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Axl Rose not attending HOF


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Axl is trending on yahoo and twitter. His letter is in the Wall Street Journal. Axl is everywhere!

He is a master at getting people to talk about him and he's equally a pro at going off-the-grid as we have all witnessed throughout the better part of 18 years.

This once again proves that he's still as big as any current celebrity even though he does things on his terms in his own time.

and it's never because of the music :rolleyes:

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People in Europe pretty much don't care about the HOF whatsoever.

Bring on the European Tour.

Do you really think all people are disapointed because of axl not attending the ceremony?!

It's the way he treats his former bandmates and his glorified past in general - demonizing everything that has to do with it but still doing a live set which consists of song that are 80 % from this time = cash grab deluxe.

Do you really think people in Europe attend the concerts because they love CD/nugnr so much?!

Not at all, people in Europe attend the concerts so they can see Axl, Slash, Izzy, Duff and Steven.


People in Europe pretty much don't care about the HOF whatsoever.

Bring on the European Tour.

I care and I'm from Europe so.....

Have you been following the RNRHOF before GN'R got nominated? Madonna is inducted, some other shit artists are inducted while some good bands still aren't.

Who cares who shows up to such a commercial event.

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I'm not surprised out the not going afterall, why would he want to? after the 'ambush' quote from a while back.

And I have the utmost respect for the refusal to be inducted, he previously said something along the lines, of not really seeing the point of the Hall Of Fame, and also talking of Brando and not wanting to 'ruin it for everybody'

I agree with Axl completely and if anything this has increased my respect for him and put him up there with anybody who stands for their beliefs.

i noticed the Sex Pistols are in there, sort of against the idea they stood for, no?

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Wonder if Axl's decision plays a role if Dizzy shows now, since he is the only other current Guns member included in the induction


@EddieTrunk don't expect @DizzyReed while a donut expectation exists for Izzy

Oh yeah. Dizzy! Always forgetting about him. Obviously Axl not going may play a factor. I see people are pretty pissed off. Axl predicted it himself. He didn't have to issue a letter. He did that for the fans. People on here use to complain about how he kept us in the dark about new music, etc. But when he does inform us on matters he almost always gets ragged on and gets negative comment after negative comment. :no: I am disappointed he won't be there but its okay. Other band members will be there and Axl is touring.

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Good luck with your Ca$h Grab Part 12 tour Mr. Axl Rose. :thumbsup:


Oh yes, Axl passed up the Hall of Fame reunion to grab cash :rolleyes:

Indeed. A reunion with people he despises for the sake of popularity would be the biggest and most desperate cash-grab of them all. Some people just don't understand the concept of integrity.

Oh and touring 20 times on a single album with a setlist full of songs created by people he depises isn't a cash grab? If he had any artistic integrity left he would now distance himself from all of those albums.

An artist has to distance himself from his past work and no longer perform it regardless of whether he feels it still represents him as an artist? Congratulations, that's the stupidest thing I heard all day.

He's argued giving up the GNR name would've been financial suicide.

He's argued that why shouldn't he play the songs if that is what the fans wanted to hear?

He's stuck with two things that gave him his career, and they were made with people he now despises. If he really wants to distance himself from the past, and finally stop pissing on fans dreams I say yes, he has to stop performing it.

The lunatic even went far enough as to re-record Appetite For Destruction, well then, why not keep going on that then? Axl was only 20% of the AFD line-up, he really should distance himself from the other band members contributions.

Do you realize that these are his OWN songs? The idea that he was only 20% of the AFD may float your boat but only in a dream-world were all members equal in their contribution to that album or to GN'R overall. Not getting along with the past members does not mean that you hate the songs as well - its his own blood, sweat and tears that he poured into making those songs the success they are.

Being a fan is not some holy status where everyone has to bow down before them and just bend their heads to everything they say. There's no reason to interpret this decision as a personal attack on the fans.

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What a load of utter crap.

I'm fine that he does not want to attend, thats one thing. But to whine about "i dont want my name in the hall of fame, dont speak about me" etc. is so damn stupid, sad and irrational. I just do not get it and never will. Axl has always been my hero, and I have always been in his corner when old vs. new GnR battle has been going on, but this is too much for me.

Axl Rose: A real "class" act and an "adult".

Agreed. I'm primarily a fan of the old band (Acl included of course), and really hoped (rather than expected) that they would play one song or whatever, even as a one off it would really have made my happy.

To deny the induction altogether.....? ~What more can I say.

All I can do is boycott the new tour in protest, was waiting to see what happened before buying my ticket.

I'm sure Axl won't care and many Axlite's will lambast me, but this rollercoster ride just ain't fun any more.

I realise many fans have been alienated turned their backs before me but I guess I was just a little dumber than the rest.

I don't understand. Are you saying you will deny yourself the entertainment of attending a Guns N' Roses how this summer because Axl and Izzy refuses to attend an award show for past achievements? Doesn't that make you appear a bit stupid?

I'd feel more stupid paying for a GnR show and only one real member turned up?

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axl has said but people are stupid...he re-recorded apetite for destruction to make the new line up learn every single note ! he has said this himself for fuck sake.

why woud he re record apetite ? to re release it ? lool...it was a learning process...to record it they had to learn everything about the album...get it ? stop being such pricks if u dont like axl get the fuck out of guns n roses forum...because he is on guns n roses not slash or any other of the so called "original" line up...their time has come and gone

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People in Europe pretty much don't care about the HOF whatsoever.

Bring on the European Tour.

Do you really think all people are disapointed because of axl not attending the ceremony?!

It's the way he treats his former bandmates and his glorified past in general - demonizing everything that has to do with it but still doing a live set which consists of song that are 80 % from this time = cash grab deluxe.

Do you really think people in Europe attend the concerts because they love CD/nugnr so much?!

Not at all, people in Europe attend the concerts so they can see Axl, Slash, Izzy, Duff and Steven.


People in Europe pretty much don't care about the HOF whatsoever.

Bring on the European Tour.

I care and I'm from Europe so.....

Have you been following the RNRHOF before GN'R got nominated? Madonna is inducted, some other shit artists are inducted while some good bands still aren't.

Who cares who shows up to such a commercial event.

To b honest, no...I was interested only cause Guns got inducted other than that I don't care, get my point?

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You do realize that any time Axl makes headlines everywhere it's because of something negative he did,right? Just because people talk about him doesn't mean it's a positive thing, just like saying "Axl is a mastermind for creating so much publicity" is a smart thing to say when the outcome is nothing but disappointed reactions. If anything, it damages his reputation even more.

Edited by RNRS
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The only Hof Europeans care about is HasselHOFf

So yeah bring on the European Tour! Can't wait to see Guns N Fn Roses! The USA doesn't deserve you!

And: There is no such thing as bad publicity!

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If that's true then it's only due to your horribly unrealistic expectations.

i'm not unrealist person i just want Axl with Duff that's it


I am happy to hear that fate has spared you from any news worse than a musician not wanting to attend an award ceremony. I hope fate will look to you as favourably in the future, too.

Yeah i love Axl and Duff since i was only 3 years old :xmasschef:

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Izzy probably won't be there, but as far as I know he's not declining being inducted. Axl is.
Exactly. Even if Izzy doesn't show up, his name will be inducted.

The HoF responded to Axl's letter implying he's gonna be inducted like it or not. Source.

Oh by the way, anybody else can't wait to see Adlers induction speech? :rofl-lol:

We're gonna need subtitles.

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Oh by the way, anybody else can't wait to see Adlers induction speech? :rofl-lol:

Should be interesting! Lol. I can't keep up with all this. So Slash and Steven are going? Izzy is a maybe? Matt is going to go right? Axl is a no go. What about Duff?

Duf will be there!

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Axl can go fuck himself. Not for not showing up, not for not performing, but for declining to even be fucking inducted with the band that made him who he is. Go fuck yourself Axl Rose.

Ok, I read page 1 of this thread after reading this today, and it didn't take long before I saw a response like this. I'm sure there's 59 more pages with such replies. I say Good for Axl, this is what makes him Axl, and Axl's not going to do anything for the sake of harmony or popular adulation.

You want a real rock rebel? There's one left, take the good with the 'bad', if you see it that way. I see it as Axl being Axl, and I stand by as a fan always.

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It is what it is, though, and I can kind of see where he's coming from in the letter.

Funny, all I see is a person who is not sane.


On the contrary the letter shows the guy is saner than most, I think a lot of the caustic reactions to a well thought out and structured thought process because he doesn't want to do something are toeing the insane line.

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62 pages of hate? Wow. And some of you call yourselves fans.

I had zero expectations for the Rock N Roll Hall Of Fame. Why people are upset with Axl because he doesn't want to perform with a few people he doesn't like is beyond me. Axl and Slash haven't spoke to each other in something like 15 years. Get over it.

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62 pages of hate? Wow. And some of you call yourselves fans.

I had zero expectations for the Rock N Roll Hall Of Fame. Why people are upset with Axl because he doesn't want to perform with a few people he doesn't like is beyond me. Axl and Slash haven't spoke to each other in something like 15 years. Get over it.



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