm saying. Yes. For 1 show. Big name photographers like Ross Halfin. Not no names, whom they have discovered and brought into the biz, for “364 shows or 30 ‘legs’”. And you're aware that the legal documents claiming that Fernando acknowledged anything, is coming from Kat's side?? And really, what argument do you have, other than, like anyone here, disliking Fernando and thus being more inclined to rather believe everything negative about him that Kat says? I'm not saying that Fernando didn't do these things, but to me it's clear she wants money and not justice (for being sexually harrassed) and to me it's more likely that this is a woman scorned, who's throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks and get the most out of it. And the "now" is after she was let go by the band, so really, not such a funny time. Again, if she left on her own, I'd be more inclined to believe her.
  13. No. I discovered her trying to have her cake and eating it too. Either she pays her own shit, travelling around the world shooting them and keeps the ownership of the photos or she has them pay everything, including her work and the photos belong to GNR. What would GNR get out of shipping her and paying her to travel around the world, when at the end of the day the work they paid her to do is owned by her and they have to beg and pay her again to be able do something with it?? That's insanity. And not what was stated in their initial contract. They don't even let local reporters take pictures at their shows. So why would she or anyone think they grant her that? It was stated she was paid well for her services.
  14. Well, one reason could be that they don't believe her allegations and side with Fernando.
  15. "She’s also seeking a court order “declaring her the sole owner” of all the photographs she took since 2010 when she wasn’t working under a written contract with GnR." Wow. How sick is that? First she gets paid to do the work, travels the world in luxury, many times over, while fans get fleeced left and right (and basically finance the whole thing) and in the end she claims sole ownership of the photos she was paid to do?!?
  16. And yet we could argue about that. But we won't, because it's not the point. Yeah. Well, the same absurdness if said thing only exists because somebody ordered it, paid for it and granted the right for it exist.
  17. That's debatable. One and the other. Also there are different kinds of photography. Also debatable, but besides the point. Yes. Obviously she wants money. The only reason for a civil suit. Otherwise she would have went to authorities. Nope. I haven't learned the skill. Also I resent the assumption that I have an iPhone.
  18. Art? What art? They are nothing more than paparazzi, shooting whatever is done in front of them. Concert photography is no art, it's a learned skill.
  19. Because to me it seems like something to be thrown in to have more of a case. To make it more embarrasing and to hopefully make them want to settle, before there is bad press. Like I said, somebody saying I love you can be a great thing or it can be turned into a bad thing, depending on what you want out of it. And to make sexual advances to someone who knows your wife.... seems dumb to me. Also there usually never is any proof either way and in this day and age people are quick to believe the "victim". People are almost compelled to believe the "victim", no questions asked. If you do, you're a "bad" person.
  20. Of course not, that's why I wonder, why she didn't leave? And as for the credits, without GNR, no one would know her and as Fernando supposedly said, everyone knows it's her who does the pics, maybe a bit more lenience to her discoverers would be/have been in order. Or to just cut ties and work for someone else, if both is unacceptable. Though I'd say sexual harassment worthy of a lawsuit would be more than reason to leave on that alone. Is that what Kat said to him?
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