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Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame responds to Axl Rose's withdrawal


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UPDATE: The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame has removed Guns N' Roses from the April 14 ceremony's itinerary, including their induction by Green Day.

I'd so love to see this happen and smash Steven's dreams into little pieces.

Why be such a prick?

Well he ungratefully sued the band back when he was rightfully fired, sorry if you "fans" don't remember that. He screwed up and delayed Illusions with his out of control addictions. He has further embarassed the legacy of the old band with his appearances on Celebrity Rehab and the like. He insults the new band and basically drove a nail into the coffin of any chance for Axl to show up at the Hall.

Steven is to blame and he deserves this disappointment and for his moment in the sun to be taken away from his worthless ass.

God, with fans like this... As much as Steven is an idiot and doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut, there's still no need to speak with such animosity towards the guy. What the fuck did he ever do to you personally that you condone the act of violence towards him and his property. Yeah, Adler was a drug-riddled moron who couldn't keep his shit together; but at least he didn't drag the fucking name through the mud like a certain red-headed individual who has never once put the fans before himself. It's funny you mention how he screwed up the Illusions? How so? He couldn't hack it, so they got Matt who is pretty bad-ass drummer. As for delaying the Illusion albums, check your history Jack. The delay in drumming was only a few months, take a little look at how long Axl dragged his feet at recording, mixing and putting the "final touches" on the albums. I've met several of the engineers who recorded the Illusion albums; it was like pulling teeth trying to get Axl to record. And do I even have to point out Chinese Democracy?

Adler's appearances on Celebrity Rehab reflect on him, not the band. As opposed to not showing up on time at 95% of every show Axl attends, not showing up at all resulting in riots, biting security people in the leg, willing to fight only fashion designers but hid behind security and his gated mansion when it comes to everyone else; not being able to answer one question directly and with excuses as to why everyone else is at fault.

Neither Adler nor Axl knows what's good for their own good, but the difference is that Steven hasn't negatively affected the GNR legacy in over twenty years. Axl's been shitting on the GNR since 1996 with no end it sight. I guess because Axl has a personal beef with Adler it's okay to have one yourself. Seriously dude, you and Axl need to grow the fuck up.

You both make some valid points... I can't decide who is more of a Fuckhead. A washed up drummer who burned his own brain and money away with a needle and a crack pipe who now speaks with a speech impediment and is legally retarded.. Or a washed up reclusive singer who has released 1 album in 20 years and hires his friends and family for a management team and goes around blaming everyone else for everything.


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Just more fuel for CD 2.

Which he better announce, like yesterday. God knows he'll need something to keep him afloat in this ocean of shit he's jumped head first into...

This is nothing compared to OIAM. It's the HOF and they still inducting. Axl just reach a state called Vertigo. In terms of his media image he's back on top. The most infamous rocker of all time.

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Just more fuel for CD 2.

Which he better announce, like yesterday. God knows he'll need something to keep him afloat in this ocean of shit he's jumped head first into...

This is nothing compared to OIAM. It's the HOF and they still inducting. Axl just reach a state called Vertigo. In terms of his media image he's back on top. The most infamous rocker of all time.

Yeah, I'm just saying that it'd be nice if he did something other than becoming infamous for writing long press releases.

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Frusciante won't be there for RHCP

How dare he? :rofl-lol:

Frusciante is awesome. The Chili Peppers are only half as good without him. Well, actually not even that. It's nice to see so much integrity in a time of way too many sellouts in the music industry ... :thumbsup:

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Yeah, I'm just saying that it'd be nice if he did something other than becoming infamous for writing long press releases.

Like all the great music he has helped co-create and being one of the bets frontmen in rock ever? And doing lots of touring with great press since 2009?

Who cares if a bunch of scorned reunionists starts whining and who cares what the general press thinks who are anyways always looking for a new excuse to attack Axl? Guns N' Roses is still inducted based on past accomplishments, Guns N' Roses still released a new record in 2008, and Guns N' Roses has still toured triumphantly since 2009 and will continue to do so this summer. Life goes on, and life is great.

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Yeah, I'm just saying that it'd be nice if he did something other than becoming infamous for writing long press releases.

Like all the great music he has helped co-create and being one of the bets frontmen in rock ever? And doing lots of touring with great press since 2009?

Who cares if a bunch of scorned reunionists starts whining and who cares what the general press thinks who are anyways always looking for a new excuse to attack Axl? Guns N' Roses is still inducted based on past accomplishments, Guns N' Roses still released a new record in 2008, and Guns N' Roses has still toured triumphantly since 2009 and will continue to do so this summer. Life goes on, and life is great.

Great post.

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Thats good, they should induct him and put an hours worth of photos and video material on the screen before the actual induction and let Steven talk on his behalf. Maybe then we can have more whining from the great "adult" that they call W. Axl Rose. I still feel that no problem in not showing up but that "i dont wanna be inducted" etc is a load of shite.

Axl Rose: From "Dont Damn Me" to "Dont Induct Me"

Thats actually a killer idea for a new song... Go ahead write about it now, we'll hear it ... later (is the word).

Edited by Teroz
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Just more fuel for CD 2.

Which he better announce, like yesterday. God knows he'll need something to keep him afloat in this ocean of shit he's jumped head first into...

This is nothing compared to OIAM. It's the HOF and they still inducting. Axl just reach a state called Vertigo. In terms of his media image he's back on top. The most infamous rocker of all time.

I don't get this. I don't get how this is rock n roll or badass. What the Sex Pistols did... rock n roll and badass. What Axl did? He wrote a long winded letter that looks like it's from a lawyer with very little explanation, thinly veiled jabs, complaining, and pathetic "reasons" why he can't go AKA can't face a situation he doesn't have 100% control over in the same room with someone who he has a ridiculously old "beef" with.

I think to a casual fan this might look badass but anyone who has followed the band (not an "axlite" as they say) or anyone who has fully read the letter can tell it's just his long winded way of pussying out.

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Just more fuel for CD 2.

Which he better announce, like yesterday. God knows he'll need something to keep him afloat in this ocean of shit he's jumped head first into...

This is nothing compared to OIAM. It's the HOF and they still inducting. Axl just reach a state called Vertigo. In terms of his media image he's back on top. The most infamous rocker of all time.

I don't get this.

At least we agree on one thing.

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Frusciante won't be there for RHCP

How dare he? :rofl-lol:

Frusciante is awesome. The Chili Peppers are only half as good without him. Well, actually not even that. It's nice to see so much integrity in a time of way too many sellouts in the music industry ... :thumbsup:

There won't be a single news story about John not wanting to go. :rofl-lol:

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So then this means that even though he's not going to be there, the big plaque/whatever it is thingy will still have Axl's name on it?

Doesn't make much sense to induct a band and leave one of the names out.... Don't really care anymore that he won't show, just confused as to if the entire band will get in or something.

*probably going to be ripped apart now*

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Just more fuel for CD 2.

Which he better announce, like yesterday. God knows he'll need something to keep him afloat in this ocean of shit he's jumped head first into...

This is nothing compared to OIAM. It's the HOF and they still inducting. Axl just reach a state called Vertigo. In terms of his media image he's back on top. The most infamous rocker of all time.

- No additional shots, no powder, a compass that doesn't point north. And I half expected it to be made of wood. You are without doubt the worst pirate that I've ever heard of.

- But you have heard of me.

Edited by Scumcat Esq.
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I don't get this. I don't get how this is rock n roll or badass. What the Sex Pistols did... rock n roll and badass. What Axl did? He wrote a long winded letter that looks like it's from a lawyer with very little explanation, thinly veiled jabs, complaining, and pathetic "reasons" why he can't go AKA can't face a situation he doesn't have 100% control over in the same room with someone who he has a ridiculously old "beef" with.

I think to a casual fan this might look badass but anyone who has followed the band (not an "axlite" as they say) or anyone who has fully read the letter can tell it's just his long winded way of pussying out.

This is not RNR or badass. This is his way of doing things.

He tried to provide explanations (whether somebody finds them sufficient or not) in a kinda polite way. That's all.

(Sex Pistols and badass don't go well together.)

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Just more fuel for CD 2.

Which he better announce, like yesterday. God knows he'll need something to keep him afloat in this ocean of shit he's jumped head first into...

This is nothing compared to OIAM. It's the HOF and they still inducting. Axl just reach a state called Vertigo. In terms of his media image he's back on top. The most infamous rocker of all time.

- No additional shots, no powder, a compass that doesn't point north. And I half expected it to be made of wood. You are without doubt the worst pirate that I've ever heard of.

- But you have heard of me.


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I have a t-shirt that reads "Fuck You You Fucking Fuck!" That's pretty much the way I feel about you Axl- You're a selfish, ungrateful, self-involved Douche Bag! I went to your last show in LA (thank god my friend bought my ticket) and although you finally said thank you to your fans- something you didn't do way back when we supported you on your first tour with "Guns N

> Roses," I don't think you will ever get that without us, you're not shit. We buy your tickets and other worthless crap. We make you relevant- certainly not your new music. I will not support your next album by purchasing it. I will not go to another kareoke show where I have to hear a shadow of your vocal ability and a bunch of guys using you to rocket themselves to fortune and fame by having to play someone else's music like little bitches. Standing in the crowd of cameraphone zombies, I just felt sad for your backup band. Slash made mistakes that he has clearly taken responsibility for. Time for you to do the same, butthole. The Hall of Fame is just the final straw in a long list of things that show how unappreciative you are to the people who made you who you are. This is ENTERTAINMENT and is supposed to be fun- you have taken that away for me- I will always respect your talent, but I hate you for sucking the last ounce of joy from what once was. Couldn't you have at least put your over inflated ego aside just once? I'm glad you rejected being inducted because you are truly not worthy to be in the pantheon of rock greats like Slash.


> -Vinnymaxx

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I have a t-shirt that reads "Fuck You You Fucking Fuck!" That's pretty much the way I feel about you Axl- You're a selfish, ungrateful, self-involved Douche Bag! I went to your last show in LA (thank god my friend bought my ticket) and although you finally said thank you to your fans- something you didn't do way back when we supported you on your first tour with "Guns N

> Roses," I don't think you will ever get that without us, you're not shit. We buy your tickets and other worthless crap. We make you relevant- certainly not your new music. I will not support your next album by purchasing it. I will not go to another kareoke show where I have to hear a shadow of your vocal ability and a bunch of guys using you to rocket themselves to fortune and fame by having to play someone else's music like little bitches. Standing in the crowd of cameraphone zombies, I just felt sad for your backup band. Slash made mistakes that he has clearly taken responsibility for. Time for you to do the same, butthole. The Hall of Fame is just the final straw in a long list of things that show how unappreciative you are to the people who made you who you are. This is ENTERTAINMENT and is supposed to be fun- you have taken that away for me- I will always respect your talent, but I hate you for sucking the last ounce of joy from what once was. Couldn't you have at least put your over inflated ego aside just once? I'm glad you rejected being inducted because you are truly not worthy to be in the pantheon of rock greats like Slash.


> -Vinnymaxx

Well, at least you're a douchebag with an awesome shirt.

Edited by Flayer
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I have a t-shirt that reads "Fuck You You Fucking Fuck!" That's pretty much the way I feel about you Axl- You're a selfish, ungrateful, self-involved Douche Bag! I went to your last show in LA (thank god my friend bought my ticket) and although you finally said thank you to your fans- something you didn't do way back when we supported you on your first tour with "Guns N

> Roses," I don't think you will ever get that without us, you're not shit. We buy your tickets and other worthless crap. We make you relevant- certainly not your new music. I will not support your next album by purchasing it. I will not go to another kareoke show where I have to hear a shadow of your vocal ability and a bunch of guys using you to rocket themselves to fortune and fame by having to play someone else's music like little bitches. Standing in the crowd of cameraphone zombies, I just felt sad for your backup band. Slash made mistakes that he has clearly taken responsibility for. Time for you to do the same, butthole. The Hall of Fame is just the final straw in a long list of things that show how unappreciative you are to the people who made you who you are. This is ENTERTAINMENT and is supposed to be fun- you have taken that away for me- I will always respect your talent, but I hate you for sucking the last ounce of joy from what once was. Couldn't you have at least put your over inflated ego aside just once? I'm glad you rejected being inducted because you are truly not worthy to be in the pantheon of rock greats like Slash.


> -Vinnymaxx

Well, at least you're a douchebag with an awesome shirt.

:rofl-lol: :rofl-lol: :rofl-lol:

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