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What was your/the general reaction to YCBM?

Vincent Vega

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At first I hated it because that song was everywhere, it was played in the radio stations over and over, in the shopping center, in people´s cars while driving in the streets, in tv and radio adverts...I got sick and tired of it and hated that song for years. Now I like it a lot but it took me a long time to start listening to that song again.

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I LOVED it. The video in particular was a massive success as it teamed up two of the coolest things people had been waiting for for quite awhile at that point- a Terminator sequel with GN'R's proper full-fledged follow-up to AFD. Actually the execution was so brilliant on this particular "comeback" that I think it's why so many of us assumed for so long that there had to be some "master plan" in the works for the CD roll-out as well.

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Lol, man that is so true! They could do no wrong back then. You Could Be Mine , definatly the best rocker off those albums, very good song, wish we had a demo.

But the point has to be made that it didn't really matter at that point, they could have released Shotgun Blues or anything as a single and it would have done well.

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I remember when it came on on MTV, I had my casette player set up next to the tv to tape the audio of it. Unfortunately my dad was sleeping at the time and on the casette you can hear him yell at me and slamming the door LOL, and the sound level going way down. I thought it was bad ass (the song, that is)

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I think YCBM being in Terminator 2, and Arnold being in the video helped the song ALOT. It just fits the movie like a glove, and if you never knew any better, you would think it was wrote almost for the film. I think it would be extremely advantagous for GN'R to do this again, to have one of their songs closely linked with an up and coming huge hollywood action hit...

Nothing easier for management...just call Marvel, they love rock song in their Avengers, Iron Man, whatever movies if Axl has rocking song to be released I'm sure they would be able to work it out. But on the other hand , GN'R management isn't doing much for whatever reason.

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when i saw the Video Premiere of YCBM....i've thought that it was a cool rocker, a nice video and a good idea with T2-footage/promotion to start the "taking-over-ther-world"-plan with UYI ;) but Axl's vocals werent that good. watched it over and over again and still, throughout all the years my opinion hasnt changed in that.

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First heard the song over the radio, with tape recorder ready (it was announced to be coming up). I really liked it and listened back on the tape about 5 times. I just thought "yeah they're back" and was excited to have a new song to listen to.

Can't say my first listen of UYI was the same. Sitting in my car listening to them after just walking out of the music store going, "what is this"?

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