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Do you think Axl might be better off actually going to the induction ceremony?


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Axl rose doesn't have the best relationship with the media and the media controls perceptions of alot of casual fans and others in the industry. This is a great chance for Axl to prove everyone wrong and better his rep with the masses and those in the industry. If the problems at th label are real I believe an overall improvement of public opinion of Axl rose , would make that situation much better and every scenario that arises in the future. Sometimes you gotta play that role to get the things you really want.

But I truly believe that he will not attend and appear via sattelite on tour with Guns. He doesn't give a fuck about playing nice and that's cool in a way but doesn't do him any PR favors.

Edited by The Wicked Hand
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What is 'nu"? Sounds like some animal...

I hope Axl boycotts the whole thing if Saul and Steven show up

If Saul could have his way, I'm sure he'd rather be performing with the Black Eyed Peas anyway.


You guys can be fucking tools. Stop spoiling this for those who care :fuckyou:

Do you know where you are? Nope, not the jungle. You are on the internet. Nobody is going to stop anything because someone else cares. I thought that was clearly explained to everyone before they could touch a keyboard.

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I think Axl showing up with the old guns will tarnish everything he is trying for with the band...

The old band is the reason he's being inducted in the first place.

True. The new band will never achieve the same glory as AFD Era GN'R - those days are long gone.

The new band simply allows Axl to live out his time performing to those wanting to see the man.

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I think Axl showing up with the old guns will tarnish everything he is trying for with the band...

The old band is the reason he's being inducted in the first place.

True. The new band will never achieve the same glory as AFD Era GN'R - those days are long gone.

The new band simply allows Axl to live out his time performing to those wanting to see the man.

The same can be said if the AFD era GNR played together again - even if they do play the songs, it might not be all that magical. It's really an unknown until it actually happens.

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On one side, I really hope he attends so it doesn't all fall on his back. I mean - imagine how the media's gonna eat him alive if he's a no show. However, I don't know if I want them performing together as it's probably gonna hurt the current line-up a lot.

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if he's happy with the current situation of the band, he'll go... if not, he's deffinitely not showing up

we'll get a clearer pictur of whats the current state of the band once the date comes...

I don't base the current situation of the band in Axl's mind on attending the induction. I think it's probably more complicated then that.

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I think Axl showing up with the old guns will tarnish everything he is trying for with the band...

The old band is the reason he's being inducted in the first place.

He will be inducted whether he is there in person,on satellite,or skips it entirely.

But,hey Stevie will Definantely be there! :xmassrudolph:

Edited by sailaway
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perhaps he will do some live webcam stream where he accepts the award that way, just a quick nod and a see ya later!

:rofl-lol: Would be funny.

I think that it wouldn't be such a great idea to play on stage together again. AFD lineup is a nice memory. It'll never be the same again. Why should one performance without that "chemistry" between 'em destroy what is locked up in your hearts deep inside?

Guns N' Roses is progressing. Nowadays lineup is very very good. Guys are workin' hard. Why should one performance, which, I believe, wouldn't be so cool, ruin it? Peolple will ask for more that one show if reunion will happen. :/ I think that there won't be any happiness for them to play again with each other. :violin:

As Axl said once that he's feelin' much more comfortable touring with these guys than old band. :) He seems happier too. Don't you think?

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I hope he at least attends. I don't really care if they perform or not, just to see them all on the same stage would be enough for me.

Exactly my thoughts.

I have my doubts about the consequences after a performance with the old line up.

I don't think the new members would mind if Axl does.

But if it really happens, the press and a lot of people around the world expect him to tour with the 'old' guys again. And then there's a lot of disappointment if he doesn't.

I can handle a reunion for one or two songs, because I love the new guys and Axl is very content about the situation these days. That's the most important thing to me.

The best scenario would be that they show up, all five of them, but don't play any songs.

Anyway, Axl will be shot down, no matter what he does...

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I think Axl showing up with the old guns will tarnish everything he is trying for with the band...

The old band is the reason he's being inducted in the first place.

exactly, so it's very important for Axl, Slash, Duff, Steven and Izzy to all be there and accept this honor. Whether they want to perform together isn't the issue. Being there is and accepting this award as the band they were. It's not an insult to the new GNR or any band the other guys are in. This is for the original GNR from 86 and it's important to be there as the band they were because they deserve it.

GNR changed the sound of music back in the 80's. That's important for us fans and for any rock fan. GNR changed history and no matter what issues the guys have, it needs to be put aside for this one moment in time that will be remembered forever.

I really hope all the original members show up because I don't want to hear all the bullshit all the critics and haters will be saying after if they don't or if one or whoever doesn't show up.

If nothing else, GNR has to do it for the FANS! It's a big deal for us to for supporting them for all these years and for many more years to come.

Oh, and performing WElcome to the Jungle would be the icing on the cake!

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Axl has been so firm on his stance for a reunion for so long now that no one believes it will ever happen. It seems the media/critics/certain groups of fans are finally starting to get used to this and are appreciating the current line up for what they are (a really good rock n roll band) and the latest tour reviews are beginning to reflect this. Once the old band show up on stage together, in what ever capacity, it strips away the "never going to happen" factor and all of a sudden anything is possible, which cant be a good thing for the apparent levels of focus and progress the current line up is showing.

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Val, there will be bullshit and overanalyzation by certain factions regardless of how it goes,who shows,and what is said or not said.

yeah i think its a lose/lose for everyone involved if the original band somehow makes it on stage together there is going to be "OMG REUNIONZ STARTSSS NOW! shit all over the place. and if axl doesnt show up hes and asshole, if slash doesnt show up hes an asshole their is no winning on this. :shrugs:

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It doesn't matter because the Chili Peppers are going to steal the show. Unless John doesn't show up.

I disagree. With all the history and the Axl/Slash feud I think nothing can take the focus away from Gn'R at the ceremony.

It's a big deal for the press and for the fans. Just more juicy and unpredictable then the Chili Peppers/John situation imo.

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Val, there will be bullshit and overanalyzation by certain factions regardless of how it goes,who shows,and what is said or not said.

yeah i think its a lose/lose for everyone involved if the original band somehow makes it on stage together there is going to be "OMG REUNIONZ STARTSSS NOW! shit all over the place. and if axl doesnt show up hes and asshole, if slash doesnt show up hes an asshole their is no winning on this. :shrugs:

The high point in all this overblown drama is that regardless of who shows,and what is done,said,or publicized is that Guns N' Roses will be inducted into the RRHOF regardless.

I prefer to stay positive :thumbsup:

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