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Guest Len B'stard


Lennon Naked...absolutely brilliant!! I usually hate biopics unless they are of the based on a true story variety and dragged into the sphere of abstract or at least extreme convolution and made categorically clear that such is the filmmakers intent but this movie was absolutely brilliant and i'm a total Lennon purist and a Beatle fanatic and i think it was a fantastic movie, my estimation of Christopher Ecclestone has ALWAYS been high but it just shot up 500 miles, he REALLY fuckin nailed John so well that its untrue, all of it, the attitude, the quips, the biting tongue, the irrationality, the viciousness, the horribleness, the idealism, the hurt...just brilliant, couldn't've asked for more, as good a movie at depicting an artists life as i've ever seen (yes he was an artist, yes he was God, yes he was bigger than Jesus, no we are not worthy, thank you John Lennon for being born :))

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Lennon Naked...absolutely brilliant!! I usually hate biopics unless they are of the based on a true story variety and dragged into the sphere of abstract or at least extreme convolution and made categorically clear that such is the filmmakers intent but this movie was absolutely brilliant and i'm a total Lennon purist and a Beatle fanatic and i think it was a fantastic movie, my estimation of Christopher Ecclestone has ALWAYS been high but it just shot up 500 miles, he REALLY fuckin nailed John so well that its untrue, all of it, the attitude, the quips, the biting tongue, the irrationality, the viciousness, the horribleness, the idealism, the hurt...just brilliant, couldn't've asked for more, as good a movie at depicting an artists life as i've ever seen (yes he was an artist, yes he was God, yes he was bigger than Jesus, no we are not worthy, thank you John Lennon for being born :))

It was an interesting dramamentry to say the least.

The Haunting In Connecticut - I didn't get it until the end, sudden moments involving the music made me jump

Unbreakable - Bruce Willis was so calm in this.

The Waterboy - One of Adam Sandler's best

Don't Mess With The Zohan - Silly

Mr. Deeds - Very funny.

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Just watched Raising Arizona. Pretty ridiculous movie. John Goodman was funny. There were a few moments that made me chuckle. It seems that with the exception of The Big Lebowski, I don't "get" any of the Cohen Brother's movies.

Watched Mad Max and The Road Warrior over the past couple days. Mad Max was decent. The Road Warrior was damn good. Going to watch Mad Max Beyond the Thunderdome is next on my list.

Watched New Jack City recently. Ice-T looked like a black Axl from 2006 in the movie. Overall a pretty good movie.

Watching When Harry Met Sally now. I saw it a couple years ago in a college Interpersonal Communications class and thought it deserved another viewing.

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Nosferatu Black and white, silent film, the whole deal. Pretty cool for the 1920's, I imagine the bit where he vanishes was pretty high tech visuals back in those times. It was also closer to the actual Dracula story than Bela Lugosi's Dracula.

The bit where his shadow is creeping up the stairs is pretty bad ass.

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Nosferatu Black and white, silent film, the whole deal. Pretty cool for the 1920's, I imagine the bit where he vanishes was pretty high tech visuals back in those times. It was also closer to the actual Dracula story than Bela Lugosi's Dracula.

The bit where his shadow is creeping up the stairs is pretty bad ass.

i really liked shadow of the vampire. its a fictional story about the making of nosferatu, as if the vampire was real. check it out.

i watched cop out, sorry angelica but i really liked it. you messed with the wrong motherfucker, motherfucker! it is what it is. i went in with an open mind and i enjoyed it.

just watched for your consideration. a bit different from the christopher guest movies im used to but i liked it. fred willard is incredible "you know what they say about blind prostitutes, you really gotta hand it to em'". you know that line was improv. i also liked Guest's director character, it seemed like a nice follow up to the brilliant corky st.claire. thats a great movie btw, waiting for guffman, i highly recommend it.

1:25 might be the hardest ive ever laughed. background : he has a lazy eye and corrective lenses, which the director made him take off for the play

Edited by Jackie Moon
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I'm dying to see Inception, but the hyperbole is making me nervous.

Awesomeness points deducted from Jackie for liking Cop Out were reapplied for posting youtube link of Waiting for Guffman. I mean, what kid doesn't want a Remains of the Day lunch box!?

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I'm dying to see Inception, but the hyperbole is making me nervous.

Awesomeness points deducted from Jackie for liking Cop Out were reapplied for posting youtube link of Waiting for Guffman. I mean, what kid doesn't want a Remains of the Day lunch box!?

i took a 2 part course in university "the history of popular music", one part 1955+ and another for everything before 1955.

one day we covered stephen foster, a composer from the turn of the 20th century, i realized i recognized every song. each one was from eugene levy's audition medley in WFG. when i got home i re-watched and was just overwhelmed by awesomeness.

this clip doesn't have the entire eugene levy sequence but it has a clip. i also like the cowboy at the beginning haha. (levy is the last guy with the glasses for those who are unfamiliar, same guy with the lazy eye)

when i started university his daughter was also a frosh and he was spotted around campus a few times. i went into full on stalker mode but didnt see him :(

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Watched three very different comedies the last few days.

Sideways - Thought Paul Giamatti was brilliant in this. Something about his character felt very real.. a few laugh out loud moments but overall I think it was the character development and clever dialogue that made this film so great.

Black Dynamite - Outrageously funny parody of 70's blaxploitation films. Story takes a ridiculous turn in the middle and eventually culminates in

a nunchuck fight between Black Dynamite and Richard Nixon.

A Serious Man - This I just did not get. I've loved everything the Coen's have done but found this painfully dull... and the ending. I know they love to do a "non-ending" but it just doesn't work in this one in my opinion. What I got from it was that

throughout the film the protagonist looks to his faith in trying to find a meaning to everything bad that's happening to him. He thinks he's being punished by God but he "hasn't done anything." Later in the film his brother highlights the fact that he doesn't have it all bad. His problems are not punishment from God but simply a part of life. When he eventually does do something by changing the Korean kids grade God decides to punish him by giving him cancer and sending a tornado towards his son.

So is that the joke? The Jewish God is an incredibly vengeful one? Or am I missing some deeper meaning here? Maybe that it is the point of the film... there is no deeper meaning. There is no rhyme or reason in the world. The only thing we can do is follow the Rabbi's advice and be "a good boy."

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A Serious Man - This I just did not get. I've loved everything the Coen's have done but found this painfully dull... and the ending. I know they love to do a "non-ending" but it just doesn't work in this one in my opinion. What I got from it was that

throughout the film the protagonist looks to his faith in trying to find a meaning to everything bad that's happening to him. He thinks he's being punished by God but he "hasn't done anything." Later in the film his brother highlights the fact that he doesn't have it all bad. His problems are not punishment from God but simply a part of life. When he eventually does do something by changing the Korean kids grade God decides to punish him by giving him cancer and sending a tornado towards his son.

So is that the joke? The Jewish God is an incredibly vengeful one? Or am I missing some deeper meaning here? Maybe that it is the point of the film... there is no deeper meaning. There is no rhyme or reason in the world. The only thing we can do is follow the Rabbi's advice and be "a good boy."

The whole movie is pretty much a metaphor for the Book Of Job.

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Sideways - Thought Paul Giamatti was brilliant in this. Something about his character felt very real.. a few laugh out loud moments but overall I think it was the character development and clever dialogue that made this film so great.

Great film! You made me want to see it again. :)

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Wow a whole bunch of about 7 reviews. We all know that the film will go down alot when the more "respected" ones come out just like with the Expendables. Doesn't mean they won't be awesome though :D

Well, it's down to 80% now. 16 Fresh and 4 Rotten

I suppose we'll really see how it does within the next 3 days or so. (Pre-release day/Release day/Post-release day)

EDIT: I'll either be seeing that or Despicable Me on Friday. Since the girlfriend drug me to see Eclipse, I told her I'd drag her to Predators, but we'll see.

Edited by Black Sabbath
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