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Status Updates posted by darknightfan

  1. Got a job interview Monday! Really nervous bc it's for something I've never done so I hope I get hired.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -W.A.R-


      what type of job?

      good luck btw

    3. Kittiara


      Good luck! Hope you'll get it. =)

    4. darknightfan
  2. I think about food too much. Sometimes I go to bed early to wake up and eat sooner.

    1. estrangedtwat


      You on a diet or something?

    2. arnold layne
    3. darknightfan


      Not really but I maybe should be lol

  3. Less than 2 weeks until GNR<3 So excited

    1. James Bond

      James Bond

      What show are you doing? I've got a month to go still.

    2. darknightfan


      FedEx Field in Landover MD!!! I've been watching the count down on my phone go from 75 days to 7 so I'm so excited lol

    3. James Bond

      James Bond

       No kidding. So close yet so far!

  4. Because of the implication.

    1. Amir



    2. arnold layne

      arnold layne

      I'm a winner and winners... we don't listen to words like "no" or "don't" or "stop!"

    3. darknightfan


      There is no real danger.

  5. We should all go into the chat. I want to talk to you people.

    1. darknightfan


      Jk. It's not working wtf

    2. PITBOSS


      you broke it?

    3. darknightfan


      I hope not. It probably just freaked out b.c nobody has been in there in forever.

  6. Sebastian Bach came to town last weekend and I missed it. fucking pissed

    1. Powerage5


      I always miss his gigs, because no one fucking promotes them.

    2. darknightfan


      Like he will probably never come near me again. :/

    3. Powerage5


      Where do you live?

  7. enjoying bojangles home alone on thanksgiving

    1. tomfriend


      Hope you have a great day.

    2. WFA


      I sent you a happy thanksgiving text.

    3. darknightfan


      I didn't get it. Thanks

  8. Just listened to closure on good speakers and I really like it.

    1. AdriftatSea


      You are truly the most under rated regular dark. You are the best! xoxox

    2. darknightfan


      Aw thanks Adrift<3

    3. AdriftatSea
  9. Forget Interstellar. Recognize Birdman!

    1. Sixes



      Birdman is awesome!

      Interstellar not so much

    2. Powerage5


      Think I'll wait until it's on Netflix, but it looks good.

    3. darknightfan


      What Birdman? No. It is amazing and you should go now.

  10. iron maiden and megadeth tonight

    1. izzygirl
    2. T.wa.T
    3. Powerage5


      Have fun! 7 days til my next Maiden gig, trying to be patient :P

  11. Taking care of 60 toddlers everyday with only 5 other staff members is stressful.

    1. alfierose


      That sounds like hell!

    2. jman2000


      that sounds shitty. where you workin' at?

    3. Lio


      Old people's home.

  12. Slash was great. Wish he was on for longer.

    1. Broskirose


      11 years was long enough

    2. Coma16


      But more importantly, how were the ribs?

    3. WFA


      glad you had a good time DKF!

  13. It b offical. I'm going to see Slash and Aerosmith! Probably not exciting news to the forum but it's my first time seeing Slash!

    1. Coma16


      Should be a great concert! Enjoy

    2. WFA


      You're gonna have a blast! SMKC is awesome

    3. darknightfan
  14. I miss bella

    1. Mr. Dude
    2. darknightfan


      WFA was the bestest

    3. Mr. Dude

      Mr. Dude

      Why did he get banned anyway? I understand he could be annoying at times, but at worst I thought some of his posts were silly. I certainly didn't see anything that was ban-worthy. Then again, as much as I kind of didn't like MSL- I didn't see how anything he posted was worthy of a ban either.

  15. I've done gud contributing to tha discussion todayz

    1. tomfriend
    2. Strange Broue

      Strange Broue

      you had a pretty t-shirt and nice hair too

  16. Ordered Making of November Rain again. Hopefully it will actually be the right tape in the case this time.

  17. usemyillusionssorudelyleftthechat!

    1. WFA


      i got sidetracked my bad

    2. darknightfan


      It's ok. Hey did u figure out about your old account?

  18. I just want something to happen already.

    1. Broskirose


      hey if you want I could come to your house and we could just get married, have a kid and see what happens. just force ourselves to love each other and skip the bullshit of the world. we could film a porno and do whatever we want. nothing's stopping us.

    2. darknightfan


      Yes lets get married. That would be great! When?

  19. Going to see Goo Goo Dolls tonight!

    1. Coma16


      Have fun! Do they still release music or just touring the classics? The only song I know is Iris.

    2. darknightfan


      They still release music. I just mainly know the hits though.Thanks!

  20. Rude man who shushes, please call.

    1. Jackamo!


      Viet-goddamn-nam's what happened. Go get me a beer, bitch!

    2. darknightfan


      Got to salt the snail.

  21. I love this place and all of you

    1. Słash


      I hope one day you see a friend in me. Nobody else does.

    2. Edward Nygma

      Edward Nygma

      Why thank you DNF. Love you too!

  22. I love It's Always Sunny so muchhhh and there is only one episode left this season ))))):;:::;;

    1. downzy


      The Gang Hits the Slopes was one of the best episode in years...  "Mountain rules!"

    2. darknightfan


      This season as been pretty crazy!

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