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Everything posted by Voodoochild

  1. Apparently, the Instagram had no problems with my cover? https://www.instagram.com/p/Czj0kx1iyWf/
  2. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and mine is that this line “Survivors don’t whine“ is disgusting.
  3. Yeah, vinyl is not a 100% accurate representation of the master as it’s bound to the imperfections of the analog format. CD is just a digital copy, there are no physical variables. Hopefully, but the problem is that once is out, I could just use the drums and orchestra of the original lol. It was a lot of working for nothing. 😢
  4. Funny how things are with this band… Even though I recorded every single instrument on my own, including orchestra and drums, I can’t post a cover of The General on YouTube at all because it gets blocked.
  5. The thing is that at the very least, the Japanese CD could be ripped in better (and easier) quality. And it kinda ruined that "vinyl exclusive" thing that Italian website posted and then deleted.
  6. Good find. It says the CD is a Japanese exclusive format, though. All of this is very weird.
  7. It seems odd that Slash could've been in CD, though. That would be a shitstorm and I'm sure the pressure for a reunion would be even bigger than it was already.
  8. Just the US? I don't think I noticed much difference, but I do prefer his tone now than the 2016-18. I think it's fine. If Slash plays a strato plugged in a 90s zoom 505 and it will still sound like Slash. Worse, but still him. Having said that, I still wish he had his 90s tone back. With all that nostalgia in the other thread, I've been listening to Snakepit a lot. I miss that tone.
  9. Well, she's pretty capable and could be something out of her expected outcome. I think it would sound more like Slash's Bluesball than GNR.
  10. The article does say that it's not clear if Slash will ditch Marshall. As it mentioned the SKMC tour, maybe he would still stick to Marshall with GNR? Do you know anything about Magnatone? I don't think I've ever heard one.
  11. Wasn't FTP basic chord structure being played in the background on Estranged's Making Of doc? Or was that a Snakepit track?
  12. Didn't follow him that much but I think you're probably right. Even more so considering how murky and weird was that era for everyone, including Axl himself.
  13. I think Fall to Pieces is really boring and we already had This I Love to fill this role on CD. But I always assumed that the three songs Axl wanted Slash were CD tracks, like TIL, Street of Dreams and some other from the Village sessions.
  14. It does sound like RobAin Finck to my ears. I think @evader also thought it was Robain. Don't follow you. I think it sounds the same structure-wise to me? Could you point this part on the clip to me?
  15. Sorry, but The General doesn't sound like Marilyn Manson or industrial stuff at all. Really.
  16. It was my favorite when I bought that record back in the 90s. But I agree that the lyrics are pretty bad lol Both would be very welcomed to me.
  17. People theorized that he was pissed off because of the leak. I dunno.
  18. Never thought about Elton John on this, but it does fit perfectly. Just imagine Slash playing a solo like that in Street of Dreams. It's the same basic premise on the rhythm section.
  19. I wish Axl could record Back to the Moment. I mean, I love Rod's performance, but this one has one of most beautiful Slash solos.
  20. This is ok with me. I mean, the arrangement and layers do make a huge difference, and maybe the song structure was thought to be simple because of those other elements to be begin with. I mean, this is an extreme exemple, but look what Hans Zimmer did with Interstellar's soundtrack.
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