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What are you watching? a.k.a. Film Thread v 2.0

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It was kind of like the Thai version of Drive meets Lynch. It was the same director as Drive? Having seem some Thai action movies in Bangkok I know they do pretty violent movies, so I see some connection there. Ultra violence surrealism. People walked out of it at Film festivals. I suppose it's meant to be suspense but it might just be boring. It was kind of chill. I saw Enter the Void around the same time and thought that was much more fun.

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Watched Hello Ladies the film last night, half of it anyway, hilairious as usual from Steve Merchant, love Steve :)

Knock knock.

Keanu still Keanu. I'm enjoying these smaller movies reminds me why I started watching movies. Blockbusters just don't do it for me much.

These chicks are insane!

i started watching movies intently when Sylvester Stallone and Arnie began offing people in record numbers on screen :lol: I've always watched films a great deal, obssessively but they were always just older stuff my Dad watched (and in respect to his taste thats the stuff mostly thats endured), the developing of my own personal taste, though it veered drastically from this direction in later years, was basically Commando, First Blood, Terminator, Raw Deal, Red Heat etc etc...then came the Kung Fu movies...then i began to see the value in all the older movies of my old mans i spent years and years watching.

Commando though is probably the most lasting impression a film made on me, i can recall literally where i was and what i was doing when i first saw that film (getting into a fight with my little cousins, as a punishment i was sent to sit with the grown ups...who happened to be watching Commando :lol:). To an 8 year old that movie was fucking fantastic. First film i ever owned too that weren't taped off the telly, uncle got it for me as a present :)

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Watched Hello Ladies the film last night, half of it anyway, hilairious as usual from Steve Merchant, love Steve :)

Knock knock.

Keanu still Keanu. I'm enjoying these smaller movies reminds me why I started watching movies. Blockbusters just don't do it for me much.

These chicks are insane!

i started watching movies intently when Sylvester Stallone and Arnie began offing people in record numbers on screen :lol: I've always watched films a great deal, obssessively but they were always just older stuff my Dad watched (and in respect to his taste thats the stuff mostly thats endured), the developing of my own personal taste, though it veered drastically from this direction in later years, was basically Commando, First Blood, Terminator, Raw Deal, Red Heat etc etc...then came the Kung Fu movies...then i began to see the value in all the older movies of my old mans i spent years and years watching.

Commando though is probably the most lasting impression a film made on me, i can recall literally where i was and what i was doing when i first saw that film (getting into a fight with my little cousins, as a punishment i was sent to sit with the grown ups...who happened to be watching Commando :lol:). To an 8 year old that movie was fucking fantastic. First film i ever owned too that weren't taped off the telly, uncle got it for me as a present :)

The first two movies I watched were Animal House and Blues Brothers. I watched Star Wars or Ghostbusters but movies on vhs on repeat were those two and I was thinking today as I drank a beer on the bus that they really have influenced my life. Everything all my decisions I check with Belushi first. Should I get bottle of wine or a six pack. Why not get both and drink them on the bus home. Sounds like a good start.
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The Walk - Godamn it. First half is so fucking terrible it defies belief. But when it finally gets to the point, the recreation of Petit's equal parts insane and magical stunt is rendered so fucking beautifully (if not also nauseatingly) it deserves to be seen. And obviously on the biggest screen possible and the 3D is entirely justified for once.

Blackhat, horrendous piece of shit.

I still can't believe Michael Mann directed it.

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Been on a massive westerns kick the past couple of weeks...

True Grit (the remake)

Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

Once Upon a Time in the West

The Professionals

The Professionals is fucking class! As is Once Upon a Time...i refuse to watch the True Grit remake, i wont ever watch a John Wayne remake, its the real thing or not at all with me :lol:

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Been on a massive westerns kick the past couple of weeks...

True Grit (the remake)

Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

Once Upon a Time in the West

The Professionals

The Professionals is fucking class! As is Once Upon a Time...i refuse to watch the True Grit remake, i wont ever watch a John Wayne remake, its the real thing or not at all with me :lol:

Yeah you can't mess with the Duke. Only thing you're missing out on with the remake is the kid. That little actress they got just steals the show.

Just me or is Professionals overlooked? Just never seem to hear about it when talking about great westerns, and I would say it's great, Lancaster and Marvin kill it, Jack Palance as a mean ass mexican, Cardinale is smokin. One of my favorites.

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It really is, in fact Burt Lancaster, Kirk Douglas, history dont remember these guys as much as they should for their westerns. Jack Palance is a fuckin' hero of mine!

Problem with western history books is how fuckin' thin they are, no one talks about Alan Ladd anymore, or Randolph Scott...or Johnny Mack Brown, who i guess is lot more obscure so not the same thing.

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Jack Palance is boss. I read some production notes on The Professionals and found out Lee Marvin was on a big time drinking binge during shooting. Being late, hungover everyday. They said it aggravated the shit out of Lancaster. You couldn't tell though from their performances. And yeah, lots of guys and movies for that matter have been sort of forgotten about.

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Shane is the western I rewatch. And then Young Guns 2 is vital. Pale Rider. Blazing Saddles and Silverado. City Slickers!

City Slickers, Jack Palance once again. I actually like both Young Guns. Tombstone is my favorite modern western.

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Some of the best dialogue in film history is in westerns too!

You a bounty hunter boy?

Mans gotta do something for a livin'..

Dyin' ain't much of a livin' boy!]


Nobody throws me my gun and tells me to ride on...nobody!

How can you trust a man who wears both a belt and suspenders? Man can't even trust his own pants!

Generosity! That was my first mistake! I leave these people a little extra and they use it to make trouble against me. Goes to show you, sooner or later you will have to answer for every good deed.

Name the films they're from and you win a lollipop!

Edited by Len B'stard
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Some of the best dialogue in film history is in westerns too!

You a bounty hunter boy?

Mans gotta do something for a livin'..

Dyin' ain't much of a livin' boy!]


Nobody throws me my gun and tells me to ride on...nobody!

How can you trust a man who wears both a belt and suspenders? Man can't even trust his own pants!

Generosity! That was my first mistake! I leave these people a little extra and they use it to make trouble against me. Goes to show you, sooner or later you will have to answer for every good deed.

Name the films they're from and you win a lollipop!

Dyin aint much of a livin is The Outlaw Josey Wales.

Man can't trust his own pants is Once Upon a Time in the West.

But you can keep your lollipop :D

Val Kilmer's Doc Holliday is a walking quote in Tombstone. And he turns in a top notch great can't say enough about it performance too.

I'm your Huckleberry.

You'll be a daisy if ya do.

Say when!

"It's the drunk piano player. So drunk I bet he's seein doubles"

"Well then I got two guns. One for each of ya"

"You're sick Doc. You should be in bed. Why are you doin this?"

"Wyatt Earpe is my friend"

"Hell I got lots of friends Doc"

"I don't"

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