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Why doesnt Slash want a reunion?


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Slash said in an interview with Piers Morgan that there has never been an official offer (monetary) for a reunion, but that he had heard a few 7-figure offers floating around. He also said that it wasn't about the money though (and some other shit I can't remember).

I'm sure most here have seen that interview...

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Why would TB oppose to a reunion anyway? It would bring in a lot more money then todays lineup ever will. To make sure theyre seen to stay on Axl's side?

At their peak, this was a band. The downfall of the band came when Axl wanted to take over creative control.

CUrrently, Axl is the King of GnR. He is 100% the boss, and the band members are all employees. What Axl says goes - end of story.

That also means that Beta, Vanessa and Fernado have a say in all things GnR related. Fernando even has the power to scold band members publically.

If the old band got together, Axl would lose all this power. Meaning Beta, Fernando and Vanessa would lose all their power and control and would be regulated down to just being part of Axl's crew.

The first time Fernando publically scolded Duff for something he said...........the reunion would be finished.

The first time Beta tried to tell Slash what he could do and couldn't do.............the reunion would be over.

The first time Vanessa tried to tell Izzy her opinion on lyrics he was writing.........the reunion would be toast.

Beta and her children don't want a reunion as they would lose all their power over the GnR brand.

You sound retarded here Groghan...sorry someone had to tell you.

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Slash would jump at the chance for any type of a reunion. But I think he's done everything he can do, short of going on TV and saying "Axl has been right all these years, I've been wrong. About everything." But I don't think the downfall of the band was Axl demanding creative control.

I disagree. Even if Slash has something to apologize for, he does NOT have and should NOT apologize for things he doesn't consider to be his fault. Period. I'm glad Slash has not apologized to Axl until this day.

I think it was Slash's drug use, Duffs alcoholism, Axls insanity, and Izzys desire to be done with all of it. I think it was a group effort.

True. While Axl has been a pain in the ass I suppose trying to work with junkies should have not been easy.

Axl just gets all the blame cause he still has the name and still plays under the GNR name. Makes for an easier target I think.

No, just no. Axl is the one to blame because he decided to hide for years and not say a word. Why not call out Slash on his *supposed* bullshit? Maybe, just maybe because Slash was tellin' the truth.

Nosaj Thing - You misunderstood my meaning. First what I was saying was, the ONLY thing Slash could even try would be a public apology and an admittance of all wrong doing. I didn't say he should do it, or that it was true, or that he was the the one completely in the wrong. Just stating that its the only thing Axl may even listen to. Second, as for hiding and not saying a word, and Slash possibly speaking the truth, I just think that's small minded. Obviously, without a doubt, they both fucked each other over in some manner or another. Just because Slash chose to take his feud public before Axl doesn't make Slash's side more true. I'm sure there are truths to both sides. But to think something very serious didn't happen on Slash's part towards Axl is just naive. Axl has mended fences with everyone else. Obviously he feels Slash has crossed a line on a very personal level. Whether its petty to us or not, really makes no difference. Something happened, we can debate, guess, point fingers, blame, and bitch and complain. But since no one has ever really said what happened, we may never know. I don't want to hear Axls side, nor do I want to hear Slash's side. I'd like to hear from someone who was there, saw everything, knows the truth, and wasn't in a haze of drugs and alcohol during the whole time, nor has any reason to have chosen sides over one or the other. But I really don't think this person exists.

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Guest cbgnr666

I'd flip if there was a boring stupid reunion.It be like the pathetic Police reunion only a million times more horrible.New Gnr forever. rock4

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Little off-topic here but I read somewhere (can't remember where) that Axl kicked Beta out of his mansion once?

Does she live with him!?! Holy fuckballs, I did not know that.

Totally quoting myself here, but could someone tell me or give me a link to read about this kicking out situation please? I still can't believe he lives with his momager.

Sick, sick sick sick...

I'd flip if there was a boring stupid reunion.It be like the pathetic Police reunion only a million times more horrible.New Gnr forever. rock4

I went to the Police reunion. It wasn't too bad haha...

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What is with all of the reunion threads? Does someone know something we do not know, or has Adler hyjacked all of your user profiles?

Lol. I'm assuming this is what we resort to when there is nothing newsworthy for a few days. With a bit of luck it will be back to Is Axl fat or gay by Monday .

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Why would TB oppose to a reunion anyway? It would bring in a lot more money then todays lineup ever will. To make sure theyre seen to stay on Axl's side?

At their peak, this was a band. The downfall of the band came when Axl wanted to take over creative control.

CUrrently, Axl is the King of GnR. He is 100% the boss, and the band members are all employees. What Axl says goes - end of story.

That also means that Beta, Vanessa and Fernado have a say in all things GnR related. Fernando even has the power to scold band members publically.

If the old band got together, Axl would lose all this power. Meaning Beta, Fernando and Vanessa would lose all their power and control and would be regulated down to just being part of Axl's crew.

The first time Fernando publically scolded Duff for something he said...........the reunion would be finished.

The first time Beta tried to tell Slash what he could do and couldn't do.............the reunion would be over.

The first time Vanessa tried to tell Izzy her opinion on lyrics he was writing.........the reunion would be toast.

Beta and her children don't want a reunion as they would lose all their power over the GnR brand.

You sound retarded here Groghan...sorry someone had to tell you.

Coming from the guy who thinks DJ is a better guitar player than Slash, that the new band is 1000 times better than the old band, and that admits he instantly came in his pants when he heard Axl was going to do a concert in Canada..............I'm not real offended that you don't agree with my post. Oh, and the fact that for about a year Sailway was your bbf on here and you actually thought she was a man........really doesn't speak well of your intelligence level!!!!!

But rather than just throwing out personal comments, why don't you tell me what points I made that are "retarded" in your view? Several people have agreed with me in this topic and your really the only one who disagrees. Tell us where I'm wrong and what the actual facts are.

I will even help you get started. Just copy/paste and finish the comment: "Axl is God, Slash is evil, DJ makes me get hard.........................

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The whole Slash walking into the hotel pic with guitar in hand. If and that's a big IF. If it does exist,could it have been that Slash was entering the hotel with guitar in hand going to his hotel room?Most guitar players never go anywhere without their guitar.

Then Axl's entourage saw him or had word get back to them,once again with them not knowing the whole detail of why Slash was seen walking into the same hotel,with his guitar in tow.

Edited by SweetRose
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Why would TB oppose to a reunion anyway? It would bring in a lot more money then todays lineup ever will. To make sure theyre seen to stay on Axl's side?

At their peak, this was a band. The downfall of the band came when Axl wanted to take over creative control.

CUrrently, Axl is the King of GnR. He is 100% the boss, and the band members are all employees. What Axl says goes - end of story.

That also means that Beta, Vanessa and Fernado have a say in all things GnR related. Fernando even has the power to scold band members publically.

If the old band got together, Axl would lose all this power. Meaning Beta, Fernando and Vanessa would lose all their power and control and would be regulated down to just being part of Axl's crew.

The first time Fernando publically scolded Duff for something he said...........the reunion would be finished.

The first time Beta tried to tell Slash what he could do and couldn't do.............the reunion would be over.

The first time Vanessa tried to tell Izzy her opinion on lyrics he was writing.........the reunion would be toast.

Beta and her children don't want a reunion as they would lose all their power over the GnR brand.

You sound retarded here Groghan...sorry someone had to tell you.

Coming from the guy who thinks DJ is a better guitar player than Slash, that the new band is 1000 times better than the old band, and that admits he instantly came in his pants when he heard Axl was going to do a concert in Canada..............I'm not real offended that you don't agree with my post. Oh, and the fact that for about a year Sailway was your bbf on here and you actually thought she was a man........really doesn't speak well of your intelligence level!!!!!

But rather than just throwing out personal comments, why don't you tell me what points I made that are "retarded" in your view? Several people have agreed with me in this topic and your really the only one who disagrees. Tell us where I'm wrong and what the actual facts are.

I will even help you get started. Just copy/paste and finish the comment: "Axl is God, Slash is evil, DJ makes me get hard.........................

LOL you are always great for a good laugh bro!

The stuff that's retarded are all your assumptions about Beta, Fernando, Vanessa etc.....What about Del James man? Where does he fit in your little dream? No love for Jarmo?

Sailaway? Man or woman? I don't really care at least he's/she's a dedicated GNR fan since 88.

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Why would TB oppose to a reunion anyway? It would bring in a lot more money then todays lineup ever will. To make sure theyre seen to stay on Axl's side?

At their peak, this was a band. The downfall of the band came when Axl wanted to take over creative control.

CUrrently, Axl is the King of GnR. He is 100% the boss, and the band members are all employees. What Axl says goes - end of story.

That also means that Beta, Vanessa and Fernado have a say in all things GnR related. Fernando even has the power to scold band members publically.

If the old band got together, Axl would lose all this power. Meaning Beta, Fernando and Vanessa would lose all their power and control and would be regulated down to just being part of Axl's crew.

The first time Fernando publically scolded Duff for something he said...........the reunion would be finished.

The first time Beta tried to tell Slash what he could do and couldn't do.............the reunion would be over.

The first time Vanessa tried to tell Izzy her opinion on lyrics he was writing.........the reunion would be toast.

Beta and her children don't want a reunion as they would lose all their power over the GnR brand.

You sound retarded here Groghan...sorry someone had to tell you.

[...] Several people have agreed with me in this topic and your really the only one who disagrees. [...]

I most certainly believe your ideas about how members of Team Brazil would micromanage the reunited band members are fat-fetched at best.

Edited by SoulMonster
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back in 2001 apologizing would have done the trick back then slash didn't want it atleast not enough to make the first move. sometime since then axl doesn't want it.

a reunion can only happen if beta pushes axl into it. people will stop being interested in nostalgia tour of nu band eventually. maybe she'll call perla and they reach an agreement.

I think Axl hated slash in 2001 more than he does now.

Kicking a guy with a slash shirt out at rio, saying slash is in his ass, ranting about slash, izzy, etc numerous times.

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According to Marc, Perla was behind both incidents. So it's possible he never really wanted a reunion at all. And what the fuck is is with all the reunion threads today anyway?

It's possible, but it doesn't matter in the least because Perla is still there to make him.

Overgrown washed up has-been bitches letting ugly old women control their lives. They're both fucking pathetic.

This x 100

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There is a lot of talk about Axl not wanting a reunion, but why doesnt Slash want a reunion? He is the one that walked out on GnR. He has not made any effort to reconcile with Axl and as it stands now, HE is the one that has to make the first move. Axl will never make that first move.

Why tthe fuck would slash kiss axl's fat ass, especially with as shaky as axl sounds these days? I don't thnk Slash has any intention of playing with any other singer not named Myles Kennedy. The guy mirrors slash's work ethic and professionalism and I don't think Slash would sacrifice that @ this point in his career, especially with Axl's diva behavior and his Brazilian management team.

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There is a lot of talk about Axl not wanting a reunion, but why doesnt Slash want a reunion? He is the one that walked out on GnR. He has not made any effort to reconcile with Axl and as it stands now, HE is the one that has to make the first move. Axl will never make that first move.

Why tthe fuck would slash kiss axl's fat ass, especially with as shaky as axl sounds these days? I don't thnk Slash has any intention of playing with any other singer not named Myles Kennedy. The guy mirrors slash's work ethic and professionalism and I don't think Slash would sacrifice that @ this point in his career, especially with Axl's diva behavior and his Brazilian management team.

If they were to reunite and Axl pulled some shit, how would that reflect badly on Slash? It would just make him look "more right" in the whole past conflict bullshit.

I reckon Slash would do a reunion. Or at least I pray that's the case. Now just to get Oral Sex on board...

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Nosaj Thing - You misunderstood my meaning. First what I was saying was, the ONLY thing Slash could even try would be a public apology and an admittance of all wrong doing. I didn't say he should do it, or that it was true, or that he was the the one completely in the wrong. Just stating that its the only thing Axl may even listen to.

I see. No problem, I apologize!

Second, as for hiding and not saying a word, and Slash possibly speaking the truth, I just think that's small minded. Obviously, without a doubt, they both fucked each other over in some manner or another. Just because Slash chose to take his feud public before Axl doesn't make Slash's side more true. I'm sure there are truths to both sides. But to think something very serious didn't happen on Slash's part towards Axl is just naive. Axl has mended fences with everyone else. Obviously he feels Slash has crossed a line on a very personal level. Whether its petty to us or not, really makes no difference. Something happened, we can debate, guess, point fingers, blame, and bitch and complain. But since no one has ever really said what happened, we may never know. I don't want to hear Axls side, nor do I want to hear Slash's side. I'd like to hear from someone who was there, saw everything, knows the truth, and wasn't in a haze of drugs and alcohol during the whole time, nor has any reason to have chosen sides over one or the other. But I really don't think this person exists.

Nobody is denying that Slash was at fault for what went down back then. It'd be really silly for me to believe his stories in full. I never said I did, what I was saying was: I'd love to hear Axl's side of the story because somehow, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Unfortunately for Axl, "silence speak volumes" and he kept silent for years and then said that he let Slash play his game, yeah right. He also said Slash wanted to take over Guns, yeah right and who is backing up your story? Slash had Duff, Matt, Gilby and Izzy and multiple people who used to work with Guns backing him up and while that doesn't mean I have to go with Slash, that's the only story I've heard.

You said that Axl was to blame because he kept the GN'R name and all I'm saying is no.

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i just think a reunion would be pointless. the rest of the old band are doing their own thing, axl is doing his thing. i doubt any of the old magic is there anymore, since a reunion would be pretty much a decision that would be based on money.

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Nosaj Thing - You misunderstood my meaning. First what I was saying was, the ONLY thing Slash could even try would be a public apology and an admittance of all wrong doing. I didn't say he should do it, or that it was true, or that he was the the one completely in the wrong. Just stating that its the only thing Axl may even listen to.

I see. No problem, I apologize!

Second, as for hiding and not saying a word, and Slash possibly speaking the truth, I just think that's small minded. Obviously, without a doubt, they both fucked each other over in some manner or another. Just because Slash chose to take his feud public before Axl doesn't make Slash's side more true. I'm sure there are truths to both sides. But to think something very serious didn't happen on Slash's part towards Axl is just naive. Axl has mended fences with everyone else. Obviously he feels Slash has crossed a line on a very personal level. Whether its petty to us or not, really makes no difference. Something happened, we can debate, guess, point fingers, blame, and bitch and complain. But since no one has ever really said what happened, we may never know. I don't want to hear Axls side, nor do I want to hear Slash's side. I'd like to hear from someone who was there, saw everything, knows the truth, and wasn't in a haze of drugs and alcohol during the whole time, nor has any reason to have chosen sides over one or the other. But I really don't think this person exists.

Nobody is denying that Slash was at fault for what went down back then. It'd be really silly for me to believe his stories in full. I never said I did, what I was saying was: I'd love to hear Axl's side of the story because somehow, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Unfortunately for Axl, "silence speak volumes" and he kept silent for years and then said that he let Slash play his game, yeah right. He also said Slash wanted to take over Guns, yeah right and who is backing up your story? Slash had Duff, Matt, Gilby and Izzy and multiple people who used to work with Guns backing him up and while that doesn't mean I have to go with Slash, that's the only story I've heard.

You said that Axl was to blame because he kept the GN'R name and all I'm saying is no.

Slash did something when Axl was putting nuGuns together, it didn't involve Duff, and it crossed the line with Axl. It had nothing to do with the AFD "new" recordings. Odds are lawyers were fanning flames, personal shit was being brought up, and mud was being thrown.

It's up to Axl whether or not he wants to say what it was.

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Why would TB oppose to a reunion anyway? It would bring in a lot more money then todays lineup ever will. To make sure theyre seen to stay on Axl's side?

At their peak, this was a band. The downfall of the band came when Axl wanted to take over creative control.

CUrrently, Axl is the King of GnR. He is 100% the boss, and the band members are all employees. What Axl says goes - end of story.

That also means that Beta, Vanessa and Fernado have a say in all things GnR related. Fernando even has the power to scold band members publically.

If the old band got together, Axl would lose all this power. Meaning Beta, Fernando and Vanessa would lose all their power and control and would be regulated down to just being part of Axl's crew.

The first time Fernando publically scolded Duff for something he said...........the reunion would be finished.

The first time Beta tried to tell Slash what he could do and couldn't do.............the reunion would be over.

The first time Vanessa tried to tell Izzy her opinion on lyrics he was writing.........the reunion would be toast.

Beta and her children don't want a reunion as they would lose all their power over the GnR brand.

You sound retarded here Groghan...sorry someone had to tell you.

[...] Several people have agreed with me in this topic and your really the only one who disagrees. [...]

I most certainly believe your ideas about how members of Team Brazil would micromanage the reunited band members are fat-fetched at best.

Do you believe that the current management team micromanages the band now?

Based on things that Beta has said (using her "mother" status as a guilt trip to Axl that she would leave if she wasn't the band's manager) and Fernando actually scolding a band member in public..............and the fact that people closer to the situation than us have said that Beta hates Slash................from all of that, you think that during a reunion Beta and her kids would take a back seat and relinquish the power that they have now?

So we know - for a FACT - that Fernando has the power and authority to publically scold a band member.

Do you think if Fernando did that to Slash or Izzy that they would apologize and whimper back to their corner like BBF did?



Del seems like he is just around for the party. I bet he would to be a part of a reunion. He seems like a decent enough guy.

Jarmo - who cares? He runs a website, who really cares what he thinks?

And the fact that you think Warchild being a fan is a "good" or positive thing..............bro, you might want to rethink that.

Edited by Groghan
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I remember a rumor back in '06 right before the Hammerstein shows that Axl and Slash (or "their people" at least) were negotiating for Slash to come back to the band. Supposedly they were close to an agreement. The biggest issue was that Axl wanted Slash to give up all his share of credits to the back catalog to Axl. Obviously he refused, and that's why the last minute Bumblefoot addition just 2 weeks before the shows. I don't know if it's true or not, but it doesn't sound completely unreasonable.

I think it's a little silly to think that all it would take is an apology to make years of bitterness just disappear.

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