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Free Bird

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Everything posted by Free Bird

  1. Everything is possible but I personally don't think they would release it without the contribution of Duff and Slash. Why would Axl do this? He could have done it for 20 years but he waited for the reunion to piss everybody off? It doesn't mske any sense, that's why it IS possible in some way, but I don't believe it. Still waiting for the epic songs Slash mentioned when he said they were more complex then HS and Abdurd. Don't think Perhaps was that complex or even "epic"
  2. The General is basically unreleased and still we're gonna get it. I think this theory is invalid. But maybe it makes the desicion for Axl easier to choose what to release if something got leaked, but it's obviously not the only criterion.
  3. IIrc he first said they've got a lot reworked and then later after HS and Absurd were released he talked about another 2-4 songs. But it seemed like he was unsecure about it like it could have been more.
  4. The solo fits the song, in a musical sense but it's not a wow moment which some, me included, expected. What I really like is his riffin during the verses.
  5. I might be the lawer but you're like a police officer around the forum. I already explained my reasons and I really don't care how you see it or if you get it. If you start to read my posts carefully we can talk. Otherwise I got better things to do.
  6. He may lost some of his aggressiveness but he's still good enough. To good for this kind of bashing that's going on on here
  7. Ok, again... threre are a few kids who I feel they're trolling around those threads and most of the time I don't react. But sometimes I read such ridiculous things that getting tempt on reacting. I know it's not the most clever thing to do, but it happens. In this case somebody spoke about Fincks perfect solos which I find to be a laughable statement and an attempt to troll, nothing more. Therefore I posted a video that shows Robin playing the solo in a way don't like. Should I apologize for that? Fuck no. That's my opinion, even when everybody else might think how perfectly Robin plays it there. I'm allowed to have my own opinion and I'm also allowed to express my opinion, like everybody else does. It's not even about who prefers what but about the kind of negativity spreading towards Slash in a way that's, to me at least, nothing more than trolling. But somehow thats ok to all of you, but when I express my opinion, you do the same thing and react to it while saying I shouldn't react. You of all people, Soulmonster should know better. You're smart guy... so c'mon.
  8. I'm sorry I didn't search for a weaker one. It was the first one that appeared on Youtube when I searched for Finck Sweet Child Oh Mine, I thought it's good enough to proof my point Anyways. I agree with your further point and mostly I think 'fuck it' but sometimes I get fooled into reacting on someones post that I desagree with. Fuck it Because you dont get it anyway
  9. There's many posts every day about how bad of a guitarist Slash is nowadays, which I disagree with. I think I should be allowed to tell my opinion as well. Especially when other opinions are often expressed like facts. I just play the same game. But it's a fact that I feel exactly what I'm telling here. I really enjoy some of Fincks playing on CD but cringe when I hear him play the classic solos. I don't get the love for his Perhaps solo, while Slash's not special either but I'd prefer Robin's Better solo instead of Slash's for example.
  10. Thing is, I don't give a fuck if he plays it note for note but how he plays it sounds off to me. And I already admit that that Slash fucked their solos up as well but to me there's a difference and I pointed it out.
  11. I admit sometimes he sounds like shit on TWAT and Sorry but there are gigs where he nailed the solos (TWAT) or made his own great rendition (Sorry). He doesn't play them as bad as people here claim. Same with TIL. But...! Slash came back to HIS baby. He has every right to play the solos like he wants to. Solos that aren't played in his style. Solos from songs that aren't considered as classics by any means. It's different than having Finck or whoever butchered his classic solos everybody came for.
  12. Oh no no, credit where credit's due. I love his work on Better and TWAT for example. Like there are Buckethead solos I love and others I find ridiculously bad (musically - not technically) I post this simply to prove my point.
  13. There's video on YouTube called something like 'Slash plays a sad blues solo'. Does anybody know if that's an improvised jam or if that's a cover of a known blues song? Would love if he turned that into a proper song with Richard on rhythm and Duff on bass because that sounded amazing live.
  14. Great playing but could have chosen better solos. And should rename it in 17 of Slash's best GNR solos, since he ignored his outsideprojects.
  15. OMG is garbage. I'd prefer Absurd over OMG any day. Swapping Sorry for Perhaps? What's wrong with you guys? There are a lot of weak songs on CD which could be swapped for Perhaps, but surely not Sorry. Riad, Scraped, Catcher, SOD... all forgettable songs which I rank lower then Perhaps easily but Perhaps isn't anything special at all. It profited because of the catchy chorus and the nice piano. Axl's voice in the verses are exactly what he sounded like on CD and the heyhays are kind of embarrassing. It could have been safed by a proper solo but Slash played it safe there. Hope he safed some epic solos for The General and future releases. Whoever pretends he's not capable of doing it, is talking shit.
  16. Another song that suffer from Myles to me. I know we heard some instrumental parts of it in those Reel videos about making of the album and that got me really excited. Myles vocals were a let down to me but after the main solo it starts to be a banger again.
  17. I could be wrong but iirc he stated that during the chats here and not in 2002.
  18. They may aren't credited in the liner notes but they get a specific amount of money. That differs from member to member and from the dagree of songwriting contribution each member did, which affects the percentage of royalties they get.
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