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Axl Rose slams Azoff


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People go to see the train-wreck once, but how many times will they come back around to see Axl and some nobodies?

Best line in this whole thread.

I don't agree with that either. Say what you will about Axl and the way he conducts the band, but reviews and reports from those shows with "nobodies" are generally full of praise, particularly from the last tour.

People will keep attending the shows. Just like they would if it were an Axl Rose solo show - he's the drawcard.

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People go to see the train-wreck once, but how many times will they come back around to see Axl and some nobodies?

Best line in this whole thread.

I don't agree with that either. Say what you will about Axl and the way he conducts the band, but reviews and reports from those shows with "nobodies" are generally full of praise, particularly from the last tour.

People will keep attending the shows. Just like they would if it were an Axl Rose solo show - he's the drawcard.

Exactly. And those that guy calls "nobodies" are amazing musicians who in some cases have been in the band longer than the old guys. I think that long letter is just bullshit meant to add more fuel to the fire.

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Never said Azoff would sit around plotting against Axl but I can see him having one of his underlings fucking with Axl if the opportunity presented itself

Apples-oranges man...you did say this

Azoff can fuck with Axl in ways we can't imagine. Ticketmaster has their tentacles in every facet of the music business....He can pressure promoters and venues not to book GnR here in the States and, with his power and connections, there are a million ways he can invisibly make Axl's professional life a living hell.......In the music business Azoff is the equivallent to the US Govt.....unlimited power and resources.............. Axl can fight him and may win a settlement but in the end he losses either way...he may win a small battle against Azoff but ultimately he will lose the war...................
somehow I doubt Azoff worries about the "credibility factor" at this point in his career

Then you're the one being naive.

Look at it this way if Axl's claims are true Azoff did not worry about credibility sabotaging ChiDem and Axl's tours now did he?? ..and again if he really did fuck with the recent NuGNR tours did that make him look like an ass? No because if what Axl claims is true nobody would have even known about it if Axl had not filed a counter suit.........Considering Axl's claim that Azoff stopped supporting him not sure how you justify that Azoff needs Axl as it does not seem like a smart business move on Azoff 's part to fuck over Axl if NuGnR is such a hot property........All your arguments seem to imply that Axl's suit has no merit since, according to you, Azoff would never do these things in order to avoid damaging his "credibility" and "not looking like an ass"...so I can assume you think Axl's countersuit has not merit as Azoff would never do these things as it is bad business and bad for his image??.............................. .with all due repect you truly are nieve in this case Zint..................

You've swayed from the point I was commenting on when I addressed you.

If you honestly think Azoff is going to spend anymore time on Axl Rose outside of the courts than he has to,you're the one looking at this with blinders on.

He's taken his business disagreements with Axl Rose to the courts,that's what business men do.

Axl has countersued...that's what happens.That's the way it works.

If you honestly think Azoff is going to go to promoters and arenas to prevent Axl Rose from touring the U.S. because of a pending lawsuit,at the risk of making himself look a laughing stock for doing so (think about it for a minute...really) than you have a unique perspective on the situation that I do not share.

Edited by zint61
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Look, you can say a reunion will never happen and axl has said this and that - but money talks, bullshit walks.

No. You can't buy Axl.

And, for the record, a real rock star is the kind of guy that does just that. He can't be bought and sold or be fucked with.

and what did you think is happening right now?

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The point is they play better than the originals and they enjoy playing together.

That's your personal opinion...an opinion that, according to record and ticket sales (in comparison to what the original guys did), is in the vast minority. There's no way to argue that Slash is better or worse then Ron, or DJ or even myself because again, it all falls within opinion. But there's no arguing over which band produced more hits,sold more records, tickets and was universally loved. Those are factual events, like them or not.

And those that guy calls "nobodies" are amazing musicians who in some cases have been in the band longer than the old guys. I think that long letter is just bullshit meant to add more fuel to the fire.

Well, atleast two of the original "nobodies" released a #1 record with TWO #1 singles and won a fucking Grammy. Lets see any of the "new" nobodies pull that feat off. I think that's the argument. The old guys have actually had overwhelming success outside of the GNR where as the new guys never have and never will.

Edited by Nintari
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Never said Azoff would sit around plotting against Axl but I can see him having one of his underlings fucking with Axl if the opportunity presented itself

Apples-oranges man...you did say this

Azoff can fuck with Axl in ways we can't imagine. Ticketmaster has their tentacles in every facet of the music business....He can pressure promoters and venues not to book GnR here in the States and, with his power and connections, there are a million ways he can invisibly make Axl's professional life a living hell.......In the music business Azoff is the equivallent to the US Govt.....unlimited power and resources.............. Axl can fight him and may win a settlement but in the end he losses either way...he may win a small battle against Azoff but ultimately he will lose the war...................
somehow I doubt Azoff worries about the "credibility factor" at this point in his career

Then you're the one being naive.

Look at it this way if Axl's claims are true Azoff did not worry about credibility sabotaging ChiDem and Axl's tours now did he?? ..and again if he really did fuck with the recent NuGNR tours did that make him look like an ass? No because if what Axl claims is true nobody would have even known about it if Axl had not filed a counter suit.........Considering Axl's claim that Azoff stopped supporting him not sure how you justify that Azoff needs Axl as it does not seem like a smart business move on Azoff 's part to fuck over Axl if NuGnR is such a hot property........All your arguments seem to imply that Axl's suit has no merit since, according to you, Azoff would never do these things in order to avoid damaging his "credibility" and "not looking like an ass"...so I can assume you think Axl's countersuit has not merit as Azoff would never do these things as it is bad business and bad for his image??.............................. .with all due repect you truly are nieve in this case Zint..................

You've swayed from the point I was commenting on when I addressed you.

If you honestly think Azoff is going to spend anymore time on Axl Rose outside of the courts than he has to,you're the one looking at this with blinders on.

He's taken his business disagreements with Axl Rose to the courts,that's what business men do.

Axl has countersued...that's what happens.That's the way it works.

If you honestly think Azoff is going to go to promoters and arenas to prevent Axl Rose from touring the U.S. because of a pending lawsuit,at the risk of making himself look a laughing stock for doing so (think about it for a minute...really) than you have a unique perspective on the situation that I do not share.

Go back and read Lefsetz letter the man makes a lot of sense.....in this case we agree to disagree............

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And those that guy calls "nobodies" are amazing musicians who in some cases have been in the band longer than the old guys. I think that long letter is just bullshit meant to add more fuel to the fire.

Well, atleast two of the original "nobodies" released a #1 record with TWO #1 singles and won a fucking Grammy. Lets see any of the "new" nobodies pull that feat off. I think that's the argument. The old guys have actually had overwhelming success outside of the GNR where as the new guys never have and never will.

So did Lady Gaga...go figure :tongue2:

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And those that guy calls "nobodies" are amazing musicians who in some cases have been in the band longer than the old guys. I think that long letter is just bullshit meant to add more fuel to the fire.

Well, atleast two of the original "nobodies" released a #1 record with TWO #1 singles and won a fucking Grammy. Lets see any of the "new" nobodies pull that feat off. I think that's the argument. The old guys have actually had overwhelming success outside of the GNR where as the new guys never have and never will.

So did Lady Gaga...go figure :tongue2:

Yes, which makes her not a "nobody". A Nobody is someone who hasn't achieved anything notable.

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Never said Azoff would sit around plotting against Axl but I can see him having one of his underlings fucking with Axl if the opportunity presented itself........somehow I doubt Azoff worries about the "credibility factor" at this point in his career...Look at it this way if Axl's claims are true Azoff did not worry about credibility sabotaging ChiDem and Axl's tours now did he?? ..and again if he really did fuck with the recent NuGNR tours did that make him look like an ass? No because if what Axl claims is true nobody would have even known about it if Axl had not filed a counter suit.........Considering Axl's claim that Azoff stopped supporting him not sure how you justify that Azoff needs Axl as it does not seem like a smart business move on Azoff 's part to fuck over Axl if NuGnR is such a hot property........All your arguments seem to imply that Axl's suit has no merit since, according to you, Azoff would never do these things in order to avoid damaging his "credibility" and "not looking like an ass"...so I can assume you think Axl's countersuit has not merit as Azoff would never do these things as it is bad business and bad for his image??.............................. .with all due repect you truly are nieve in this case Zint..................

I don't think he's being naive. People are making out like Azoff is some unstoppable force who's going to make it his life's mission to fuck Axl Rose over. Zint is pointing out that it's highly unlikely he'd devote the time or the energy to this. Sure, things will be more difficult in the sense that Axl probably won't be using his companies for touring, ticketing or promotion, but it's highly unlikely he'll go significantly out of his way to actually prevent Axl from touring the US. One man doesn't control an entire industry. He arguably has too much power within it, sure - but not exclusive control. That's not necessarily discrediting what Axl's claimed in his suit - go have a read about anti-trust laws....

See what you don't get is if a band wants to successfully tour the U.S they have to deal with Ticketmaster if they want to play large venues Axl wants to play............Pearl Jam tried to fight Ticketmaster in the 90's and found out it was useless...Read this article if you still don't believe in Ticketmasters power..They have exclusive deals with many of the big venues in the States...If you don't use their service you don't play those venues...........

If Axl does not use them to sell tickets NuGnR will be playing State Fairs or theaters...............


String Cheese Incident also tried to sue Ticketmaster in 2004 and they were just as unsuccesful..........

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It's like this. Azoff or anyone else, despite any grudge or feelings etc, isn't going to ignore money. Axl and new GNR can still put people in seats. Would Azoff or anyone else rather have an empty venue, or an venue with something going on, whether it's a sell out or not?

The bottom line is that Axl Rose has a lot of pull. If he decided tomorrow he wanted to do any promotional activity he wished, they would have him immediately. He's like Michael Jackson. He could be on Leno, Letterman, Conan, 60 Minutes, covers of magazines etc. He can do whatever promotion he pleases.

So if Azoff did try to screw him and GNR out of playing in the US, all Axl has to do is self promote, and get interest going, and then he fills venues.

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The bottom line is that Axl Rose has a lot of pull. If he decided tomorrow he wanted to do any promotional activity he wished, they would have him immediately. He's like Michael Jackson. He could be on Leno, Letterman, Conan, 60 Minutes, covers of magazines etc. He can do whatever promotion he pleases.


Maybe, 8 years ago - after the VMA's......Hell maybe even 2 years ago, before the release of CD; but not today.

As someone said in this thread, most of the people that grew up with and loved this band, have moved on.

The only way Axl gets Leno, Letterman, Conan etc. is because of a reunion with the old guys, or if he writes a "tell all" book.

Edited by SunnyDRE
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It's like this. Azoff or anyone else, despite any grudge or feelings etc, isn't going to ignore money. Axl and new GNR can still put people in seats. Would Azoff or anyone else rather have an empty venue, or an venue with something going on, whether it's a sell out or not?

The bottom line is that Axl Rose has a lot of pull. If he decided tomorrow he wanted to do any promotional activity he wished, they would have him immediately. He's like Michael Jackson. He could be on Leno, Letterman, Conan, 60 Minutes, covers of magazines etc. He can do whatever promotion he pleases.

So if Azoff did try to screw him and GNR out of playing in the US, all Axl has to do is self promote, and get interest going, and then he fills venues.

Very true. If Axl wanted to he could do interviews, do Leno, etc just to get his point across and get the court of public opinion on his side...

Than again, if he's gonna do it for this than.... ah never mind... :D

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The bottom line is that Axl Rose has a lot of pull. If he decided tomorrow he wanted to do any promotional activity he wished, they would have him immediately. He's like Michael Jackson. He could be on Leno, Letterman, Conan, 60 Minutes, covers of magazines etc. He can do whatever promotion he pleases.


Maybe, 8 years ago - after the VMA's......Hell maybe even 2 years ago, before the release of CD; but not today.

As someone said in this thread, most of the people that grow up and loved this band have moved on.

The only way Axl gets Leno, Letterman, Conan etc. is because of a reunion with the old guys, or if he writes a "tell all" book.

He was the #1 trending topic on Yahoo yesterday and #3 today. People know his name, plus Axl suing Azoff is only adding gas to his fame fire.

Edited by Cdlove
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It's like this. Azoff or anyone else, despite any grudge or feelings etc, isn't going to ignore money. Axl and new GNR can still put people in seats. Would Azoff or anyone else rather have an empty venue, or an venue with something going on, whether it's a sell out or not?

The bottom line is that Axl Rose has a lot of pull. If he decided tomorrow he wanted to do any promotional activity he wished, they would have him immediately. He's like Michael Jackson. He could be on Leno, Letterman, Conan, 60 Minutes, covers of magazines etc. He can do whatever promotion he pleases.

So if Azoff did try to screw him and GNR out of playing in the US, all Axl has to do is self promote, and get interest going, and then he fills venues.

If Azofff thought NuGnR was still going to make him big money they would not be going to court right now.....................

NuGnR may be able to sell out Stadiums and Arenas overseas but those days are over here in the U.S...I am not sure how the last U.S. tour sold but go read the Classic Rock Article I posted on the 2001/2002 U.S. tour. According to Pollstar the Buckethead version of NuGnR averaged 8,660 tickets for the 15 shows on that ill fated tour so they were only half filling the Arenas they were playing...Unless Axl takes less money no promoter is going to make money with half filled arenas..............

I do agree that if Axl wanted to talk people would be scambling to book him but not because he has"pull" it would be because he is such a recluse and they would want to be the first to talk to him. Axl fans will take this as me bashing but I am just pointing out the obvious ...Slash fans are always taking shit to stop living in the past but Axl fans have to face the fact that it is not 1991 and Axl is not that big a deal in the U.S. anymore...........other than too us fans on this forum of course........

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The bottom line is that Axl Rose has a lot of pull. If he decided tomorrow he wanted to do any promotional activity he wished, they would have him immediately. He's like Michael Jackson. He could be on Leno, Letterman, Conan, 60 Minutes, covers of magazines etc. He can do whatever promotion he pleases.


Maybe, 8 years ago - after the VMA's......Hell maybe even 2 years ago, before the release of CD; but not today.

As someone said in this thread, most of the people that grow up and loved this band have moved on.

The only way Axl gets Leno, Letterman, Conan etc. is because of a reunion with the old guys, or if he writes a "tell all" book.

He was the #1 trending topic on Yahoo yesterday and #3 today.

Because of REUNION TALK dude.


A Reunion people care about. The current band and CD, not so much.

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At this point, Axl's only popular because of the Howard Huges factor. That and the fact that everyone hates his guts. You don't have to be liked to be popular. Hated people are google darlings too.

:rofl-lol: :rofl-lol: :rofl-lol: You're the worst poster of the year with SunnyDRE and gnr-dave man.

I'll tell you why Axl is still popular today: it's because he has put out the best rock n' roll album of all time (Appetite for destruction) and that the world has been waiting for Chinese Democracy for years, an album which divides so much opinions that it only proves one thing: it's a masterpiece. The guy is a genius that basically says fuck you to anyone that's gonna fuck with him, hence the hatred. And that's why he's still popular today, best rock album, genius, and can't be fucked with.

If it was only the recluse thing, he wouldn't be popular, most people are brainwashed by daily informations and if nobody reminds them of a particular somebody, they'll forget him.

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At this point, Axl's only popular because of the Howard Huges factor. That and the fact that everyone hates his guts. You don't have to be liked to be popular. Hated people are google darlings too.

:rofl-lol: :rofl-lol: :rofl-lol: You're the worst poster of the year with SunnyDRE and gnr-dave man.

Yet you tried to add me as a friend just a couple days ago.

I'll tell you why Axl is still popular today:

Only in countries where the majority of people speak Spanish

it's because he has put out the best rock n' roll album of all time (Appetite for destruction)

I agree

and that the world has been waiting for Chinese Democracy for years, an album which divides so much opinions that it only proves one thing: it's a masterpiece.

No. It just reinforced the idea that Axl, needs Slash and Co.

The guy is a genius that basically says fuck you to anyone that's gonna fuck with him, hence the hatred.

Guess the entire music industry has been out to fuck him? Every producer, manager, etc.

Geez........can't someone just cut him a break? **sarcasm**

And that's why he's still popular today


Only in countries, where Spanish is the primary language.

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This just in:

A recent HTGTH study reveals that Irving Azoff is actually, in fact, a Vampire. Yes, a vampire. HTGTH founder and head administrator, /jarmo, had this to say: "While obviously linked to The Beast, we've also come to the conclusion that Irving Azoff seduced Axl Rose with his vampire charms, got himself hired as a manager, and botched the release of Chinese Democracy, all as a plot to replace Axl Rose as the new lead singer of Guns N' Roses. This and more will be proven in court, with myself serving as W. Axl Rose's sole counsel." More to follow as this story unfolds.

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At this point, Axl's only popular because of the Howard Huges factor. That and the fact that everyone hates his guts. You don't have to be liked to be popular. Hated people are google darlings too.

:rofl-lol: :rofl-lol: :rofl-lol: You're the worst poster of the year with SunnyDRE and gnr-dave man.

Yet you tried to add me as a friend just a couple days ago.

A couple of days ago? You're lying and I'll sue you for lying.

I'll tell you why Axl is still popular today:

Only in countries where the majority of people speak Spanish

Oh, that's why when I run with a bandana and shorts, people shout "Axl!!!!" in the street? (i live in France)

No. It just reinforced the idea that Axl, needs Slash and Co.

I'm seeing Guns N' Roses on may 31th and I couldn't be happier with the line-up.

Guess the entire music industry has been out to fuck him? Every producer, manager, etc.

There has been a LOT of jealousy around Guns N' Roses and especially Axl, you'd be blind not to see that.

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At this point, Axl's only popular because of the Howard Huges factor. That and the fact that everyone hates his guts. You don't have to be liked to be popular. Hated people are google darlings too.

:rofl-lol: :rofl-lol: :rofl-lol: You're the worst poster of the year with SunnyDRE and gnr-dave man.

I'll tell you why Axl is still popular today: it's because he has put out the best rock n' roll album of all time (Appetite for destruction) and that the world has been waiting for Chinese Democracy for years, an album which divides so much opinions that it only proves one thing: it's a masterpiece. The guy is a genius that basically says fuck you to anyone that's gonna fuck with him, hence the hatred. And that's why he's still popular today, best rock album, genius, and can't be fucked with.

If it was only the recluse thing, he wouldn't be popular, most people are brainwashed by daily informations and if nobody reminds them of a particular somebody, they'll forget him.

You call someone the worst poster of the year. In that very same post you call Chinese Democracy a masterpiece.


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