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Everything posted by Tom2112

  1. Yeah it definitely doesn't sound like the label wanted one of their most successful bands to reunite and make them a boatload of cash. What part of this story is new? We all knew the labels interest in the record and where they really wanted to take things. I think they eventually gave up though around the time of the "Mr Rose can finance his recording sessions" statement. I actually love that they failed to push him into it. Also no surprise the spineless Doug OR any manager for that matter would be working with the label hoping for big cash paydays
  2. 10 yrs ago I would have said there's no chance of anything like this ever happening with AC/DC. Now I wouldn't be one bit surprised if a very short statement was released a week before the first date of any supposed tour "welcoming Axl back, thanks to Brian for all his work". I don't expect it, but it just wouldn't surprise me, I expect Brian to go out with AC/DC and struggle and then MAYBE there's a conversation about postponing or calling Axl.
  3. I think vocally he improved in some areas too, obviously got a little worse in other parts but 2023 was not a bad year IMO. When he comes back with the corn everybody will want the short hair again
  4. I think it went beyond the select fans of forums. There's still discussions about Axls tour with AC/DC by journalists and fans which are more often than not complimentary. Happy Brian is back of course, but they are still saying that AC/DC with Axl was incredible. Now, that's not extensive research, just some fans I've talked to, articles, podcasts and comment sections I've come cross across. Possibly Axl continuing with AC/DC would have been a bad career move in terms of public perception, I think many would have put him into the role of the person stealing AC/DC away from Brian, especially if Brian was out doing guest appearances with Muse, Foo Fighters etc. and looking like he was fit to perform to some standard.
  5. Worst career moves is Axls short hair? not refusing to promote Chinese Democracy? Not all the going stage hours late for 20yrs? ah come on! As far as looks, I think he looked the best he's looked in years on this recent tour, slimmer and the hair looked a bit more natural than when he first appeared with the short hair. More attractive? eh, no comment😄
  6. Axl obviously made an excellent decision fronting AC/DC. Completely rehabbed his perception among casual fans, and made people even more excited about the gnr shows. What exactly are the reasons against? Besides the iffy speculation that it blew his voice.
  7. If this is true then why aren't more gnr fans listening to Izzy's solo material? I think his music without the others is a bit forgettable, not bad but they sound like demos His material as the foundation, but Duff, Slash and Axl all worked on it to make it what it became.
  8. Yeah, he's not awful by any means. But he's far less memorable when he plays now. What's weird is that he can still play all his old material is ease if he wants so it's not that he's lost his edge technique wise. I guarantee if he plugged into his UYI rig tomorrow he'd sound 100 times better
  9. I just don't see why they'd spend the guts of two months rehearsing with another drummer to then decide to change and bring Chris Slade back in. Not saying it's out of the question, but it would be odd.
  10. Personal vendetta, as if I come on here searching for your dumb thought of the day🤣 I'm not a fan of your snotty personality on here though, and do enjoy reminding you when you're being a complete hypocrite/idiot... You obviously wouldn't realise this, so I'm here to help. Consider it personal growth coaching, no charge or thanks needed☺️
  11. Laughable. The man always moaning about people not accepting personal preferences is giving out about peoples personal preference🤣 Absurd.
  12. Yeah look at AC/DC up to the rock or bust tour, Brian was up there belting with little to no breaks besides Angus's solo
  13. I purposefully didn't mention Ashba, because I like a lot of others was not a fan🤣 Like I said, there are people that just love seeing Slash play I get that. The quality can be from meh to great and it makes almost no difference, as long he's there the box is ticked. Beyond that there's also personal taste, just enjoying his style (I love his style too) over the other guys, which is fair I certainly don't enjoy every guitar player I hear and I also didn't enjoy every single note Bumble, Bucket, Richard, Robin etc. played 1999-2014. I just haven't ever been entertained by a Slash solo spot (besides the move to the city live era band solo). Slash in the context of a song is usually good though. To me Slash is not as good as he used to be both live and on record, naturally not everyone will agree with that.
  14. The Chili's SHOULD stop jamming at their shows, it's like kids in a garage🤣 And no. Just because I don't care for it isn't reason for it to stop. But you're kidding yourself of you think I'm in the minority not enjoying super long guitar solos. I also think super long guitar solos from a guitar player I love, being a guitar player should be something I like... I just don't think it's entertaining musically... Visually some definitely get off watching Slash noodle, and I fully appreciate that he's improvising and it can't always hit the target. I just think when the show length is hitting 3.5hrs they should be mindful for fatigue. Duff saying "nobody leaves" that's just false. Plenty to home before the end, and plenty definitely leave for breaks during the jams. When Rush had solos people stayed because it was entertaining whether you played drums or not. In nugnr Richard had a great solo spot, as did Bumble with Pink panther, worked spots excellently delivered that were crowd interactive.
  15. Plenty obviously. And there's plenty of people not on fan forums who complain about the long gnr set. Some people are just fine watching 3 1/2 hour shows, with quality that dips up and down significantly... Others want the show to be strong throughout, not want to have so far in the set that are good piss breaks. Heavens door, rocket queen, the slash solo and Coma are all breaks for me. There are definitely songs in the main set that are played every night or very regularly that could be less regular. Absolutely no reason for the sprawling solo sections in heavens door, RQ. If Axl wants a break, give Duff another song in the set or Maybe Melissa could do a lead?
  16. Are your expectations higher for the remainder of the Chinese stuff?
  17. Sometimes it's for the best. Like a fighter you love to watch but know that they've taken some severe hits and shouldn't compete anymore. I think under the right guidance gnr have a good record in them. Great? Excellent? That's probably a stretch at this point given what they consider good enough to release these past few years.
  18. My thoughts exactly. Move on, new material written by the current band with brand new lyrics and vocals. But yeah, I'll also take what I can get and just not like what they release 😄
  19. I don't really care about the reception as much as I care that it's a terrible piece of music. I never in a million years would have thought people on here would legitimately think it's anything other than atrocious. Clever, lower expectations so much that when they come out with anything half way decent people are bowled over. Dis you Nando?
  20. Let's hope 'eye on you' is buried so far down that it never sees the light of day. I can only imagine the reception that monstrosity would have, given that it's unquestionably worse than Absurd and The general😄 it's like gnr want us to listen to My world and say "I guess this wasn't so bad afterall"😄
  21. It's a big maybe. The argument against is stronger - they come from an unpopular era, they are not popular songs or doing successful. It would only be completists that would buy it... Not even fans of Chinese would be guaranteed to care or buy it. Maybe posthumously or when gnr just retire and Axl is bored at home he might want to put that stuff out, but right now not a chance. The focus is on Axl, Slash and Duff ALL other past non active members are not going to be getting any special edition releases. It's just not something the record company would be interested in, the average fan either AND Slash and Duff would not be interested in it (currently, I leave it open for 15/20yrs from now).
  22. You personally believe he recorded guitar for all those songs? 🤣 Sounds more like your wishlist I don't doubt he recorded more than 4-5 songs, because he was obviously just loosely talking. I really don't know where the jump to thinking he recorded all those songs comes from, considering they didn't have vocals and there's no evidence suggesting they were ever finished that I recall. Get in a room and write a new song. Why is that such an out there proposition for gnr??😅
  23. State of grace in a finished state is the only thing I think they have from those old sessions that has any worth. I thought that from the moment the locker leaks came out. Thought the other tracks were really forgettable or just bad. They are wasting their time with the other stuff. The General to me is just bland... It has none of the excitement other similar songs on CD had, Perhaps is ok the other two are meh. What is the point in releasing these songs that not even us die hards can agree are good? Just pissing away the interest levels from fans. Right now I don't think they are capable of writing a good song, would love to be proven wrong but their collective shit detector is way off right now. And being honest the locker material (besides state of grace) is not worth revisiting. Move on and make an actual new song, with some full lyrics. I'm all for them not rehashing AFD/UYI, but whatever they release has got to be more exciting than these vanilla songs. Fire the producer too, obviously placating rather than producing because these songs are not up to finished quality
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