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Is GNR Still Youre Favorite Band?

American Psycho

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They haven't been for some time. From 1991 to about 2005 they were. Then I got tired of all the delays and moved on. I'll always have an interest in the old band and the drama that surrounds Axl, but I'll never be die-hard like I was again.

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GN'R were the first band i got into, 5 long years ago, and they're still my #1, before i ehard them, i had no interest in music at all

Though like the OP, i've gotten a lot into metal over the years, but GN'R still top them all rock1

That said, Iron Maiden are very close to them, though

Edited by seely
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hi, kindred spirit! :)

Ha.I assume you agree with me, Classic_Rock? Hello there to you,too! :)

P.S. I should also say that I gave up any hopes of a reunion years ago.Ya know, back in 1996-1999,during a time when we knew absolutely nothing, no band really existed, Axl was literally never even spotted in public (minus the rumour mill),etc.But when he did that interview with Rolling Stone, reluctantly released "Oh My God",etc, I was more into them than ever.I was one of the few who really did wait for "Chinese Democracy".Not just the casual fan who discovered them in 2005 and considered themselves so loyal for waiting 3 years.Ha.That always makes me laugh.I'm not knockin anyone,I'm just saying.I feel the record was well worth the wait, but unfortunately, due to the demise of the CD, I never got the chance to see a new fucking Guns N Roses album at say, Tower Records.The day it was released, my girlfriend and I had our CD/ Roxy listening release party t-shirts on and the guy outside say's " You guys here for the GNR album? It's in the back.". ::sigh:: Damn you,2008,for being so ungrateful.

In a way, I don't think the world deserved "Chinese Democracy".Axl could have closed up shop and given us nothing.But the second he did, they tore him apart for not releasing what they wanted; Another Appetite.If I had to compare Chinese Democracy to anything, it would be Brian Wilson and "Pet Sounds".Remember, nobody understood then why Brian was messing with the "Formula" and now it's considered a masterpiece.And for good reason.

Edited by Estrangedfx
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Pfft...Bon Jovi didn't even write most of their biggest songs (look it up). The same can be said for Aerosmith since the mid 80's. It's always a let down when you find stuff like that out because imo, they lose all integrity.

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Pfft...Bon Jovi didn't even write most of their biggest songs (look it up). The same can be said for Aerosmith since the mid 80's. It's always a let down when you find stuff like that out because imo, they lose all integrity.

this, they have some good songs but when you look at the whole picture it's nothing to write home about

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I used to listen to AFD back to back till the tape wore out. I still listen to it prolly more than any other album I have. No other music has come close to moving me in quite the same way.

I listen to a lot of music mainly guitar rock but anything from the Kinks to Korn.

You kinda reminded me about what happened with my first AFD CD.

The optical layer detached itself from the rest of the CD. I have never seen something like that before.

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Years ago when i got into Rock n Roll it was all GNR for me, nothing could beat that band it was the best in the world!

Then i started listening to some heavier stuff like Megadeth, MetallicA, Anthrax, Slayer, Testament, Behemoth, and many many more, i turned into a pure metalhead over the years.

I Havent listened to GNR in some months, im slowly forgetting all the greatness of it, why..

anyway i just wanna know if theres anybody out there who also has/had the same experience? :shades:

Yeah, GNR is my favorite band. It's number one, then, the others.

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Years ago when i got into Rock n Roll it was all GNR for me, nothing could beat that band it was the best in the world!

Then i started listening to some heavier stuff like Megadeth, MetallicA, Anthrax, Slayer, Testament, Behemoth, and many many more, i turned into a pure metalhead over the years.

I Havent listened to GNR in some months, im slowly forgetting all the greatness of it, why..

anyway i just wanna know if theres anybody out there who also has/had the same experience? :shades:

While many of the bands you listed are great, they are great in their own way. GnR has musical aesthetics, a much better singer than those bands, and they came along at a time when a band like them could really blow glammy butt rock out of the water. Also, GnR never sucked (st. anger *cough*). Finally, I have some nostalgia for them. I listened to rock and metal before and after, but they, and especially AFD, got me into it.

I would call myself a huge Anthrax and Megadeath fan. I am a big Metallica fan 1984-1994 or so.

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when I was 16 and up til 21-22 gnr were my favourite band with shorter or longer outings into bands like megadeth, annihilator, pantera, in flames, children of bodom...., than at 22 my music world changed completely when I started listeng to dream theater. I was blown away by the skill and emotion these guys offered and from 22 to 24 dream theater were my favourite band.

Then, I bought a guitar and started playing and slowly but inevitably all music that I have eveer listened to started to loose its magic. I started composing my own music in order to build something that would suit me the most. in this period i more or less stopped listening to music because none satisfied me and i had the feeling that nothing I have heard was good enough.

now, there hasn't been any significant changes but, somehow, gnr crept in slowly through the back door but in a different way than before. now, i do not idolize them; i realize they were a part of my growing up and have a connection in that way.

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