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Is it bleaker than ever?

Vincent Vega

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I've been in the GN'R online community since 2002...Been around for the dry spells, the dull moments, the great moments, the horrible ones...All those times, there was always one big elephant in the room that ensured that there was always something to talk about: CD hadn't been released, but we'd heard songs from it, and we could speculate about CD and have hope for it's release even in the driest spells.

But what about now? There is no album on the horizon as far as we've been told. The last time Axl talked about new music he seemed utterly disinterested in the idea of a new record. That was about 3 years ago...We get some vague mutterings here and there from the new band, but if the CD era proved anything, it's that the new band isn't really kept in the loop. I have no doubt that there is more material, probably a lot more actually, but the question is: Will it ever come out? If so, when? Is it even finished, or has Axl yet to set down vocals and lyrics? We don't really have any clue...We don't even have a title of the "next album" whereas we knew CD would be named CD since around 1999 or 2000. There was never a question of "IF" CD would come out, it was always more a question of "When?" We aren't able to ask WHEN about future material now, but we're forced to ask "IF" Axl will ever release new material....and that's pretty depressing in and of itself, the idea that Axl might never release anything new....

There's no leaks to talk about, there's no new songs in the set to discuss, there's no lineup changes. Any one of these three things would at the very least be cause for discussion, anticipation and possibly excitement. We have no idea what the future holds for GN'R...We don't even really have a clue what the next record will sound like. If we had a leak, or even just one new song in the set, it'd create a massive amount of discussion...

But instead we've got the same tour for the last 6 years basically with some covers and UYI songs thrown in, Axl lost his voice again and instead of sounding awesome like during 2010, he sounds like it's 2002 all over again. He's getting older and older every year. Most seem to be in agreement that Bumblefoot and Ashba are both lesser replacements and less likely to make great new music than Bucket and Robin were, so we have arguably subpar replacements. What is there to talk about? The exciting setlist? The fact that it's 2012 and Axl still comes on late? Bumblefoot's beard? Axl's ugly mustache or his weight? How great 2010 was? All we're doing lately is fighting amongst each other and right now there's nothing even worth fighting over, nothing fresh or new to debate and discuss except concerts where it's pretty much the same setlist every night...CD is going to be 4 years old, we never got any music videos, and there's not even a single leak of future material, there's not even any chat about a new album, not even a tentative title of it....

Does anyone else agree it seems more bleak than it has in the past? As was sung in a great song, "Where do we go now?"

Edited by Indigo Miser
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I get what the OP is saying and agree with most of it. I am completely bored with this band, we need something new, or at least something to look forward to. They've been playing this same show for over a decade now. We have you tube, what is the need for a cheesy travelling jukebox cover band?

Edited by nambis
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But what about now? There is no album on the horizon as far as we've been told.

Who told you that? Richard, Tommy, Dj and Axl seems to disagree.

What exactly is bleak about a situation where we have an active band that is touring the world and talks about releasing a new record four years after the last?

GN'R fans complain about the strangest thing. Man, this is a dysfunctional fanbase.

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It's ok. They are out there and touring. It sure beats the 1995-2000, 2003-2005 and 2008-late 2009 era when they were publicly inactive. Some people forget that. Sure, we probably aren't getting a new album this year, I'm cool with that. I've come to realize that it is only music.

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I get what the OP is saying and agree with most of it. I am completely bored with this band, we need something new, or at least something to look forward to. They've been playing this same show for over a decade now. We have you tube, what is the need for a cheesy travelling jukebox cover band?

'this band' as you put it are paid to play - perform various tunes from a back catalogue.

Axl owns the (band) name, Axl calls the shots, Axl decides when, if ever, there should be new music.

As time passes, how long will Dj Ash stick around ? BF stick around ?

People like Tommy Stinton, the other guitarist (who's name I can never remember), and Frank the drummer I think are the type of people who will play and play, providing their a cheque rolling in every month. Quite what these 3 can bring in the form of new songs remains a mystery.

Edited by vaida
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It's ok. They are out there and touring. It sure beats the 1995-2000, 2003-2005 and 2008-late 2009 era when they were publicly inactive. Some people forget that. Sure, we probably aren't getting a new album this year, I'm cool with that. I've come to realize that it is only music.

Indeed. You seem to have found the right mental attitude to remain a fan of GN'R long-term ;)

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It's ok. They are out there and touring. It sure beats the 1995-2000, 2003-2005 and 2008-late 2009 era when they were publicly inactive. Some people forget that. Sure, we probably aren't getting a new album this year, I'm cool with that. I've come to realize that it is only music.

Indeed. You seem to have found the right mental attitude to remain a fan of GN'R long-term ;)

Whoa, do you really let this stuff get to your head? "Right mental attitude?" It's a band and a messageboard. You take the internet way too seriously.

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I think it is indeed a very bleak situation. As I said before, normal bands with normal members release new material every 2.5 or 3 years. With Axl, we might as well close these forums and come back in 2020 to talk about the new album :rofl-lol:

I'm also a Megadeth forums member and I regularly post in the Iron Maiden forums as well. And I gotta tell you, GnR is the laughing stock over there <_<

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It's ok. They are out there and touring. It sure beats the 1995-2000, 2003-2005 and 2008-late 2009 era when they were publicly inactive. Some people forget that. Sure, we probably aren't getting a new album this year, I'm cool with that. I've come to realize that it is only music.

Indeed. You seem to have found the right mental attitude to remain a fan of GN'R long-term ;)

:) Yeah it took quite a while. Like I'll still have an opinion on things like the setlist or whatever, but I don't get my hopes up for anything more than good shows now. I have my own music that has been progressing and some other cool things happening this year. That means more than me than 10 new Guns N' Roses albums. I'm not putting GnR down or anything, a new album would top things off nicely, but in the grand scheme of things, it's not integral.

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Being a Guns fan has always had it's ups and downs. And like every band really, there are periods of activity and inactivity.

While there may have been periods that seemed bleaker, there was also a bit more enthusiasm from most fans, and the expectations of some amazing things to come. I don't know if that hopefulness is still there. For some maybe, there are still a couple of diehards clinging on and blowing sunshine, but not as much as you saw on the forums in previous years.

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It's ok. They are out there and touring. It sure beats the 1995-2000, 2003-2005 and 2008-late 2009 era when they were publicly inactive. Some people forget that. Sure, we probably aren't getting a new album this year, I'm cool with that. I've come to realize that it is only music.

Indeed. You seem to have found the right mental attitude to remain a fan of GN'R long-term ;)

Whoa, do you really let this stuff get to your head?

It seems like I have got to your head :) I can't even remember what I said to you to deserve all this attention. I am blushing. Did I insult you by pointing out some moronic thing you said?

"Right mental attitude?" It's a band and a messageboard. You take the internet way too seriously.

No, if I took "Internet way too seriously" I would probably be so upset about being ridiculed that I would stalk the perpetrator like some scorned imbecile. I don't do that. I am here to discuss GN'R and have some fun.

It's ok. They are out there and touring. It sure beats the 1995-2000, 2003-2005 and 2008-late 2009 era when they were publicly inactive. Some people forget that. Sure, we probably aren't getting a new album this year, I'm cool with that. I've come to realize that it is only music.

Indeed. You seem to have found the right mental attitude to remain a fan of GN'R long-term ;)

:) Yeah it took quite a while. Like I'll still have an opinion on things like the setlist or whatever, but I don't get my hopes up for anything more than good shows now. I have my own music that has been progressing and some other cool things happening this year. That means more than me than 10 new Guns N' Roses albums. I'm not putting GnR down or anything, a new album would top things off nicely, but in the grand scheme of things, it's not integral.

Yes, the way to be a content GN'R fan is to not expect too much.

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It's ok. They are out there and touring. It sure beats the 1995-2000, 2003-2005 and 2008-late 2009 era when they were publicly inactive. Some people forget that. Sure, we probably aren't getting a new album this year, I'm cool with that. I've come to realize that it is only music.

Indeed. You seem to have found the right mental attitude to remain a fan of GN'R long-term ;)

Whoa, do you really let this stuff get to your head?

It seems like I have got to your head :) I can't even remember what I said to you to deserve all this attention. I am blushing. Did I insult you by pointing out some moronic thing you said?

"Right mental attitude?" It's a band and a messageboard. You take the internet way too seriously.

No, if I took "Internet way too seriously" I would probably be so upset about being ridiculed that I would stalk the perpetrator like some scorned imbecile. I don't do that. I am here to discuss GN'R and have some fun.

It's ok. They are out there and touring. It sure beats the 1995-2000, 2003-2005 and 2008-late 2009 era when they were publicly inactive. Some people forget that. Sure, we probably aren't getting a new album this year, I'm cool with that. I've come to realize that it is only music.

Indeed. You seem to have found the right mental attitude to remain a fan of GN'R long-term ;)

:) Yeah it took quite a while. Like I'll still have an opinion on things like the setlist or whatever, but I don't get my hopes up for anything more than good shows now. I have my own music that has been progressing and some other cool things happening this year. That means more than me than 10 new Guns N' Roses albums. I'm not putting GnR down or anything, a new album would top things off nicely, but in the grand scheme of things, it's not integral.

Yes, the way to be a content GN'R fan is to not expect too much.

For sure. I mean, Chidem is possibly my favorite album of all time and I wish the band would rise to the top again and put out new music, but that's out of my control. There's no point dwelling on something totally out of your own hands.

Edited by Young_Gun
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Given Axl's age, my bet is, this is the last tour ever, however much longer it lasts for.


Come on, get real. Axl is 50, that's hardly old enough to consider retirement. Ronnie James Dio was 67 on the last Heaven And Hell tour, and he could have gone much longer had it not been for the cancer. Everyone in Iron Maiden is at least 54, and they're at the top of their game. Alice Cooper is 63. 50 is not that old.

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Who told you that? Richard, Tommy, Dj and Axl seems to disagree.

What exactly is bleak about a situation where we have an active band that is touring the world and talks about releasing a new record four years after the last?

GN'R fans complain about the strangest thing. Man, this is a dysfunctional fanbase.

We talking about the same band where we heard we were going to get a new album for nearly 20 years before it materialised?

Some of us don't take the word of employees as gospel when we know about the history of this band!

All we want is actual evidence. Like seeing even one new song played live and other than that we're taking nobody's word for it including Axl!

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Given Axl's age, my bet is, this is the last tour ever, however much longer it lasts for.


Come on, get real. Axl is 50, that's hardly old enough to consider retirement. Ronnie James Dio was 67 on the last Heaven And Hell tour, and he could have gone much longer had it not been for the cancer. Everyone in Iron Maiden is at least 54, and they're at the top of their game. Alice Cooper is 63. 50 is not that old.

And none of them are relevant today

the last thing I want to see GN'R become is a band known for its past accomplishments but unfortunately some will agree that is already happening. I think ChiDem made them somewhat relevant today but I dont want to see Axl go down the same road as Iron Maiden or whomever. I'd rather see GN'R as a relevant band.

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Given Axl's age, my bet is, this is the last tour ever, however much longer it lasts for.


Come on, get real. Axl is 50, that's hardly old enough to consider retirement. Ronnie James Dio was 67 on the last Heaven And Hell tour, and he could have gone much longer had it not been for the cancer. Everyone in Iron Maiden is at least 54, and they're at the top of their game. Alice Cooper is 63. 50 is not that old.


I saw Maiden a few years ago and Bruce was as much air raid siren/screaming banshee as he ever was. Plus, Rob Halford, has been belting out power from this aging vocal cords for a long time.

Given Axl's age, my bet is, this is the last tour ever, however much longer it lasts for.


Come on, get real. Axl is 50, that's hardly old enough to consider retirement. Ronnie James Dio was 67 on the last Heaven And Hell tour, and he could have gone much longer had it not been for the cancer. Everyone in Iron Maiden is at least 54, and they're at the top of their game. Alice Cooper is 63. 50 is not that old.

And none of them are relevant today

the last thing I want to see GN'R become is a band known for its past accomplishments but unfortunately some will agree that is already happening. I think ChiDem made them somewhat relevant today but I dont want to see Axl go down the same road as Iron Maiden or whomever. I'd rather see GN'R as a relevant band.

Huh? Who cares if Maiden is relevant to the teenybopper crowd or not? They are awesome and legendary and they put a FAKKING BRILLIANT LIVE SHOW. Expecting Axl to turn into something 'relevant' (Justin Beiber or Lady Gaga??) is ludicrous. A lot of us would be happy if he can just release some awesome music, sing as best as he can and keep on touring.

Edited by The Archer
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Didn't read any of that. Didn't have to.

Have a :thumbsdown: for whining.

Then I guess you are just derailing the thread then. If you disagree with him state your opinion and back it up with facts. Your post was lazy.

Miser I think this era realistically will ee Axl touring and making money at the gate. I haven't seen any indication from Axl that he wants to explore new songs. Last he really spoke of it he called the fans idiots. So this is much the status quo. It was a lot more mysterious in 2000 and 2003. Now, we have seen what his vision was, and I don't think it matched what we had in mind.

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Given Axl's age, my bet is, this is the last tour ever, however much longer it lasts for.


Come on, get real. Axl is 50, that's hardly old enough to consider retirement. Ronnie James Dio was 67 on the last Heaven And Hell tour, and he could have gone much longer had it not been for the cancer. Everyone in Iron Maiden is at least 54, and they're at the top of their game. Alice Cooper is 63. 50 is not that old.


I saw Maiden a few years ago and Bruce was as much air raid siren/screaming banshee as he ever was. Plus, Rob Halford, has been belting out power from this aging vocal cords for a long time.

Yes, they're totally awesome. Saw Rob Halford a few days ago on VH1 Classic and he was really great, as well as Bruce who I've been following for several years now. AC/DC's Brian Johnson went on tour when he was over 60.

This topic isn't relevant because Axl himself said that they're trying to settle an agreement with the label to release another album. And this is hardly the same tour that we had 10 years ago, but cool, believe in what you want. If I show you an iron wall and you want to believe that it's a sand wall, great. But it's still an iron wall. :confused: If you wann argue about musicians there are other specific topics. All I know is that Axl has several kickass (As described by several people, band members or not) songs recorded and most of the 2001-2002 band is still with him, so...

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I've been in the GN'R online community since 2002...

Ugh, to quote Walter Sobchak from the Big Lebowski, "you have no frame of reference." If you're journey of GNR fandom started in 2002, you have no idea what it was like between '94 and '01. Is it bleaker than ever? In 1997 we had no idea whether GNR still even existed, who was in it, what it was going to sound like, how Axl looked and whether he could still sing. Today we're four years out from a new album (compare that with 2000 when we still had no clue whether there would even be a new album and it was 9 years out from UYI and 7 since Spaghetti).

If you weren't around during the UYI days and waited patiently for 17 years for new material to come out from Axl, you have no f'n clue what "bleak" is. I would have killed to have seen a show like the one GNR is putting on regularly since Rio back in the mid to late 90s. Hell, the shows now, in terms of song variety, is a million times better than what we we're getting in 2001-2002.

I'm not saying that it's not a shame that this band can't be doing more in terms of releasing new material considering the gaps in tours, but if you legitimately think this is the "bleakest" time to be a GNR/Axl fan, you seriously have no idea what you're talking about.



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