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I just want new music, that's all I want from the current band. Hell, they could release unfinished demos from a decade ago, I don't care. I just hate to see Axl throw all his musical efforts away in the vault because some artists aren't on them. I just want to see the current band get the recognition they deserve for being a kick-ass band. Until Axl releases new music, people will just see the current band as a nostalgia act, living off the old band's success.

Edited by GNR123GNR456
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LOL at people saying "move on".

Axl apparently hasn't moved on. He keeps playing the old music. He keeps playing the music that his former bandmates helped to create.

If Axl "moved on" nobody would go see his shows. He's even having trouble selling tickets playing the old shit. Imagine how bad it would be for him if he "moved on".

Axl worshippers are funny.

He has every right to play the old music, he helped create it. He's every part of GnR as the ex band members. But maybe that's too simple a notion for you to understand, or you're just lazy and type out a generic statement, poke your tongue out and go nahhhhhh. It seems you can only juggle the one idea that moving on means to leave everything you've ever done in the past behind you. As opposed to carrying with you -- your experiences, knowledge and skill and now playing with a different set of people.

And if you can only grasp one thing, then apply your skewed logic to these guys. VR played old GnR shit all the time, heck all those guys play the old songs in their current bands. Where's the ruckus from folks then saying, oh get over it move on already!

When people saying Axl has moved on, or for people to move on already, it's about the old band getting together mostly. As in move the fuck on with your thoughts, get over it and accept what we have now is GnR. Slash has his band, Duff, Adler etc. That's reality, come back to it.

But with VR, no one was showing up because of the possibility of GNR or STP songs. They lived and died off of original material. If Contraband had turned out to be a shit album, not as many people would have supported the band as they did.

It's clearly not the same situation with Axl's band. By still calling this band Guns N' Roses, he's using the brand that already has equity in it. VR was a new thing that had to prove itself. By calling this band Guns N' Roses and playing sets dominated by AFD/UYI material, Axl knows he can count on people showing up for that.

Tonight was a moment to recognize why we still love the band Guns N' Roses. I give Axl credit for trying to keep the beast alive with different parts, but it's still a different beast built off the efforts of Axl and the former members. Axl may have moved on from the original/classic band, but he clearly has not moved on from what got him to where he is today.

i agree with some of you said. the thing with VR is some of the crowd is their because they know duff,matt,slash were in gnr. the thing with the current gnr people can say that they play old songs and shit and that is true, but they still play like 6 songs off chinese democracy which is almost half the album. in japan they played the whole album minus 1. in videos you can hear people shout for there was a time etc you can hear people singing along to street of dreams and this i love. who knows what the future holds, gnr is not a unique band in this regard. black sabbath with tony martin still played ozzy and dio era songs but they played their own as well.

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Its feels like the end of Guns N'Roses at this moment. They got their award, had some fun, and are focused on future non Guns N'Roses projects.

All Axl's doing is touring his never ending CD tour. There's a sense there won't be anything new from GN'R old or new, for a long long time.

Eventually it just becomes a moment in time where they got together for a night, 2 lines in someone's biography, a trophy that they can put on the mantle. All the hype and hoopla dies out soon after, they're back on the plane, going back to what they do for a living. It probably means more to their family and friends, because of all the time they spent on the road, and being able to be a part of something like this. As cynical as people are about it, when you're considered part of an elite group that affected lives, it's not "just an award".

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I just want new music, that's all I want from the current band. Hell, they could release unfinished demos from a decade ago, I don't care. I just hate to see Axl throw all his musical efforts away in the vault because some artists aren't on them. I just want to see the current band get the recognition they deserve for being a kick-ass band. Until Axl releases new music, people will just see the current band as a nostalgia act, living off the old band's success.

i know that feel bro. perfect post.

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If Axl bashing keeps on keeping on he might change his mind about touring, new songs etc & just stay home again doing his own thing.

It seems kind of overwhelming but I highly doubt it actually changes anything...

i have a feeling the decline of GNR in general may be soon, i could be wrong, but who wants to keep hearing the same shit over and over, it was cool at first, but now its annoying, the last time i seen them it was already getting old

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ok old gnr is now official dead. some closer hopefully for adler. heres to the future bring on the tour



We still have the music to love, that is all we have had for a long time, nothing changes.

Yes, original Guns N' Roses are officially dead but one thing is certain, they will NEVER be forgotten. :thumbsup:

Your not worng there. Classic Guns N'Roses (the music) will live on forever. That's some achievement.

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so they did it!.. AWESOME!!!

OLD GNR........... WINNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

'Old' GNR?

What we heard was just plain GNR


If you don't believe the current GnR it's actually GnR fine whatever! Then it's not GnR... But then you go and call this GnR? Withouth Izzy and Axl? Seriously?!!! :rofl-lol:

I'm sorry but as of your writing of that, current Gn'R is Slash, Duff, Steven, Matt, and Gilby.

I don't often say this here, but you were too stupid to shut the fuck up and listen to some great stuff tonight and I'm sorry for you. People often use the saying that God gave you two ears and one mouth so you can listen twice as much as you speak. I suppose for a little man begging for attention when he knows he'll have a big audience, it's even worse given you have ten fingers and only two ears. You're probably that same fucking douchebag, everyone will know the one I'm talking about, there's always one at every show, when you go to a concert and they are playing the acoustic stuff, you're yelling something louder than the band is playing, seeking attention when nobody came to hear your shit, they came to listen to the band and celebrate the music together. I've said it to that douchebag many times and I'll say it to you.

Shut up and go fuck yourself. Goes for all of you "that douchebag"s.

Wow! Dude, why do you sound so mad over a comment on the internet? :rofl-lol: I don't even know what you are trying to tell me or why did you get so mad! Care to explain? I don't even know how do you get from my comment that I'm an attention seeker is not as if I post that much, how presumptuous of you to act like you know me. I never once said I didn't like the "great stuff" I listened tonight. For your information I'm a girl and if I were you, I'd demand an apology for calling me "fucking douchebag". But I'm not you, I don't take comments on the internet seriously. :xmassrudolph:

You're right, I know fuck all about you other than you were one of the 45885028 people here who have been saying this same shit all night when folks are just trying to watch the damn ceremony and celebrate it together. I don't know you and it doesn't matter that I don't. I didn't look at your user name, your post history, I don't know or care whether you have internal or external genitalia, or any of that stuff that doesn't matter. After however many hundreds of the same exact crap post of people trying to get somebody steamed up, I had finally had it. So congratulations, you pissed someone off. But not because I really give a shit what anyone thinks is or isn't Gn'R or whether Axl is or isn't an asshole, it's the 700 posts of the same bicker you have to muddle through to find one small nugget of new info or video or even decent conversation. My post was directed at you and all the other people posting xerox copies of the same shit. My wifi blows and it takes forever to load a new page and then all the shit's the same. And fuck me, now you've made me contribute to said useless crap. God damn.

You just come as a big you know... You attacked me when that was my first post on this thread. LOL! You should have at least chosen the right victim for your pathetic anger. And I even pissed you off? Fucking pathetic! It was too easy. It wasn't even for you, you're a sad person and kind of disturbing :confused: Like I said before, you take things too seriously and now that I can see you take them too far, it's not healthy. Sleep on it! This is my last post for you in this thread at least, don't miss me. :violin:

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I love Axl Rose. I love the man, I love his music and his work. Chinese Democracy is my favorite GN'R album, I've seen him live twice, including Rock in Rio, one of the best days of my life, and I would be the first one to buy another concert ticket if they played here in Brazil again. But, although I supported Axl when he released his letter, I feel different now.

Yes, HOF is a questionable institution, yes, Slash MAY have lied about him and never apologised, yes, something that we will never know MAY have happened, yes, he always said he was never going to reunite and he sticks to his convictions, yes, he is respectful with the current band, yes, yes, yes...

But seeing all this party, all this awesome night with amazing concerts, jams, speeches... What did Axl win with that? Nothing. He was there at home sitting in his 36+ Chinese Democracy songs that we will never hear, full of anger for watching those guys have a great night. He could be there as well, thanking those guys for the great past that they spent together, making a tribute for all that Guns N' Roses used to represent... But no. Damn Axl, you will regret this. People will ALWAYS remember this, everyone will always remember how Guns N' Roses reunited without you, with the Slash singer! Everyone, specially the media, will always remember how without you, Guns N' Roses played an amazing concert, full of joy and rock n' roll. Yes, this is Guns N' Roses. Just as Axl's band is Guns N' Roses. Actually, the truth is... None of them is, for real, Guns N' Roses. I don't know if you're ever gonna read this, but I know you read the forum sometimes and I'm writing this thinking that you're gonna read it, and thinking that my opinion is relevant.

I used to support you because I used to believe in you. I used to believe that you're gonna release new music, and change rock, and move on past... Well, you claim to have moved on, but you don't. You play Appetite For Destruction almost full every concert, there are no plans of releasing new music, there is no nothing, only endless pathetic touring. Which I admit, I'll be there again if it comes to Brazil again. You had a whole year to prepare to Rock in Rio, those guys rehearsaled today and they played an awesome concert, but you managed to forget lyrics of November Rain at Rock in Rio. With all due respect, Myles wouldn't have forgotten.

The different between you and Izzy not attending is that Izzy never cared for this. It sounds very contraditory, but you didn't go to an event that would boost your ego, even being the most egocentric person in the world. But that's not because you're humble. That's because you can't forget. You can't forgive and forget whatever happened in the past for one single night. You're too proud. Axl, you have no family, this way you're gonna die alone, sorry. Alone, and full of regrets. This night, made me realise that rock n' roll is all about what happened today. Gilby wasn't even inducted but he was there, he partied and he played and he had a great night! He doesn't care! He will be remembered for being there, but more than this: He will remember this night forever. Perhaps, the biggest memory from this night that you're gonna have is the same live-stream we all got on your computer screen.

If you had been there Axl, this would be the biggest event in entertainement industry since the Led Zeppelin reunion in 2007. I dare say it would be bigger. Axl, I love you, you're a great musician, and sometimes a great person, but sometimes you're just the biggest asshole on Earth. Sometimes man... sometimes you suck and I hate being your fan, and to be honest, it has been a while since the last time I was proud to say I'm an Axl Rose fan.

This sums up everything:


That's all you are. A big face in the screen, a big question in the air, a big joke in the event, behind the awesomeness of the Guns N' Roses reunion without you.

Breath! Chill! You take things too seriously. :unsure:

I'm not taking things too seriously. This is a serious issue. It's the Guns N' Roses reunion, it is never gonna happen again in any form.

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I love Axl Rose. I love the man, I love his music and his work. Chinese Democracy is my favorite GN'R album, I've seen him live twice, including Rock in Rio, one of the best days of my life, and I would be the first one to buy another concert ticket if they played here in Brazil again. But, although I supported Axl when he released his letter, I feel different now.

Yes, HOF is a questionable institution, yes, Slash MAY have lied about him and never apologised, yes, something that we will never know MAY have happened, yes, he always said he was never going to reunite and he sticks to his convictions, yes, he is respectful with the current band, yes, yes, yes...

But seeing all this party, all this awesome night with amazing concerts, jams, speeches... What did Axl win with that? Nothing. He was there at home sitting in his 36+ Chinese Democracy songs that we will never hear, full of anger for watching those guys have a great night. He could be there as well, thanking those guys for the great past that they spent together, making a tribute for all that Guns N' Roses used to represent... But no. Damn Axl, you will regret this. People will ALWAYS remember this, everyone will always remember how Guns N' Roses reunited without you, with the Slash singer! Everyone, specially the media, will always remember how without you, Guns N' Roses played an amazing concert, full of joy and rock n' roll. Yes, this is Guns N' Roses. Just as Axl's band is Guns N' Roses. Actually, the truth is... None of them is, for real, Guns N' Roses. I don't know if you're ever gonna read this, but I know you read the forum sometimes and I'm writing this thinking that you're gonna read it, and thinking that my opinion is relevant.

I used to support you because I used to believe in you. I used to believe that you're gonna release new music, and change rock, and move on past... Well, you claim to have moved on, but you don't. You play Appetite For Destruction almost full every concert, there are no plans of releasing new music, there is no nothing, only endless pathetic touring. Which I admit, I'll be there again if it comes to Brazil again. You had a whole year to prepare to Rock in Rio, those guys rehearsaled today and they played an awesome concert, but you managed to forget lyrics of November Rain at Rock in Rio. With all due respect, Myles wouldn't have forgotten.

The different between you and Izzy not attending is that Izzy never cared for this. It sounds very contraditory, but you didn't go to an event that would boost your ego, even being the most egocentric person in the world. But that's not because you're humble. That's because you can't forget. You can't forgive and forget whatever happened in the past for one single night. You're too proud. Axl, you have no family, this way you're gonna die alone, sorry. Alone, and full of regrets. This night, made me realise that rock n' roll is all about what happened today. Gilby wasn't even inducted but he was there, he partied and he played and he had a great night! He doesn't care! He will be remembered for being there, but more than this: He will remember this night forever. Perhaps, the biggest memory from this night that you're gonna have is the same live-stream we all got on your computer screen.

If you had been there Axl, this would be the biggest event in entertainement industry since the Led Zeppelin reunion in 2007. I dare say it would be bigger. Axl, I love you, you're a great musician, and sometimes a great person, but sometimes you're just the biggest asshole on Earth. Sometimes man... sometimes you suck and I hate being your fan, and to be honest, it has been a while since the last time I was proud to say I'm an Axl Rose fan.

This sums up everything:


That's all you are. A big face in the screen, a big question in the air, a big joke in the event, behind the awesomeness of the Guns N' Roses reunion without you.

Breath! Chill! You take things too seriously. :unsure:

I'm not taking things too seriously. This is a serious issue. It's the Guns N' Roses reunion, it is never gonna happen again in any form.

It was never going to happen, period! Axl has said countless time that he won't reunite, called Slash a "cancer," said he would only work with Duff and Izzy in the future, and said a reunion tour wouldn't even work with Izzy and Steven.

I never though Axl would attend the RRHOF. Axl has been vocal against a reunion for a decade now, why would he randomly change his mind?

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Apparently, Duff, Slash, Adler, Sorum didn't do the red carpet either. No backstage press conferenceeither except for a middle finger by Slash.

Take the award and spotlight, but don't answer any questions for the fans.

Biggest joke in tis whole thing has been "its for the fans". Anything but.

Edited by SALonghorn
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Apparently, Duff, Slash, Adler, Sorum didn't do the red carpet either. No backstage press conferenceeither except for a middle finger by Slash.

Take the award and spotlight, but don't any questions for the fans.

Biggest joke in tis whole thing has been "its for the fans". Anything but.

Oh my God - you are grasping at straws so fucking hard.

Your hero is a tool that doesn't care about you - get over it.

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Apparently, Duff, Slash, Adler, Sorum didn't do the red carpet either. No backstage press conferenceeither except for a middle finger by Slash.

Take the award and spotlight, but don't any questions for the fans.

Biggest joke in tis whole thing has been "its for the fans". Anything but.

What do you think they would have asked about if they had allowed questions? And it wasn't fans asking questions, it was media people.

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Apparently, Duff, Slash, Adler, Sorum didn't do the red carpet either. No backstage press conferenceeither except for a middle finger by Slash.

Take the award and spotlight, but don't any questions for the fans.

Biggest joke in tis whole thing has been "its for the fans". Anything but.

Oh my God - you are grasping at straws so fucking hard.

Your hero is a tool that doesn't care about you - get over it.

How is that grasping at straws? They avoided the fans and press all nite. Yet we hear Adler, Slash, and Duff say they are there for the fans. Just stating the obvious. They take the spotlight no problem. But the heat? Nah.

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Apparently, Duff, Slash, Adler, Sorum didn't do the red carpet either. No backstage press conferenceeither except for a middle finger by Slash.

Take the award and spotlight, but don't any questions for the fans.

Biggest joke in tis whole thing has been "its for the fans". Anything but.

Oh my God - you are grasping at straws so fucking hard.

Your hero is a tool that doesn't care about you - get over it.

How is that grasping at straws? They avoided the fans and press all nite. Yet we hear Adler, Slash, and Duff say they are there for the fans. Just stating the obvious. They take the spotlight no problem. But the heat? Nah.

...what heat?

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Apparently, Duff, Slash, Adler, Sorum didn't do the red carpet either. No backstage press conferenceeither except for a middle finger by Slash.

Take the award and spotlight, but don't answer any questions for the fans.

Biggest joke in tis whole thing has been "its for the fans". Anything but.

All you are doing is posting constant insults and negativity towards everyone involved. You are either trolling or just immature

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Apparently, Duff, Slash, Adler, Sorum didn't do the red carpet either. No backstage press conferenceeither except for a middle finger by Slash.

Take the award and spotlight, but don't any questions for the fans.

Biggest joke in tis whole thing has been "its for the fans". Anything but.

Oh my God - you are grasping at straws so fucking hard.

Your hero is a tool that doesn't care about you - get over it.

How is that grasping at straws?

every which way possible.

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