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Maybe we could all cut Axl some slack on here?

Randy Lahey

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Maybe we could all cut Axl some slack on here? I don't believe he would make up an illness to cover up a bad performance. And last night's performance went way beyond being out of shape or unrehearsed. I believe Axl. Hopefully he recovers soon and kicks ass for everyone in Vegas.

Edited by Randy Lahey
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Agreed Randy, the fact that he powered on and performed for the kids benefit show , irregardless of potentially making his voice worse for future shows, displays Axls commitment.

Hopefully he gets onto some good medication before Now and Vegas and gets better

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I just hope he is going to be ready for the Vegas run. He did have strep which accounts for the horrible performance last night so we will se what happens next week

This. I'd hate to think they'd lie about this, but I wouldn't be surprised. If he does have strep, I hope he feels better soon. I've had it more times than I can count and it sucks.

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He has a very tough gig, that Axl...

His past, showing up late and cancelling shows seem to have made him not ever want to cancel a show even through sickness. His past has made it where he can't play sick nor cancel due to sickness because he will be criticized through the roof.

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Guest RonMexico82

axl dug his grave a long time ago. Nobody in the business has time for him. The only people who have sympathy for him these days are an ever dwindling bunch of nerds on the internet.

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He has a very tough gig, that Axl...

His past, showing up late and cancelling shows seem to have made him not ever want to cancel a show even through sickness. His past has made it where he can't play sick nor cancel due to sickness because he will be criticized through the roof.

He's got the Boy Who Cried Wolf stigma.

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axl dug his grave a long time ago. Nobody in the business has time for him. The only people who have sympathy for him these days are an ever dwindling bunch of nerds on the internet.

All while a group of more pathetic nerds spend their time insulting the band the site is dedicated to and praising a former guitarist who's decent into obscurity is happening at astonishing speeds. :lol:

Halving your fan base in two years takes skill. :shrugs:

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We aren't cutting slack because every performance like that drives the GnR name even further through the mud than it already is. At least in 2010 you could say, "Yea, Axl may be a dick, and yea, the rest of the original guys are gone, but listen to that fucker sing." Now...either get 2010 vocal coach or whatever the fuck he did, or just fucking retire.

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Strep makes you forget lyrics?

It is also contagious....hopefully nobody catches it from Axl.

Damn the bad luck. Always sick during opening shows of tours. Sickness you never hear about until after a poor performance, of course.

All you haters need to shut up and leave the forum. Axl was sick and still did a great job. Greatest singer of all time, who is always near perfect. I can't understand why so many people bash him. They must all be haters.

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I'll cut him some slack, because he DID sound sick. Especially during Jungle. He sounded super congested and stuffy. But I have a hard time cutting him some slack on how he fucked up the lyrics on Jungle. Shit man. That was even worse and more awkward than the flubs at RiR. Especially since he started singing You're Crazy in it, then took a break to catch up, was STILL singing the wrong part, and then had to stop again to catch up with the song. That was bad. But he sounded like a terrible struggle to get any words out. Kind of like he was losing his voice. I believe he was sick. I had strep 2 months ago for over a month, and just talking was a struggle at many points during the day. And I DID try to sing a few times, such as in the car. And it sounded pretty much like that. No power of any kind, a struggle to even breathe. And then super gravelly seconds later. His voice at the end of Jungle sounded like a dude who was about to hack up a lot of shit.

But flubbing the lyrics to WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE and flubbing them so bad is hard to pass off for any reason really. And then he came in way early on the Better bridge, which threw the whole band off, and he messed the lyrics up on that, too. And someone was slightly out of tune the whole set (probably Fortus, since he was always just barely out of tune in 2006/2007). It was a bummer of a performance, but it was for charity. DJ and Ron playing with the guys and giving out picks and what not was pretty awesome.

But just rating it performance wise, it didn't give me a whole lot of excitement for the Vegas shows. Despite being sick (which I totally buy), Axl didn't really sound much better for most of the 2012 shows. But definitely kudos for not backing out last second or being a diva about it. It was for a good cause, it just wasn't a good performance.

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Strep makes you forget lyrics?

It is also contagious....hopefully nobody catches it from Axl.

Damn the bad luck. Always sick during opening shows of tours. Sickness you never hear about until after a poor performance, of course.

All you haters need to shut up and leave the forum. Axl was sick and still did a great job. Greatest singer of all time, who is always near perfect. I can't understand why so many people bash him. They must all be haters.

I think criticism where it's due is ok, I get the fact that people are dubious about whether he has strep throat or not due to the past. What I don't get is why you would go to someone's forum and bash them senseless with such silly remarks. :bitchfight:

He stuffed up the lyrics to Jungle but guess what guys? He is human - we all stuff up in our everyday life but luckily we don't have an audience & web watching us when we do. I didn't see that as such a terrible thing, he's not a robot programmed to be perfect.

As for being fat/old etc - weight comes with middle age no matter how much you exercise. Don't compare him to others his age as everyone's metabolism is different & he's certainly not old. Maybe shedding the heavy layers & face covering would show just how good he does look.

I have to think some people just wait for him to make mistakes or give bad performances so they can come on here and rejoice, give him a break. dry.gif

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March 13th, 2010 @ Palmeiras Stadium, São Paulo, Brazil.

It was confirmed by the media that he had to go to the hospital on the earlier night, thus he couldn't attend to the secret acoustic concert on the Disco Club, which caused the riot there. On the concert, during Knocking On Heaven's Door he said that due to his step throat, he wouldn't be able to perform on both concerts (secret acoustic to a few bunch of celebrities and the sold out stadium with 50 thousand fans), so he obviously picked the stadium concert,

Just watch any other videos from São Paulo, he sounded pretty decent.

Edited by ManetsBR
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March 13th, 2010 @ Palmeiras Stadium, São Paulo, Brazil.

It was confirmed by the media that he had to go to the hospital on the earlier night, thus he couldn't attend to the secret acoustic concert on the Disco Club, which caused the riot there. On the concert, during Knocking On Heaven's Door he said that due to his step throat, he wouldn't be able to perform on both concerts (secret acoustic to a few bunch of celebrities and the sold out stadium with 50 thousand fans), so he obviously picked the stadium concert,

Just watch any other videos from São Paulo, he sounded pretty decent.



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You want us to compare sick Axl in 2010 to sick Axl in 2012... but they're different days. Just because it's the same diagnosis doesn't mean it's of the same severity or at the same stage.

Have you ever been sick before? You know how some days when you're sick, you can still go to work and others, you can't get out of bed?

I just don't get the point in this comparison...

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