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Everything posted by Appetitefordiscussion

  1. LOL! Yeah it’s interesting how they’ve promoted that album. Chinese isn’t a really a bad single. But Street of Dreams seems like an odd choice. I feel like a radio friendly version of Madagascar or even Riad would’ve made more sense
  2. Gotta give credit where it’s due. I don’t mind slash’s solo here! If I remember, Robin kept it pretty tame originally? I was more scared it would be random noodling also: that clip of reckless life is fockn great
  3. Yeah I meant after those years. I was watching a clip from the London show in 2012 and forgot how tight that band was. They didnt have that signature classic-GNR sound but damn were they fun to watch. Glad I got to see that lineup
  4. I don’t think the reviews are wrong, I just think it’s not really news. It’s been pretty “meh” since 2010 or even 2006. I feel like most “casual fans” that I know personally are already aware that it’s not anywhere close to the show it used to be. Regardless, I can understand the bad reviews but I feel like it’s expected at this point. sorry for the negativity LOL😉 it’s hard to look at my favorite band in an unbiased way
  5. The thing is that no matter what version or quality of GNR that takes a festival stage, there will always be a lot of people who don’t like it. Hell, there’s a lot of people who don’t even like GNR in their heyday.
  6. Drums vs keys that are only relevant on less than half the songs 🤷🏻‍♂️
  7. I personally like it. I thought it was the more mainstream rock sounding song after Hard Skool. It’s no SOG but I don’t think we’ll get that song in any capacity similar to how it leaked
  8. new music or not, am I wrong in saying this is the first time we’ve seen Axl and Slash pictured outside of a rehearsal studio/venue?
  9. Nice! Nashville area! First time doing Bonnaroo. Are u seeing Guns at all in Atlanta or Nashville this summer?
  10. Personally sad mr brownstone is gone. I always thought that was a big enough song to be right before the encore. Patience into Brownstone into Night train would be a great way to end things before wheezing thru PC. Excuse my bitching. These recent setlists have been amazing to see
  11. To be fair, Duff solo stuff is so intentionally different than the GNR style that it’s hard for me to make this comparison. If you look at Loaded, I feel like there are a handful of songs that would’ve made sick gnr songs
  12. One part of me wants to unfollow gnr on everything and never come on the forum that way I can experience perhaps for the first time when I see them and maybe be surprised by something else too But that requires too much patience
  13. Not sure if anyone watches Always Sunny In Philadelphia but they talked about Axl on their podcast today. Maybe like halfway thru. Talking about best rock vocalist. Pretty funny stuff
  14. I’d love to see catcher played. I really like Duff and Slash on that actually, I think other than title track, that’s the best one they do from that album Holy shit, is this you? This is great
  15. It’s always before UCBM, ABSURD or Locomotive 😂 good ole axl
  16. They were atleast in time. That was their forte. Slash’s sounds sloppy, and that’s coming from a huge slash fan. He’s my favorite guitarist for many reasons, but he isn’t very versatile.
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