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I reckon the next album will have a classic rock feel to it.


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This band is very capable of putting together a straight forward rock record that people, and not the long time gnr fans, but every rock fan would want to hear. But critics would still hate it. Look at the Foo Fighters collection of songs. They are good songs, very melodic and easy to listen to, yet there is no evidence of awesome musicianship in the music... and people love it. They are one of the biggest touring acts today. I don't want to be the guy to say current commercial rock = no talent, but Foo Fighters have created a sound that is good, but lack real creativity and the guitar work could be performed by me, or any other mediocre guitar player. If Gnr put out music that sounded like this, people would say that Axl is trying too hard to be like bands that are accepted on the modern rock stations. People would trash it and nobody in America would buy it. (ppl would buy an album of axl farting into a microphone anywhere else and it would sell well). This makes me think that they'll have to put out a classic rock sounding record... however, I would like to see 'classic rock' in the direction of Pink Floyd and not ACDC. Axl and this killer collection of musicians in the band now, could easily make an album of 12 songs with basic guitar work and simple lyrics in their sleep. But Axl has never been known for doing anything simple and I dont think he should compromise for radio or connecting with people who like Foo Fighters music just to be 'relevant'. He should continue to create the over-the-top epic songs that he's always tried to put together. I'm talking about an entire album of Madagascar, Estranged, NR, Civil War, This I Love, etc. That's what Axl's genius mind does best. I want to hear songs with 'movements' such as how songs like This I Love, There Was A Time, and even older tunes like Estranged, and Rocket Queen have been created. They sound like multiple songs merged into one and are simply brilliant. I want more of this. If I wanted anything else, there are many bands out there that could satisfy my need for a 'classic rock' feel. Axl and this band are too good to make simple classic rock music. Anything less than Axl's visionary masterpieces would be a waste of studio time.

If this makes no sense to you, please forgive me. I'm slightly wasted.

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Axl could have been the greatest if he just kept doing classic rock albums. Just listen to the tracks he sang on, on Angel Down.

He is as far from a sell out as they come and that's why he keep doing his thing. Even though I'd like to hear another classic rock album, with Axl singing, I'm pretty sure that he wouldn't do it.

Maybe they do an album with a little bit of both?

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DJ doesn't really seem to like songs like Better and Shackler's. He seems to prefer a more straight-up-rock n' roll sound.

I don't think so... He would not have joined.

And he's not the one to decide. I tend to think that Pittman has a more "decisionnary" role than DJ!

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I hope not. That would sound dated since Classic rock today is at least 20 years old. Rather have it that in 20 years people will look at CD2 and think of it as a classic record.

I hope it's like something i've never heard before yet something that i've been missing all these years without even knowing it ;)


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Axl should go post-hardcore, metalcore which is the most popular genre these days with the kids.

No. I don't think Axl gives a rats ass what is "most popular" with the kids these days. I don't think he ever has. That's kind of a Nickelback thing (to write what is most popular & will be a hit). Axl just writes what HE wants. It may take years, but it's exactly what HE likes. And fortunately, so do we for the most part.

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They need to stick to what got them here and Into the Rock N Roll Hall Of Fame, they are a rock band, so make a rock album. They know what the recipe for success Is and the recipe doesn't Include electronica bullshit. Make an album somewhere between appetite and the Illusions albums, with a hit single, and guess what? Your back on the radar.

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I can't understand why Guns N' Roses fans would be against a ROCK record. That's what Guns N' Roses is, a rock band. Electronica? I just threw up a little.

I respect Axl for keeping Gn'R a rock and roll group. I wouldn't mind solo projects and so forth that delves into other genres.


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While I don't think they will be returning to a classic rock sound, I do wish they would rekindle the old-school rock n' roll groove they had up until UYI. But I suppose that falls on the core riff of the song doesn't it?

But guitar wise I think this line-up could come up with something quite interesting. Fortus could provide a good solid base riff, DJ could add his own laid-back feel to it while Bumblefoot's crazy could give their songs a good kick in the ass. Combine that with Frank's solid beats, Tommy's RnR vibe and Axl's inevitably hard-hitting and honest lyrics... well there could be something yet.

Not to say it will blow all past GnR work away for sure because lets be honest.... that was another time, another lineup and we have yet to hear this lineup's efforts studio wise but there IS some potential there. Now if only they pull together and put something out in this lifetime...


Edited by KiraMPD
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Industrial is as dated today as Classic Rock was in the 90's. Axl should go post-hardcore, metalcore which is the most popular genre these days with the kids.

I think he should make whatever he wants, but I hope it'll be a GNR record. No follower of fashion kinda bullshit.

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Yes, but before Ashba come to GNR... now it would be just another rock album like Sixx AM, Motley Crue etc... a big shame...

Doubt it. Very much doubt it. Axl wouldn't follow the easier route... sure, Ashba songs wouldn't be complex, but Chinese never had complex compositions either. I guess CD was all about arrangements, electronica and leads tracks being put together... Not enough genre and tempo changes, weird chord structures, etc. Bumblefoot's (and Buckethead's) music, on the other hand, are the opposite route that GNR's (or any major rock act) been following in the past. That's why I believe we would get a bluesier sound coming in after a heavy metal-like chorus or a shred guitar following some jazzy momments. That's why songs like Shackler's and Scraped are waaaaay different and this is probably why Shackler's my favorite CD rocker, Bucket's weird ideas mixed with Bumblefoot's craziness is a win win situation to me. Expect the unexpected. ;)

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I'm not really expecting a new album.. but if it happens and has a song that touches the epicness of 'Madagascar', then I'm all down for it!

think they'd go to a more rock n' roll version of Chinese if it happens though, would love to hear it!

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I really hope Axl continues the direction he started with Oh My God and focuses more on songs like Shackler and Better (the "NU-Guns Sound"). I want to hear more of Axls vision that wasn't possible with Slash. As much as I enjoy songs like The Blues or TIL, I think they would've sounded better with the original Line-Up aka Slash. So, make something crazy, something I don't expect when I hear the name Guns n' Roses. If he wants to do a classical rock album, call Slash.

Edited by misch
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Good Lord please never ever put 'hopes for next Gnr album' and 'Contraband' in the same sentence. If VR is your idea of straightforward rock n roll, you have missed the point. Yes it has the les pauls and solos and long hair all that, but it completely plays it safe and lives in the past. I too hope Axl and GNR make a great rock album, the point is that I dont know exactly what that means. I tend to think it'll sound more like Chi Dem than friggin Contraband. I hope somehow he can manage to bring Rock n Roll into the 21st century in a monumental way. I agree with others in my hopes it wont be a bunch of edited sanitized stuff (Axl's achilles heel; seems he loves that stuff), but will be stripped down and raw in some ways.

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