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Ashba: AXL Is Comming Studio !!


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" Right now, I'm just in studio writting every day. I write in every free moment I have. Sometime off the Tour, I just walk myself on studio. Actually, Axl is coming out about a week. And yeahh we just gonna have fun and hope if we get on the studio, and make some magic. "

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Even if Axl shows up and records it doesn't mean that much anyway considering how much trouble GNR has in getting the dozens of tunes already recorded out there

At least it seems like there is some talk about new material, I suppose that's something

Edited by WhazUp
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Well, it is a good sign that Axl is taking an interest in writing and maybe recording. You can't blame Axl for wanting to release something he's proud of and taking his time about it.

Axl's not the only musician that does this.

Axl is young enough to still write and release new music if he wants to. We should be happy Axl wants to release the best music he can and yes I think CD was a good cd and has many awesome songs on it.

When you have a history of music and hits like GNR it's hard to top them sometimes.

Many bands have put our cds lately and they're no where near what they recorded when they first began.

Fleetwood Mac was supposed to record a new cd, but didn't, so they just decided to tour. It happens to some bands.

Axl is with new musicians now and each one has to see how their process of writing and recording goes.

A7X is releasing a new cd this summer, but had to see how their new drummer worked and luckily they all worked well together. Some musicians are hard to replace. Replacing the Rev was one of the hardest thing the band had to do.

It's all about chemistry and without it you have nothing.

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Who would have thought that we had to wait at least six years or more to listen to another album with all the talks about the trilogy being out by 2012, the followup album being released in 2009, the band being active, etc? It's the same wait that we had to go through since when Chinese was supposed to come out at first in 2002 but only came out six years later. People talk about 15 years or so but realistically we were supposed to get the album in 2002. We'll have to wait the same amount of time that we had to back then. That's crazy.

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I don't understand why he says he "hopes" that Axl will come to the studio and work.......it's like Dwayne Wade saying "Lebron will be at the game tonight, I hope he decides to play." This band is so disfunctional.

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Who would have thought that we had to wait at least six years or more to listen to another album with all the talks about the trilogy being out by 2012, the followup album being released in 2009, the band being active, etc? It's the same wait that we had to go through since when Chinese was supposed to come out at first in 2002 but only came out six years later. People talk about 15 years or so but realistically we were supposed to get the album in 2002. We'll have to wait the same amount of time that we had to back then. That's crazy.

Actually, it was first supposed to be released in 1999.

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