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Do you think Axl might be better off actually going to the induction ceremony?


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Axl has been so firm on his stance for a reunion for so long now that no one believes it will ever happen. It seems the media/critics/certain groups of fans are finally starting to get used to this and are appreciating the current line up for what they are (a really good rock n roll band) and the latest tour reviews are beginning to reflect this. Once the old band show up on stage together, in what ever capacity, it strips away the "never going to happen" factor and all of a sudden anything is possible, which cant be a good thing for the apparent levels of focus and progress the current line up is showing.

Black Sabbath didn't play, Genesis didn't play. To me, Axl has to be there so no one else does the songs. VR sounded horrible doing Van Halen.

Because if Axl doesn't show up, you're going to get Fergie, Scott or Miles singing GNR. Axl showing up prevents that, plus he can also do some of the songs like KOHD with Bob Dylan, or Live and Let Die with McCartney, and Slash can join the house band at the end.

That's part of what the Rock Hall is about, not just having your band honored, but playing and singing with some of your influences.

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I could be wrong but I bet almost 100% sure that the Axl/Slash meeting won´t happen, so this is a no win situation and no matter what Axl does he´s going to be bashed because people are never happy. A "Solomonic" solution could be that Axl showed up with for exemple Izzy or Duff representing the old line up and BBF or DJ representing the current band, this way, any of the incarnations gets disrespected.

Edited by Black Horse
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I could be wrong but I bet almost 100% sure that the Axl/Slash meeting won´t happen, so this is a no win situation and no matter what Axl does he´s going to be bashed because people are never happy. A "Solomonic" solution could be that Axl showed up with for exemple Izzy or Duff representing the old line up and BBF or DJ representing the current band, this way, any of the incarnations gets disrespected.

BBF and Dj is not inducted, so I think that could be hard.

The only way for Axl to show up AND at the same time confirm his unyielding dedication to the current band, is to state this explicitly in his acceptance speech or associated interviews. Basically he should plug the summer gigs publicly whenever he gets the opportunity to make it absolutely clear that GN'R is a living beast.

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I could be wrong but I bet almost 100% sure that the Axl/Slash meeting won´t happen, so this is a no win situation and no matter what Axl does he´s going to be bashed because people are never happy.

No one would bash Axl for showing up. It would be a win for everyone if he showed, but I doubt he will because he doesn't make a lot of winning decisions any more.

A "Solomonic" solution could be that Axl showed up with for exemple Izzy or Duff representing the old line up and BBF or DJ representing the current band, this way, any of the incarnations gets disrespected.

BBF and DJ had nothing to do with GNR getting into the hall of fame. I'm sure they realize that and would find it embarrassing to perform that night as if they were the ones being honored.

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Why do you guys think that Axl will even show?

I believe he will show (although I wouldn't be very surprised if he doesn't) because of the way he expressed himself during the Eddie Trunk interview. He seems to take it seriously and seemed to not want to disappoint the fans.

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Right now Hillel is more likely to shown up than John or Axl.

John will show up I bet. From what I remember, he ended things on good terms with RHCP, and there wasn't any bad blood. I remember reading an interview with Flea not too long ago that said they haven't talked to John in a while, but I don't think there's a big feud going on or anything. Don't see why he wouldn't show up.

I just there'd be more backlash for Axl not going than if he just went. I still hold on to a little bit of hope due to the fact that he didn't shut it down when he could have easily twice. I think he's at least considering it...

It is not about whether or not he has a problem it is just that John is a weird guy. He has all these chops, and he goes all out like he did on SA. Last time he left the band he lived in seclusion with his drugs, now he wants to do the same without the drugs. He is one of the strangest guitarists out there along with Jonny Greenwood and Buckethead.

Axl doesn't care about backlashes. They don't dictate his actions.

Edited by BirdCatcher
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Right now Hillel is more likely to shown up than John or Axl.

John will show up I bet. From what I remember, he ended things on good terms with RHCP, and there wasn't any bad blood. I remember reading an interview with Flea not too long ago that said they haven't talked to John in a while, but I don't think there's a big feud going on or anything. Don't see why he wouldn't show up.

I just there'd be more backlash for Axl not going than if he just went. I still hold on to a little bit of hope due to the fact that he didn't shut it down when he could have easily twice. I think he's at least considering it...

It is not about whether or not he has a problem it is just that John is a weird guy. He has all these chops, and he goes all out like he did on SA. Last time he left the band he lived in seclusion with his drugs, now he wants to do the same without the drugs. He is one of the strangest guitarists out there along with Jonny Greenwood and Buckethead.

Axl doesn't care about backlashes. They don't dictate his actions.

Hillel was bipolar,and offed himself,J.F.is a bit of a savant,he can massacre a guitar,but can't balance a checkbook,everyone has their eccentricities and issues.

The induction is a given,no matter who shows and who doesn't,Molehills and mountains again.

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One of the main arguments against Axl NOT attending the induction ceremony, let alone performing a song or two with the old band for old time's sake is that "it will kill what he's trying to accomplish with the nu band".

Ehh...idk if I buy into that, as I really believe not attending will do more harm than good. Take a look at comments at GNR outside these forums. Such as articles about GNR on Blabbermouth. The general outlook on the nu band isn't that strong anyways. Love it or hate it, people and the media will always want the people who helped Axl make GNR what it is back in the band. It will never change, regardless if he attends or not. You will always get the "this isn't GNR" comments. And the worry can easily be calmed if Axl communicated with the fanbase and assured them that this is a one night thing for a special occasion.

However, if everybody who's inducted show up except Axl and Dizzy, it's gonna make Axl look like a whiny bitter shitbird (as portrayed by the media of course, which will then snowball out of control). Seriously. The backlash and criticism he would get for it would be so much worse than if he actually let go of what happened in 1996, and threw the fans a bone for one night.

Just my opinion on it. What's yours?

I think Axl not showing up might be an interesting way to promote a new album.

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John will be back when he is in poverty again.

He's got publishing money & years of touring under his belt plus endorsement deals. People who follow the RHCP know his name, I think leaving after Stadium Arcadium & the tour was just time for him to do other things. He's worked with them for 2 decades, maybe he just felt it was time to do something else because he doesn't want to make his solo career a side project anymore.

Plus if he does rejoin, it boosts the band's ticket sales. I don't know how many miles they have left in them, same with Janes Addiction. I guess you keep going until no one shows up, or can't physically do it.

It is frustrating for the band to have to work with someone else and have them get to know the songs, but it's Flea and Anthony's band, and sometimes having fresh blood in the band tends to help. Chad Smith might enjoy playing Chickenfoot more than being in RHCP at this point in his life for all we know.

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People are going to see right through the excuse of Axl being on tour as a reason not to show up. He has every right to do it, but booking shows overseas just to avoid going is really ridiculous. But touring right after the induction ceremony would boost tickets, without a doubt.

I just think he has to be there so no one else winds up doing the songs. He'd throw a wrench into that by being there. That could also mean no one performs the songs.

Peter Gabriel had his rehearsals booked long before they announced Genesis was in, and he even called Genesis himself telling them he couldn't go.

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People are going to see right through the excuse of Axl being on tour as a reason not to show up. He has every right to do it, but booking shows overseas just to avoid going is really ridiculous. But touring right after the induction ceremony would boost tickets, without a doubt.

I just think he has to be there so no one else winds up doing the songs. He'd throw a wrench into that by being there. That could also mean no one performs the songs.

Peter Gabriel had his rehearsals booked long before they announced Genesis was in, and he even called Genesis himself telling them he couldn't go.

Most everyday concert goers could give a rats ass about ROF... Tickets are selling regardless (worldwide).

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I think if he showed up on stage to accept the award with the classic lineup, and to see them all publicly cordial, and even to see the current lineup interacting with the true lineup, it would go a long way toward public perception.

If people see Duff and Slash and they are getting on with DJ and Bumblefoot on this hugely public stage (no pun intended), maybe some people would think, "Hey, Slash and Duff are cool with Axl's hired band, so why shouldn't I be?"

I don't know. Just a thought.

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Sure he should show up...why not?

Except the award,be gracious about it.


Then Axl goes out on tour with nuGnR,Slash goes out on his tour.

Done deal...

Original band gets the accolades they deserve,everyone moves on.

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