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Everything posted by rocknroll41

  1. Fortus: “Who the fuck are you?” Nuno: “Who the fuck are YOU?” Slash: “Who the fuck are both of you?”
  2. @bettermanFWIW, I do agree that ChiDem is more mature than AFD/UYI but lacks hits. That said, I still think Tommy downplayed just how “deep” the old albums were too. Songs like Rocket Queen’s second half as well as November Rain, for instance. Ultimately I would still rank AFD above ChiDem. Not sure about UYI. I don’t even know whether to see that as one album or two tbh.
  3. Help us @janrichmond or @MaskingApathy… You’re our only hopes…
  4. Fortus said it was bumble whose amp they had to turn down due to noodling (in 2006). He says bucket actually knew when to stop and let others play.
  5. I hate to say it, but I think bringing back Finck in late 2000 might’ve also caused some issues. Imagine how Buckethead must’ve felt, suddenly sharing duties with the guy he was supposed to be replacing. It’s why DJ left once Axl told him that Slash was coming back. Had Finck not been there, maybe Bucket woulda stayed and Stinson woulda been forced to work out his issues with him.
  6. Yeah I’ve said before that the entirety of NuGNR was just a bunch of jealous kids competing for Daddy Axl’s attention. On top of Tommy’s fragile ego, Axl had to go and add a third guitarist. Finck and Fortus had worked it out so that they would be the only guitarists needed in 2006, and then Axl goes and throws in Bumblefoot out of nowhere, and Stinson ends up having the same petty issues with Bumble that he did with Bucket, and even Fortus hated Bumble. Then after ChiDem came out, Bumble kept insisting that they ditch the leftovers and just write new music from scratch, whereas the rest of the band didn’t even give a fuck. More guitarists = More drama
  7. What I said, you mean? Or are you referring to Stinson himself saying that in the future everyone will think ChiDem is their best album?
  8. I remember Tommy saying on a live stream in 2009 that Bucket just wanted to band to be all about his guitar and Axl’s vocals and that he didn’t like how the other members had a say in things, which I think is bullshit cause Bucket is friends with Brain, for starters. I think Tommy developed a bit of an ego from becoming “the musical director,” as Brain put it, and felt like Bucket was a threat to his power or some shit.
  9. I remember thinking that when the locker leaks happened, yeah. Catcher and Atlas are both named after books, and Catcher and Perhaps both seem to be about Lennon. All three songs also just kinda sound similar (in a good way). That’s probably why a lot of us also thought it was Brian May doing the solo on Perhaps, instead of Finck.
  10. Yeah I think Covid/lockdown helped him improve his diet or his exercise routine or something.
  11. He looks about what I expected Axl to look like by age 61. I don’t think he should change anything about his look.
  12. If it’s true that he hasn’t recorded anything since 2007 aside from Rock The Rock, I could see why he’d be nervous.
  13. Not a bad idea, but I think if it were up to me I woulda gone with: 1.Better 2.IRS 3.Chinese Democracy 4.Street of Dreams 5.If the World 6.Sorry 7.There Was a Time 8.Riad N’ the Bedouins 9.Shackler’s Revenge 10.Catcher in the Rye 11.Scraped 12.Madagascar 13.This I Love 14.Prostitute
  14. A former friend of mine once referred to this song as Guns N’ Korn. I like it, but I can see why others don’t. Sometimes I feel like it should’ve been deeper on the album, rather than Track 2.
  15. It was after the reunion tour had already started. The two guy who were running that looney tunes cartoon went to one of the first NITL shows in 2016 and when they heard the looney tunes theme at the start of the show one guy said to the other “maybe Axl is a looney tunes fan. We should reach out to him and see if he wants to be on the show.”
  16. Yeah as cool as all these alternate covers are, the bike is still the one that fits the “tone” of the album most.
  17. The red hand was used for the downloadable version of the album for Rock Band, as well as for the album’s guitar tab book. Wasn’t the album cover also supposed to be a painting of a fictional amusement park at one point?
  18. This design is awesome, but it doesn’t really fit the tone of the album.
  19. HardSkool EP kinda doesn’t count since those vocals are from 1999-2000. As far as we know, the only vocals Axl has done within the last decade or so are Rock The Rock and now this. That said, it really sounds like him in the background of Duff’s new song Lighthouse. Wonder what that’s all about.
  20. Not sure. That one was eventually used as the cover for the title track vinyl single though (with Shackler’s as the b-side).
  21. People on this thread keep referring to this as Axl’s first time recording vocals in 15 years… Did we just all suddenly forget that Rock The Rock exists?
  22. Do we know what the album cover was originally gonna be? I thought it was always gonna be the bike, no?
  23. That’s funny. I think I was the one who started the trend of referring to 10%er with that title. Glad we finally know what it’s called for real now.
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