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1 0n 1 with Tommy Stinson NBA.COM (says GNR have plans in 2 weeks!)


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I am very pro-Axl and always have been, but this discussion is a little bit unfair. Multiple sources have said they have 3 albums worth of songs, FINISHED. It's been 3.5 years since CD was released. There is no fucking excuse, other than that Axl refuses to release new music, which has been the case dating all the way back to 1991.

I realize bands don't act like the Beatles these days, releasing a new album or two every year, but this is completely ridiculous. If a band keeps starting new tours without releasing new music and mostly plays older material, they are a nostalgia act.

Obviously this situation is more complicated because of whatever happened between 1997-2008, but both sides of this argument make debatable points, there is no reason to get personal and insulting. Just state your case. I'm not calling them a nostalgia act, and yes I'd much, MUCH rather have GNR touring than doing nothing but seriously, they have to put a goddamn end to the Chinese Democracy World Tour and move the fuck on already.

I want new music, too. But, I think it is debatable what is really finished as far as new material and what isn't. It's not as clear cut as you make it out to be.


This,nobody here is better qualified to make decisions concerning GNR,than GNR.

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Looks like Dizzy is going to start doing some solo shoes. http://www.wtov9.com/photo/events/concerts/dizzy-reed-of-guns-n-roses/pMmFz/

Oh really? I didn't know Dizzy was into making shoes! Let's see what designs he can come up with! I'll definitely buy a pair as soon as they come out!

I'm so excited about this! Thanks for letting us know!

Welcome! I have a pair already.

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Looks like Dizzy is going to start doing some solo shoes. http://www.wtov9.com/photo/events/concerts/dizzy-reed-of-guns-n-roses/pMmFz/

Oh really? I didn't know Dizzy was into making shoes! Let's see what designs he can come up with! I'll definitely buy a pair as soon as they come out!

I'm so excited about this! Thanks for letting us know!

Welcome! I have a pair already.

Of course you do! You're Batman Double O' Seven!

Ha! Thats right!!!! ;-)

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GG are these the official tour posters for the 2012 Guns tour or fan made?

EDIT: I think they are just last years posters. Even the video that was approved on the 20th of this month was just the promo video they used last year. You can see on the sample poster it says October 29th American Airlines Arena..

Edited by Young_Gun
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GG are these the official tour posters for the 2012 Guns tour or fan made?

This is the official tour advertising site. Basically shows they approved tv ads on the 20th and the posters on the 23rd of 2012. The ads are the same as before but they are only samples, we cannot see anything new untill the promoter buys them and uses them. They change the dates for the poster and change the venue for the tv ads.

It does however prove something is happening or they would not have approved any of it. Something is in the works :)

Edited by gunsguy
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GG are these the official tour posters for the 2012 Guns tour or fan made?

This is the official tour advertising site. Basically shows they approved tv ads on the 20th and the posters on the 23rd of 2012. The ads are the same as before but they are only samples, we cannot see anything new untill the promoter buys them and uses them. They change the dates for the poster and change the venue for the tv ads.

It does however prove something is happening or they would not have approved any of it. Something is in the works :)

Good detective work.

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Maybe you should give this some more thought so you have formed a clear opinion before posting, because now you are contradicting yourself ? ;)

Nope, my opinion was clearly stated. I stated that I don't feel that they are a nostalgia act, but it is a valid argument. Yes CD "only" came out 3.5 years ago, but one of the reasons they recorded so many songs for so long was that there wouldn't have to be a huge wait between it and the follow-ups (Axl's words, not mine.)

It is not a "valid argument" when it is based on a completely erroneous use of a definition. Saying "I am annoyed and/or disappointed that GN'R hasn't released new material in the last 3.5 years" is, on the other hand, a valid sentiment, but going from there to calling the band a "nostalgia act", is not a valid argument. People can't just make up their own interpretations of definitions, saying they follow naturally from a heart-felt sentiment and claiming they now have a valid argument. It doesn't work that way.

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People were talking about them becoming a nostalgic act, whether you agree with it or not it is a valid topic for discussion.

You might have been talking about them becoming a nostalgia act, but if you look at the following quote from magisme -- which is the guy I have been discussing with -- it is obvious he is not:

you would have to have your head shoved there to think this isn't a nostalgia act.

And of course I agree this is a "valid topic for discussion", otherwise I wouldn't be discussing it, would I? ;) But something being a "valid topic for discussions" doesn't mean that all arguments presented are necessarily valid. And jumping from the fact that we are desperate for new music to calling GN'R a "nostalgia act" is one of these non-valid arguments. The only valid argument for that conclusion would be to prove that the current GN'R lineup is only there for the nostalgia, something they obviously aren't: they recently released a new album, plays many songs off that album on every concert, and repeatedly talk about releasing more music in the future. It's not enough for most of us hard-core fans, but that doesn't give us carte blanche to throw imprecise insults at the band. I'll be the first in line to say the band should focus on releasing more music rather than tour, but I will also be the last in line to call them a nostalgia act.

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People were talking about them becoming a nostalgic act, whether you agree with it or not it is a valid topic for discussion.

You might have been talking about them becoming a nostalgia act, but if you look at the following quote from magisme -- which is the guy I have been discussing with -- it is obvious he is not:

you would have to have your head shoved there to think this isn't a nostalgia act.

And of course I agree this is a "valid topic for discussion", otherwise I wouldn't be discussing it, would I? ;) But something being a "valid topic for discussions" doesn't mean that all arguments presented are necessarily valid. And jumping from the fact that we are desperate for new music to calling GN'R a "nostalgia act" is one of these non-valid arguments. The only valid argument for that conclusion would be to prove that the current GN'R lineup is only there for the nostalgia, something they obviously aren't: they recently released a new album, plays many songs off that album on every concert, and repeatedly talk about releasing more music in the future. It's not enough for most of us hard-core fans, but that doesn't give us carte blanche to throw imprecise insults at the band. I'll be the first in line to say the band should focus on releasing more music rather than tour, but I will also be the last in line to call them a nostalgia act.

Your entire diatribe rests on the most arbitrary, flimsy notions of what constitutes valid and invalid argumentation. Reading your posts is kinda like watching a dog wear a suit. You act as if "nostalgia act" has a definition set in stone somewhere. News flash! It doesn't. The term itself is open to interpretation.

I welcome whatever hubristic confusion comes out of you next.

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How do you all turn every single fucking topic into a fucking fight? Seriously. And you wonder why the other Guns N' Roses forums (including the one that we all loathe so much) think you're the biggest idiots on the internet. For once, STOP TURNING EVERY THREAD INTO A FIGHT. It's fucking pathetic. I'm sick of going into a thread hoping for news or an update and only seeing arguments of the lowest form and caliber. Cut the shit. I fucking WISH the mods and admins would stop this nonsense, because frankly at the very least when Madison was around this type of shit wouldn't fly. DO SOMETHING. It's embarrassing. Mind you I'm not blaming GunsGuy because lord knows he works his ass off on these forums.

Edited by Axl Rose aka God
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You act as if "nostalgia act" has a definition set in stone somewhere. News flash! It doesn't. The term itself is open to interpretation.

Many terms have fuzzy definitions, but that a term is "open to interpretation" doesn't mean you can get anyway with interpreting in the most absurd ways, like saying that a band that is touring a recent release is a "nostalgia act" ;).

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How do you all turn every single fucking topic into a fucking fight? Seriously. And you wonder why the other Guns N' Roses forums (including the one that we all loathe so much) think you're the biggest idiots on the internet. For once, STOP TURNING EVERY THREAD INTO A FIGHT. It's fucking pathetic. I'm sick of going into a thread hoping for news or an update and only seeing arguments of the lowest form and caliber. Cut the shit. I fucking WISH the mods and admins would stop this nonsense, because frankly at the very least when Madison was around this type of shit wouldn't fly. DO SOMETHING. It's embarrassing. Mind you I'm not blaming GunsGuy because lord knows he works his ass off on these forums.

its what makes us unique!

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People were talking about them becoming a nostalgic act, whether you agree with it or not it is a valid topic for discussion.

Up until now I didn't view them as nostalgic act but if he does one more tour this year without a new album then they are becoming a nostalgic act. Last years U.S tour was the first since CD release so that was good that they finally got to do that.. Now that's done, they've toured S.A several times over the last decade, European tour. If no new album this year after all that this year then it's getting silly.I mean even Kate Bush who is well known for taking a long time between records has now released 3 albums in the last 17 years compared to Axl's one. It's just sad that the fans don't get to enjoy more music form their fav band and Axl has all this talent. Maybe he has writer's block. Who knows.

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Could be anyone.... But a Madonna n Axl duet would get some huge headlines....

I am pretty sure it is NOT Axl.

According to Will.i.am LMFAO will be the super special guest:


As they both suck it will be a much more fitting combination.

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