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Ultimate Classic Rock Bowl 2013 Poll


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There's been either some serious hacking on the poll in favour of Rush or all the sudden everyone started voting against Gn'R....smells fishy to me... :max:

I hate to tell you this, but this contest is extremely flawed. Any contest that allows people to vote multiple times is a bit of a joke. A small group of people can vote a hundred times each a day - which completely makes the voting process a joke.

Rush beat out all the other bands they were matched up against to make the finals...........so why would it be as surprise for them to beat GnR? All they need is a group of Rush fanboys (just like the few we have on this forum) and a few guys from their facebook page - all voting from multiple accounts all day long.

Hopefully people realize that this is just some random website having an online poll. It doesn't really mean anything in terms of any band's worth or popularity. The winner of the contest will be which band has a group of 50 nutswingers who are willing to vote 100 times a day. It has nothing to do with which band is better, more relevant or more popular.

Pretty much, let's just say that any serious statistician would not think of these polls as indicative of anything lol

I especially like how people here think Rush fans hacked the poll just because they are getting more votes. Considering how many people in the comments are baffled at how GNR was able to beat Zep, The Beatles, and The Stones there are probably way more people who think GNR fans hacked the polls

Edited by WhazUp
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There's been either some serious hacking on the poll in favour of Rush or all the sudden everyone started voting against Gn'R....smells fishy to me... :max:

I hate to tell you this, but this contest is extremely flawed. Any contest that allows people to vote multiple times is a bit of a joke. A small group of people can vote a hundred times each a day - which completely makes the voting process a joke.

Rush beat out all the other bands they were matched up against to make the finals...........so why would it be as surprise for them to beat GnR? All they need is a group of Rush fanboys (just like the few we have on this forum) and a few guys from their facebook page - all voting from multiple accounts all day long.

Hopefully people realize that this is just some random website having an online poll. It doesn't really mean anything in terms of any band's worth or popularity. The winner of the contest will be which band has a group of 50 nutswingers who are willing to vote 100 times a day. It has nothing to do with which band is better, more relevant or more popular.

Pretty much, let's just say that any serious statistician would not think of these polls as indicative of anything lol

I especially like how people here think Rush fans hacked the poll just because they are getting more votes. Considering how many people in the comments are baffled at how GNR was able to beat Zep, The Beatles, and The Stones there are probably way more people who think GNR fans hacked the polls

The poles are not hacked but its pretty obvious up to this point it was fans voting for their favorite bands and now there just an assault on Gnr.Its kinda funny ,people just love to hate on GNR old and new,they have always been a polarizing band.
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If GnR looses the finale, then Axl will probably add Ultimate Classic Rock to his long enemies list... :awesomeface:

What sounds strange to me is that one day GnR had a sizeable advantage over Rush, then overnight Rush completely blew GnR out of the water. Usually in statistical terms this simply does not happen unless there's a big opinion changing event... But whatever, this kind of contest is just for fun anyways...

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Billboard Top Catalog 2012 = #5 http://www.billboard.../catalog-albums

Billboard Top Artist 2012 = #8 http://www.billboard...catalog-artists

What determines these positions exactly? I have always been confused by the billboard stuff

Like catalog album which GNR was number 5 does that just mean sales of the GH album in the USA ? or does it include single sales and radio plays?

Awesome positions for GNR :D

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It is obvious why that happened. A load of Rush fans from the Rush forums did exactly what you lot did. All this proves is Beatles, Stones and Zep fans are less geeky than GN'R fans. Perhaps they are more self-confident in their respective band's greateness, and, do not need a stupid poll to prove otherwise. Or perhaps they have lives!

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Why is winning this shit so much impotant? I'm serious.

I could tell my grandpa to stop playing Beatles all day long.

I could tell my father that LedZep stole a lot of their music.

I could tell them that Slash, Axl and AFD lineup created a history and was once the Biggest Band in The Whole World.

Lastly, I can play Chidem all day long.

It doesn't matter to me if they don't make it to final round this time. Nothing to lose.

It's funny that some people think that each person can vote 100x a day and think that voters are just a small group. Don't know a basic math and estimations.

Have fun..... rock3

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I could tell my grandpa to stop playing Beatles all day long.

I could tell my father that LedZep stole a lot of their music.

I could tell them that Slash, Axl and AFD lineup created a history and was once the Biggest Band in The Whole World.

Lastly, I can play Chidem all day long.

It doesn't matter to me if they don't make it to final round this time. Nothing to lose.

It's funny that some people think that each person can vote 100x a day and think that voters are just a small group. Don't know a basic math and estimations.

Have fun..... rock3

This is the greatest post I've ever read.

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Why is winning this shit so much impotant? I'm serious.

It's funny that some people think that each person can vote 100x a day and think that voters are just a small group. Don't know a basic math and estimations.

It's funny when people people are arrogant about a topic in which they are actually wrong.

It is a small group of people who are voting multiple times. Most people had never even heard of this website before this poll.

I voted six times last night in a matter of two minutes. Once on my wife's phone, once on my phone, one on my Kindle Fire, once on hers, and twice on my laptop (once on my server and once using my neighbor's wi-fi).

Any poll that let's a single person vote hundreds of times is a flawed poll.

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gnr are better than rush, but i'm voting for rush due to the beatles travesty

When does this bad joke end?

That's what your Mom said when you were born

this isn't an appropriate section for personal attacks, volcano. you should know better.

There's an appropriate section for personal attacks?

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