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"Standing In The Sun" - Full Song

Original GNR

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By far the best solo of the songs we've heard so far. Intro's pretty killer too. And, yeah, I see some common ground between this and Locomotive, lol.

I'm so glad this whole album's turning out to be better than expected. Most of the songs from the previews were rubbish and just disappointing. Songs like Apocalyptic Love, One Last Thrill, and Standing in the Sun have turned out to be pretty f*cking solid.

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This song is insanely catchy.

Someone on the AB forum transcribed the lyrics. They are actually really good, and totally relate-able.

You're the dark to light

You're never satisfied

You only know the things that will fail to be

You pessimistic one

Who sees the end to come

Where every joy is lost to a tragedy

And still you wonder why you cannot find your peace today

Cause you were meant to live

So much more than this

Now if only you could see

You could be standing out in the sun still the rain's coming down

Rain's coming down

There ain't a cloud in sight still your heart beats cold and grey

Every day

You know it brings me down

The way you drag around

Your heavy heart just like a stone

Well keep your misery

Don't put it all on me

Cause I've got problems of my own

You could be standing out in the sun still the rain's coming down

Rain's coming down

So keep your cloud of darkness and doom off my parade

Yeah today

And if I go you know I set off a spark

I would burn it out, I would burn it all away

If you're a fire jaded, cold calloused heart

Some day, I'll find a way


You could be standing out in the sun still the rain's coming down

Rain's coming down

There ain't a cloud in sight still your heart beats cold and grey

Every day

You could be standing out in the sun still the rain's coming down

Rain's coming down

Someday i'll steal the spark i will burn your cloud away

I'll find a way

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but I'd expect...

whatever is opposite of what he gives. :tongue2:

Haha, kinda. Seriously, as I said in another thread, I love a lot of his stuff with VR. Fall to Pieces is up there with his best work. His playing in Loving the Alien is one of the most beautiful playing I've heard from any GNR member. Crucify the dead is great... I'd name a lot more songs that I really like. But these new songs aren't my cup of tea at all. I wouldn't mind if it was generic but with great riffing and soloing at least. But... no. It feels totally uninspired.

Average to good hard rock riffing, really. Bad chorus, Myles' voice ain't that bad on this one but I still cant appreciate it. Slash's solo is good, though - but I'd expect much more from him.

Stop spamming every song thread you mug.

So I'm listening to every song and giving my opinion. If you don't like, my bad. I never wanted you to be so full of anger. :monkey:

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Haha, kinda. Seriously, as I said in another thread, I love a lot of his stuff with VR. Fall to Pieces is up there with his best work. His playing in Loving the Alien is one of the most beautiful playing I've heard from any GNR member. Crucify the dead is great... I'd name a lot more songs that I really like. But these new songs aren't my cup of tea at all. I wouldn't mind if it was generic but with great riffing and soloing at least. But... no. It feels totally uninspired.

hey, if it's not inspiring you don't listen to it, don't buy it. But don't sit here and tell people his playing in VR was more/better.

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